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13 Cards in this Set

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What is victimology?

The study of victims and their contributory roles, if any, in the criminal event

What are the different typologies of victims based on victim-offender relationships?

Primary victimization

Secondary victimization

Tertiary victimization

Mutual victimization

No victimization


What is primary victimization?

When an individual Falls victim to crime

What is secondary victimization?

When an impersonal agency such as a business is victimized

E.g. stealing from a store/business

What is tertiary victimization?

When the government or public order is offended,

Perhaps through regulatory violations

E.g. rioting

What is mutual victimization?

When the participants willingly involve themselves in crime

E.g. drug dealing

What is no victimization?

the category reserved for offenses committed by youths that cannot be committed by an adult

E.g. buying beer

What is the lifestyle model?

The theory that the likelihood that an individual will suffer a personal victimization

Depends heavily on the concept of Lifestyle

What is the opportunity model?

The risk of criminal victimization depends

On people's lifestyle and daily activities

Bringing them and they're property into direct contact with potential offenders

In the absence of capable Guardians

What is the routine activity approach?

The risk of personal victimization depend upon

The routine or daily activities of people

And are the outcome of three elements

In the routine activity approach, what are the three elements?

The motivated offender

A suitable Target

The absence of capable Guardians

What are 10 components of, Fattah's, lifestyle/opportunity comprehensive victimology scheme?


Risk factor

Motivated offender

Exposure of victim


Dangerous times and dangerous places

Dangerous Behavior

High-risk activities

Defensive / avoidance behaviors

Structural / cultural proneness


What are five realities/ affects from being a victim?

Psychological scars equally or longer than physical or financial loss

Anxiety disorder, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, lowered self-esteem, feelings of social isolation

Develop PTSD

Feeling guilty

Decreased sense of satisfaction with life