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21 Cards in this Set

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Acronym for cranial nerves
On occasion our trusty truck acts funny; very good vehicle any how
name the cranial nerves in order
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal
what cranial nerves are sensory?

name them.
I, II, and VIII

Olfactory, Optic, and Vestibulocochlear
what cranial nerves are motor?

name them.
III, IV, VI, XI, and XII

Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens, Accessory, Hypoglossal
what cranial nerves are mixed motor and sensory?

name them.

Trigeminal, Facial, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus
Olfactory nerve "On"
cranial nerve 1
sense of smell

if damaged causes impaired sense of smell
Optic nerve "Occasion"
cranial nerve 2
provides vision

damage causes blindness in part or all of the visual field
Damage to the Optic tract would cause what?
Homonymous Hemianopsia
Damage to the center crossing of the Optic Chiasm would cause what?
bitemporal hemianopsia
damage to the lateral portion of the optic nerve would cause what?
binasal hemianopsia
Oculomotor nerve "Our"
cranial nerve III
Eye movement muscles: up, down, medially
Controls lens, iris, and upper eyelid

damage: Drooping eyelid; movement in certain directions(up, down, and medially)
Trochlear nerve "Trusty"
Cranial nerve IV
Eye movement muscles: looking down and out
(sup oblique muscle)

damage: Double vision; rotate eye inferolaterally
Trigeminal nerve "Truck"
Cranial nerve V
Motor and Sensory
* Most important sensory nerve of the face
S – sensation to face
M – Muscles of mastication (chewing)
3 branches: 1)ophthalmic 2)maxillary 3)mandibular

trigeminal neuralgia-(extreme facial pain)
Abducens nerver "Acts"
cranial nerve VI
Eye movement muscles: lateral
(lateral rectus muscle)

damage: Rotate eye lateral; at rest eye will rotate medial
Facial nerve "Funny"
Cranial nerve 7
motor and sensory
5 branches
M – facial expressions, tears, and glands
S – taste on ant. 2/3 of tongue

damage: Sagging face muscles:
Bell Palsy
Loss of sweet/salty
Vestibulocochlear nerve "Very"
cranial nerve VIII
Hearing and equilibrium (balance)

damage: Deafness; dizziness
Glossopharyngeal nerve "Good"
Cranial nerve IX
Motor and sensory
* Tongue and pharynx (throat)
Swallowing, salivation
Post. 1/3 of tongue

damage: Swallowing; loss of bitter/sour
Vagus nerve "Vehicle"
Cranial nerve X
Motor and sensory-most extensive
* Runs to lots of vital organs
Control: cardiac, pulmonary, digestive, urinary
Swallowing, speech, regulation of viscera

Damage: hoarseness, loss of voice, impaired swallowing. Fatal if both are cut
Accessory nerve "Any"
Cranial nerve XI
Movement: head, neck, shoulder

damaged: Impaired movement – head turns toward injured side
Hypoglossal nerve "How"
cranial nerve XII
Tongue movements for speech, food manipulation and swallowing

damaged: Bilat: can’t protrude tongue
Unilat: tongue deviates to injured side
Trigeminal neuralgia
*tic douloureux
recurring episodes of intense stabbing pain in trigeminal nerve area

pain triggered by touch, drinking, washing face

treatment may require cutting nerve