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12 Cards in this Set

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Question: Cranial View

Identify the openings (see arrows) and the structures that pass through the openings.
A. Cribriform Plate and CN I
B. Superior Orbital Fissure and CNs III, IV, V1 , VI &Ophthalmic Veins
C. Foramen Rotundum and CN V2
D. Foramen Spinosum and Middle Meningeal Artery
E. Foramen Lacerum
F. Jugular Foramen and CNs IX, X & XI
G. Foramen Magnum and Brainstem, CN XI, Vertebral Arteries, & Meninges
H. Hypoglossal Canal & CN XII
I. Internal Auditory Meatus and CNs VII &VIII
J. Foramen Ovale and CN V3
K. Optic Canal and CN II
L. Foramen Cecum and Emissary Vein

Question: Ventral View

Identify the openings (see arrows) and the structures that pass through the openings.
A. Incisive Canal
B. Foramen Ovale
C. Foramen Spinosum
D. Foramen Lacerum
E. Foramen Magum
F. Carotid Canal
G. Styloid Process
H. Lesser Palatine Foramina
I. Greater Palatine Foramen
Question: Anterior View

Identify the openings (see arrows) and the structures that pass through the openings.
A. Infraorbital Foramen and Nerve
B. Mental Foramen and Nerve
C. Inferior Orbital Fissure
D. Optic Canal and Nerve
E. Superior Orbital Fissure
F. Supraorbital Notch
Question: Anterior View

Identify skull parts indicated by arrows
A. Frontal Bone
B. Maxilla
C. Mandible
D. Zygomatic Bone
E. Nasal Bone
Question: Lateral View

Identify skull parts indicated by arrows.
A. Parietal Bone
B. Occipital Bone
C. Temporal Bone
D. Ext. Auditory Meatus
E. Condyle of Mandible
F. Coronoid Process
G. Mental Foramen
H. Maxilla
I. Gtr. Wing of Sphenoid
J. Frontal Bone
K. Pterion
Question: Cranial View

Identify skull parts indicated by arrows.
A. Crista Galli
B. Lesser Wing Sphenoid
C. Greater Wing Sphenoid
D. Anterior Clinoid Process
E. Occipital bone
F. Dorsum Cellae
G. Temporal Bone Petrous Part
H. Hypophyseal Fossa
I. Frontal Bone Orbital Part
Question: Ventral View

Identify bone parts indicated by arrows.
A. Palatine Bone
B. Medial Pterygoid Plate
C. Vomer
D. Mandibular Fossa
E. Occipital Condyle
F. Occipital Bone
G. Mastoid Process
H. Basilar Part of Occipital Bone
I. Sphenoid, Greater Wing
J. Lateral Pterygoid Plate
K. Palatine Part of Maxilla
Question: Posterior View

Identify bone parts indicated by arrows.
A. Parietal Bone
B. Occipital Bone
C. Lamdoidal Suture
D. Saggital Suture
Question: Anterior View

Identify nerve branches (see arrows) and the cranial nerve branch from which they originate.
A. Supraorbital Nerve & CN V1
B. Infraorbital Nerve & CN V2
C. Supratrochlear Nerve & CN V1
D. Mental Nerve & CN V3
Question: Lateral View

Identify nerve branches (see arrows) and the cranial or spinal nerve from which they originate.

A. Third Occipital
B. Greater Occipital
C. Lesser Occipital
D. Auriculotemporal
E. Zygomaticofacial
F. Mental
G. Infraorbital
H. Zygomaticotemporal
I. Supratrochlear
J. Supraorbital
Question: Anterior View

Identify arteries indicated by arrows.

A. Supratrochlear
B. Supraorbital
C. Infraorbital
D. Mental
Question: Lateral View

Identify arteries indicated by the arrows.

A. Occipital
B. Posterior Auricular
C. Facial
D. Infraorbital
E. Supratrochlear
F. Supraorbital
G. Superficial Temporal