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39 Cards in this Set

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the only moveable bone of the skull other than the ear ossicles
cranial vault or brain box, provides case for brain, crainal meninges, crainal nerves, and associated sturctures
viscerocrainum or splanchnocranium, anterior part of the skull containing the orbits
this is the facial skeleton
the domelike roof of the crainum
calvaria (skull cap)
(AKA cranial base) is the floor of the cranium
cranial and facial bones together protect and support what
the special sense organs
by what age is the frontal suture gone
by 6- it is not closed but metopic suture that might be interpreted as a fracture in radiograph or other images
a black eye results from accumulation of fluid and blood in the upper eyelid following a blow to where
sharp supraorbital margin
what CN passes through the stylomastoid foramen
what passes through the mandibular fossa
What does the petrous portion hold
The carotid foramen holds what
carotid artery
called the keystone bone because it articulates with all other cranial bones
sphenoid bone
this is the attachment sites for jaw muscles
pterygoid processes
this forms the anterolateral floor of the cranium and lateral part of the skull
greater wing of the sphenoid
the optic foramen transmits what
the optic nerve CN II
the maxillary branch of the trigeminal CN V2) passes through what
foramen rotundum
what does the foramen ovale transmit
the mandibular nerve (CN V3)
what is the anterior ridge of the sella turcial called
tuberculum sellae
what is the central depression of the sella turcial called
hypophyseal fossa
What is the posterior ridge of the sella turcial called
dorsum sellae
crista galli does what
attaches to the membranes tha cover the brain
olfactory foramina has the what passing through it?
olfactory nerves pass (CN I)
What is the function of the superior and middle nasal conchae (AKA turbinates)
superior conchae participate in sense of smell, increase vascular surface: warms air and causes inhaled air to swirl and impact mucus: filters air
What is a clef palate
the lack of union of maxillary bones
What passes through the mandibular foramen
the inferior alveolar nerve (also artery and vein)
what nerve does anesthesia use for local anesthetic techniue
inferior alveolar nerve
the inferior alveolar nerve is a branch of
the mandibular nerve
the mandibular nerve is the 3rd branch of what
trigeminal nerve
the back part of the palatine is what
part of the hard palate
the other end of the palatine is part of
what passes through the magnum foramen
the medulla oblongata and its membranes (meninges), cranial nerve XI (accessory) and vertebrial and spinal arteries
What passes through the mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels
mental foramen has what
the mental nerve and vessels
the coronal suture unites what
the frontal and both parietal bones
the squamous sutures unites what
parietal and temporal bones
anterior, posterior, anterolaterals and posterolateral
these are the major fonanels
dense connective tissue membrane filled spaces between the cranial bone of fetuses and infants
name the paranal sinuses
frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, maxillary sinus