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22 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
oculomotor n.
innervation of what extrinsic muscles
functional fiber types
GSE for all below
superior, medial, inferior rectus m
inferior oblique m
Levator palpabrae superioris m.
where is oculomotor n. arising from brain?
size and description of n.?
leaves anterior surface brainstem between midbrain and pons
small and round
oculomotor n.
innervation of what intrinsic eye muscles?
fiber types?
constrictor papillae m.
cilliary m.

postganglionic PARAsympathetic Generaral visceral efferent (GVE)
other nerves acting on the eye?
where from?
fiber type?
NOTE: not from Oculomotor n. III
dilator pupillae m.
Müller's m. (superior tarsal m.) - smooth m.

Postganglionic SYMPAthetic visceral efferents enter orbit from the internal carotid plexus
what happens as cilliary m. contracts?
lens thickens
what topographical origin is the Olfactory n. (I)?
nerve functional type of Olfactory n. (I)?
Special visceral afferent (SVA)
Location of Olfactory n. (I)? Foramina it passes through?location of synapse?
peripheral processes are in nasal mucosa
pass through cribiform foramina and gather superior to cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
synapse w/ secondary neurons in olfactory bulb
Topographical origin of CN II optic n.?
nerve functional type
Special Somatic Afferent
what myelinates the optic tract?
oligodendroglial cells
if a tumor formed in the region of the infundibulum of the pituitary gland, what is a likely outcome?
compression of optic chiasm
affect vision
what nerve innervates the medial rectus m. and the inferior oblique m.? what other muscles does this nerve innervate?
occulomotor (CN III)

extrinsic eye m.:
Superior rectus
Lateral rectus
Inferior rectus

Levator palpabrae superioris (skeletal m.)

(listed previously: medial rectus and inferior
occulomotor n. fiber type
General Somatic efferent to extrinsic eye m.
GVE to intrinsic eye m.:
constrictor pupillae m.
ciliary m.
what type of fiber innervates the constrictor pupillae and ciliary m.?
postganglionic parasympathetic
from the ciliary ganglion
what does the constrictor pupillae m. do?
ciliary m?
1. constrict the pupil
2. accomodation of lens for near vision
what muscles are antagonistic to the postganglionic parasympathetics from occulomotor n.?
dilator pupillae
müllers m.
what are the fiber types and where do they arise for the dilator pupillae and müllers m.?
1. postganglionic sympathetic fibers
2. arise from internal carotid plexus, pass through orbit, then innervate each m.
what foramen does the oculomotor n. pass?
superior orbital fissure
what important blood vessels does oculomotor n. pass?
superior cerebellar and posterior cerebellar a.
where does trochlear n IV arise?
dorsal apsect of mesencephalon (midbrain)
what m. does trochlear n. innervate?
Superior oblique (extraocular m.)
what fiber types have the trigeminal n.? and to what m.?
Afferent GSA to:
sensory to face
1/2 anterior scalp
mucous memb. of oral and nasal sinus
tympanic membrane
eye & conjunctiva
Dura mater (anterior cranial fossa)
Efferent Branchial to:
muscles of mastication
tensor tympani
tensor veli palatini
anterior belly digastric m.
mylohyoid m.