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77 Cards in this Set

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taking & carrying away
personal property of another
with the intent to permanently deprive
1. Statute
2. Status Relationship
3. Contractual Agreement
4. Voluntary assuming care of another
Perp came into possession
of personal property of another lawfully and
thereafter fraudulently converted for own use
Theft by False Pretenses
Taking title and possession
to the property of another
by false statement of past or prestent fact
upon which owner relies
with intent to defraud
Recieveing Stolen Property
Receiving stolen property
Knowing that it was stolen at the time it was received
(can't be guilty of theft and receiving stolen prop for same prop)
Breaking and
Entering the
Dwelling house of another
at night
with intent to commit a felony therein
Real property or real structures of any kind
without the consent of the owner, owner's agent or person in lawful possession
taking & carrying away
personal property of another
from immediate presense
with the intent to permanently deprive
by means of force or threat of force
Likely to produce fear in the victim.
1. Attempted battery
2. attempt to place victim in apprehension that they will be harmed. Any action that threatens to injure victim (words not enough)
Unlawful application of force. (even slight touching) on another person
resulting in bodily injury or
an offensive touching
with intent (gen) to apply the physical force
(Actus Reus) Commision of an act
That goes beyond mere preparation of a crime.
and initiates commission of the crime
with the specific intent to commit the target crime, even if the crime does not require specific intent.
Defense to Attempt
D's actions have gone beyond mere preparation
D (before target crime is completed) voluntarily and completely stops the criminal efforts and renounces his intent to commit the crime.
Abandonment is not caused by difficulties in completion or timing of crime.
Obtaining or taking property
by means of threat or
1. Future violence
2. Exposure of Embarrasing Info OR
3. Filing a criminal action or reporting a victims wrongful action to govt. authorities.
With specific intent to extort
D requests another person to commit a crime or join in the commission of a crime.
With specific intent that the crime be committed.
THe other person received the communicatino containing the request. (attempted conspiracy)
An agreement between 2 or more persons to commit one or more criminal acts.
(double mens rea) with specific intent to commit the crime AND
the specific intent to agree to commit the crimes
Pinkerton Rule
(Co-conspirator Liability)
Conspirator is guilty of every forseeable offense committed by every other conspirator in furtherance of the conspiracy.
(knowledge and assistance not required)
Wharton's Rule
Cannot charge conspiracy for a crime that requires two individuals
Chain conspiracy
Multiple people perform different jobs in order to obtain the group interest. (Sale of narcotics chain)
Wheel Conspiracy
1. Separate spokes have a vested interest in the success of one another illegal conduct (same criminal enterprise)
2. Only connection is that they all know the middle man (hub). multiple small conspiracies. Spokes not liable for one anothers actions.
Defense: Abandonment/Renunciation
1. Tell members he is withdrawing.
2. (some juris)take steps to report to law enforcement, to prevent commission of crime.
3. Ends liability for crimes after abandonment, but not before.
Sexual intercouse
with a woman
not the perps wife
without her consent
by means of force, threat of force, fear or fraud.
overcoming her resistance (not modern law)
Unlawful confinement
Movement of a person a substantial distance
By force, threat of force, or deception.
Against the person's will
*General Intent
False Imprisonment
Unlawful restraining
Confining or detaining another person
by force or threat of force
compelling the other person to remain or go somewhere
agains the person's will
The burning
of a dwelling house (mod: any struct/prop)
of another (mod: can be your own)
with malice (general int.)(mod: reckless burning is also arson)
Killing of a human being by a human being
Transferred Intent
"bad shot"
If you are acting with malice, the intent can be transfered from the intended victim to the actual victim
Actual Cause
"but for" test
Proximate Cause
Substantial factor in death. Can be multiple proximate causes.
Intervening cause occurs between the actual causation and the death of the victim.
Superseding = unforeseeable - will detach liability from the D
Unlawful killing
Of a human being
By another human being
With malice aforethought
Intent to kill
Intent to cause GBI
Extreme recklessness
Felony Murder (Implied malice)
Intent to Kill Factors
deadly weapon
intent to cause GBI Factors
Violent, hostile, aggressive means
Extreme Recklessness Factors
Wanton and willful disreguard for value of human life
Consciously, substantial & unjustifiable risk to human life
Knowledge act is dangerous, but does it anyway
Felony Murder
Malice implied if murder is committed during the commission of one of the following crimes:
FMR time period - Res Gesae
From the time they could be charged with attempt to the time they reach a place of safety
FMR - abstract theory
Whether the felony in inherently dangerous.

FMR - Concrete Theory
Case by case - TOC - was "this" felony committed in a dangerous way.
Murder 1st Degree
Premeditation (thought about and planned in advance/ doesn't need to be far in advance)
Deliberation (cool consious thought/consideration)
Violent Felonies (FMR)
Special victims/means
Murder 2nd Degree
Intent to kill w/o premed/deliberation
Intent to cause GBI
Extreme recklessness
Unlawful killing
of a human being
by another human being
without malice
Involuntary Manslaughter
Criminally negligent mans.
Gross negligence that occurs during a lawful act that results in the death of another
Misdemeanor mans.
Occurs during an unlawful act not amounting to a felony
Involuntary Manslaughter
Criminally negligent mans.
Gross negligence that occurs during a lawful act that results in the death of another
Misdemeanor mans.
Occurs during an unlawful act not amounting to a felony
Voluntary Manslaughter

No Malice
Malice in negated by a defense from a charge of murder 1 or 2
Heat of Passion
1. Under influence of strong passion which overcame his reason
2. Insufficient time to cool off.
3. Individual did not actually cool off.
4. Passion is a result of legally adequate provocation.
Legally adequate provocation (common law)
Observation of adultry of spouse
Mutual combat
Assault of wife or child
Illegal arrest
Aggravated assault
Legally adequate provocation
(modern law)
Would a reasonable person be so provoked (words never enough)
Extreme emotional disturbance as a negator (MPC)
1. Under influence of strong passion which overcame his reason.
2. No specific act required (words are enough)
3. insufficient cooling off period
4. Ind. did no actually cool off.
Justification Defenses
Act is normally criminal, but under the circumstances is legally and/or morally acceptable, and does not deserve criminal liability
Perfect Self Defense
A complete defense that results in aquital.
Perfect Self Defense Elements
1. Honest & reasonable belief
2. Imminent and unlawful threat
3. Proportional response to that threat.
4. D is not the aggressor
5. No duty to retreat (majority)
Duty to retreat
Majority - no duty even if safe place to retreat
Minority - must retreat rather than use deadly force if he can do so in complete safety
Battered Woman Syndrome
Self Defense
Initial Aggressor can use self defense if:
Communicates to adversary intent to withdraw.
Attempts to do so in good faith.
Defense of others
A person can use the same force (but not more) to defend another, in same circumstances that they would defend themselves.
Defense of Others
Alter Ego Rule
A person who intervenes under "reasonable but mistaken" belief that he is protecting a person is NOT free from criminal liability - Interfere at own ristk.
Defense of Others
Objective Test Theory
A person who intervenes under "reasonable but mistaken" belief is free from criminal liability
Defense of Property
(Common Law)
deadly force may be used to prevent any felony
Defense of Property
Modern Law
Deadly force is never permitted to protect property only.
Non-deadly force O.K. (reasonable)
May use limited force to prevent unlawful entry
Defense of Habitation
General can't use deadly force
Can use deadly force to prevent imminent, unlawful entry if deadly force in neccessary to prevent entry and intruder intends atrocious felony (BARKRM)
Compeled to commit a criminal act, by non-human events.
"lesser of two evils"
Harm sought to be avoided is greater than harm committed.
No third alternative (non-criminal or lesser crime)
Harm is imminent (not future)
Clean hands ( no substantial contribution)
Public Duty/Crime Prevention
A cit. may use force if reasonably necc. to prevent crime (most states serious crime/CA any crime)
A Cit can use non-deadly force to arrest a person who has committed a crime.
Law Enforcement
Must use reasonable force to arrest based on PC
Deadly force allowed to prevent fleeing felon if that person poses a threat of death or GBI to 3rd party.
PO cannot shoot unarmed non-dangerous fleeing felon
Excuse Defenses
excuses conduct that is socially undesirable and renders D free from blame. (focus on actor's disability, not the act)(non-transferable)
defendant must show that he was insane at the time the crime was committed. Can be entitled to a verdict of not-guilty by reason of insanity
M'Naghten Rule
Suffering from a mental defect in thier reasoning powers.
1. Did not know the nature and quality of the act committed.
2. Knew the nature of the act but did not comprehend the act was morally wrong.
Irresistible Impulse Test
At the time of offense, D was unable to control their conduct.
MPC: extreme mental & emotional disturbance
1. Bipolarr
2. Clyptomaniac
3. Explosive disorder
Insanity Sentencing
D is not release until they are no longer insane or dangerous (can be longer than the maximum sentence for the crime)
Voluntary Intoxication
Generally not a defense. Can be used to negate the required Mens Rea of a crime
Involuntary Intoxication
Complete defense if it causes the D to commit a crime that they otherwise wouldn't
Involuntary Intoxication Elements
1. Unwitting Intoxication (spiked drink)
2. Coerced Intoxication (at gunpoint)
3. Pathological Effects Intox. (unexpected abnormal reaction to legal medications)
Infancy (Common Law)
No child under 7 is prosecuted
7-14 presumed incapable. Pros must demonstrate they knew right from wrong and nature/conseq. of acts
14 - No infancy defense
Infancy (Modern)
You can prosecute younger if you can demostrate the mens rea.
Coerced to commit crime:
1. Threat of death or GBI
2. Imminent
3 Threat against D or close friend or family (MPC anyone)
4. Fear would cause ordinary person to yield
5. No reasonable chance to escape.
6. Clean hands.
Excuses conduct of D if criminal activity was unfairly induced by the govt.
1. Subjective test: Was D predisposed to commit crime and PO gave him the opportunity.
2. Objective test: Was the govt conduct likely to induce a normally law abiding person to commit crime.
Diminished Mental Capacity
mental defect short of mental illness.
1. Negates specific intent
2. your capacity is diminished to a point where you cannot form a mens rea
3. Abolished in CA
Imperfect Self Defense
belief was honest but unreasonable