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24 Cards in this Set

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Child Harm, Injury, Endangerment 273(a)
Person wilfully causes or permits children to suffer from neglect in a number of basic areas including ffod, clothing medical care, amotional and love they need.(M) if not likely to produce SBI or death..Otherwise (F) also assault of child under 8 w/death
Physical Abuse of Child w/Corporal Injury 273(d) (Felony)
Actually causing physical pain.Cruel and inhumain resulting in traumatic condition.Any kind of punishment inflictged on the body..If there is a mark the next day than it is considered abuse.
Lewd and Lascivious Acts on a minor 288 P.C. (F)
**Touching required
With intent to arouse on self, touching of child bare or through clothing enough.or amking child touch you or others.
(under 13 all apply)
(14-15 Has to be more than 10 yrs difference)
(16-17 does not apply)
Annoying or Molesting Children 647.6 P.C.
Touching is not required..Can be words alone.Harrassor annoying sexual advances.Masturbating in front of. (F) or (M) depending on prior convictions.
(under 13 making sexual advances verbal)
(14-15 younger than 10 yrs any sex or sexual act)
(16-17 anything)
Possesion of Child Porn311.11
Knowingly posseses child under 18 commiting sexual acts. Nudity does not necceserally mean sexual..clotehd can be sexual.1st time (M) second or more (F)
Child Porn not included
Drawings, figurines, statutes..Others...has to expose genitals in a sexual way.
Unlawful Sexual Intercourse 261.5
Age 3 yrs or less (M) 3+(F).
Sex who is not spouse.
Both minors is also a crime.
Mandated Reporting 11166 P.C.
Teachers, medical, other profesionals..36 hours for report..
Persons reporting name shall remain confidential
Misdemeanor if not reported
* must report to child services not just school police or security
**Person reported can not be sued if accusation is not true but can be sued if they knowingly file a false report.
Warrant for removing minors
Need to comply with Knock Knock..
**Can also go in with consent
Warrantless Entries
Exigent circumnstances.
Child presently in danger, serious damge to property, imminent escape of suspect or evidence is about to be destroyed...Officer takes 5 yr old home , no answer and goes in..***Can not go in for emotinal abuse/Misdemeanor neglect
Ward of the court
Minor who has been found to be disobediant, truant, or has commited a crime..
300 W.I.C. (Dependent)
At risk of physical, emotional abuse or neglect.
In need of immediate medical care or shelter.
*If you arrest parent you can take child into custody with this code.
601 W.I.C. (Status Offenders)
-Refuses to obey orders from adults
-Curfew, Runaway, Probation violations
INCORRIGIBLE(incapable of being corrected, reformed or improved)
602 W.I.C. (Ward of the Court)
Participant in a criminal act.
**Drinking and smoking underage
Temporary Custody
Legal Equivalent of an arrest.
**Officers may take juveniles into custody for Misdemenaors not commited in their presense
***If a pesron commits a crime at 17 and is arrested as an adult, it has to go to juvenile court
Education Code 48264
Truant only one time gives an officer the rigth to take into custody for the purpose of returning to school.
Custody in Facility
No more than 6 hours.
To investigate a case, release to parent, or arrange transport to Juvi Hall.
Unless Officer is present, no males an females together, adults and children and seperate 300, 601, and 602's..2 hours to administer a test in an adult facility and can not be locked in a cell or room there...
Secured Location
In Law-enforcement facility (police station)locked or physically secured to a cuffing rail or stationary
object.(No more than 30 mins untill locked location can be had)
*14+ when they pose a serius security threat.Violent or escape risk or have priors for violence
Non-Secured Location
Minor has free movement but can be hancuffed as long it is not to a stationary object.
Informing the Minor
*2 phone calls within one hour(3 within 3 hours)
*reason for being secured
*length detention is expected to last
***6 hour Max
Supervision from Officer
Closer supervision than if it was an adult
-Within hearing distance of minor
-Documented visual checks every 30 mins(Not through cameras)
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Threatens , commands, persuades, induces...
*Another minor can be guilty of this
**Something you should do that you failed to do, or something you should not do
***If a person does anything that falls into 300, 601, or 602.
Lunging Distance and protective sweep
Bags he may have had access to, or protective sweep for people or suspects in adjoining rooms or if you hear noise or suspect people are upstairs.
Miranda for minors
Custody=Miranda even if no questions asked(601 or 602)
No understanding of rights needed
{if you are going to interogate than you should check for understanding and get waiver
**Do not need parents present