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27 Cards in this Set

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Name 12 cranial nerves
CN I - Olfactory
CN II - Optic
CN III - Oculomotor
CN IV - Trochlear
CN V - Trigeminal
CN VI - Abducens
CN VII - Facial
CN VIII - Vestibulocochlear
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
CN X - Vagus
CN XI - Accesory spinal
CN XII - Hypoglossal
GSA fibers carry _
Pain, temperature, touch from skin, proprioceptive info from body wall, joints, tendons
GVA fibers carry_
Pain info from epithelium lined visceral structures
GSE fibers carry _
motor impulses to skeletal muscles
GVE fibers carry
autonomic control on glandular secretion
SVA fibers carry_
Smell, taste
SVE fibers carry _
-motor control to skeletal muscles of pharynx, larynx, muscles of mastication and facial expression
SSA fibers carry _
Hearing, vision, balance
SSE fibers carry
change sensory input to ear
CN's that are strictly sensory
CN's that are both sensory and motor
CN's that are motor only
Identify cranial nerves that posess sensory ganglia
I - olfactory receptor neurons
II - retinal ganglion cells
V - trigeminal ganglion
VII - geniculate ganglion
VIII - vestibular ganglion, spiral ganglion
IX - superior and inferior ganglia
X - superior and inferior ganglia
Identify cranial nerves that have parasympathetic ganglia in their pathway
CN III - (accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve) - through ciliary ganglion to sphincter pupillae
CN VII (superior salivatory nucleus nerve) - to ptertgoplatine ganglion to innervate lacrimal, nasal, pharyngeal, palatine glands, also uses submandibular ganglion to innervate sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
CN IX (inferior salivatory nucleus) - innervation of parotid gland
CN X - posterior nucleus of vagus nerve - thoracic and abdominal viscera
Olfactory nerve component and what innervates
Sense of smell - SVA
Because it assists the body in preparing for eating by causing reflex salivation and increase in gastric motility, it is called visceral afferent
Optic nerve - components and what innervates
SSA - afferent fibers of retina, primary receptor for sense of sight
Oculomotor nerve - components and what innervates
GSE + GVE - p
GSE - motor component innervates extraocular muscles which assist in rotational movements of the globe
GVE - p - parasympathetic innervation of intra ocular muscles of the eye responsible for changing shape of lens for accomodation and pupil constriction, via INFERIOR DIVISION OF CN III and CILIARY GANLION
Trochlear nerve - components and what innervates
GSE - innervation of one extraocular muscle - SUPERIOR OBLIQUE
Because this muscle utilizes a pulley to carry out this action - nerve carries name of pulley - trochlea
Trigeminal nerve - components and what innervates
GSA - major sensory nerve of the head, innervates portion of the scalp, most of face, cornea, epithelium of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, skin of outer ear, external auditory meatus, external surface of tympanic membrane, cranial dural matter, also proprioceptive fibers to ALL skeletal muscles of head
SVE - motor to muscles that come from arches, especially 1st arch - muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatine, tensor tympani
Does trigeminal nerve has its own GVE - p fibers
No, because it distributes to majority structures of head and face, however it carries GVE - P fibers of CN's VII and IX to glands of head - both mucous and salivary
Abducens - components and what innervates
GSE - innervation of one extraocular muscle - LATERAL RECTUS
Named for ability to " abduct" (bring laterally) eye
Facial - components and what innervates
SVE - motor innervation to skeletal muscles that come from arches - especially 2nd arch - muscles of facial expression, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric muscle, stapedius
GSA - sensory to portion of external ear and external meatus
SVA- taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue via CHORDA TYMPANI
GVA - sensory to upper most portion of pharynx
GVE - p - parasympathetic to lacrimal gland, nasal , palatel, oral and pharyngeal mucous glands via GREATER PETROSAL NERVE and PTERYGOPALATINE GANGLION
to submandibular and sublingual salivary glands via CHORDA TYMPANI and SUBMANDIBULAR GANGLION
Vestibulocochlear - components and what innervates
SSA - afferent fibers from organ of Corti for hearing
afferent fibers from semicircular canals, utricle and macula of internal ear - equilibrium
SSE - motor fibers related to modifying auditory input
Glossopharyngeal - components and what innervates
SVE - motor innervation to skeletal muscles that come from arches - arch III - stylopharyngeus
GSA - sensory to portion of skin of external ear
SVA - taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
GVA - sensory to epithelium of endodermal origin which lines majority of pharynx, middle ear, internal tympanic membrane, parotid gland, carotid sinus
GVE -p - secretory fibers to parotid gland via LESSER PETROSAL NERVE abd OTIC GANGLION
Vagus - components and what innervates
SVE - muscles of arches IV and VI, muscles of pharynx, larynx and upper portion of esophagus (also CN XI)
GSA - cutaneous innervation to external ear, meatus, dura mater of posterior cranial fossa
SVA - taste from lingual surface of epiglottis
GVA - sensory innervation of epithelium of root of tongue, larynx, respiratory, heart, gut, gonads
GVE -p - smooth muscle of gut, respiratory and cardiac muscle
Spinal accesory - components and what innervates
SVE - arches IV and VI, cant distinguish from CN XI
GSE - motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
Hypoglossal - components and what innervates
GSE - motor to muscles of tongue - styloglossus, genioglossus, hyoglossus, and intrinsic muscles