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54 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Nerves (CN)
1) there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emerge from the anterior/inferior brain. These are numbered with roman numerals, starting at the anterior brain and going posteriorly
Olfactory Nerve
Optic Nerve
Oculomotor Nerve
Trochlear nerve
Trigeminal nerve
Abducent nerve
Facial Nerve
Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Vagus Nerve
Accessory Nerve
Hypoglossal Nerve
Cranial Nerves x 12

CN I Olfactory Nerve
a) consists of many small bundles of nerve fibers passing from olfactory epithelium of the superior nasal cavity, through cribiform plate of ethmoid bone to enter olfactory bulb on base of anterior brane
CN II Optic Nerve
a) from retina of eye, the optic nerve passes through the optic foramen to enter cranial cavity
b) right and left optic nerves come together at base of brain to form optic chiasma
1) location where visual nformation from one side of visual field crosses over to opposite side of brain
c) optic tract - pathway from optic chiasma to thalamus (synaptic relay center)
d) thalamic neurons send visual information to primary visual cortex of occipital lobe - cortical area that surrounds calcarine sulcus
CN III Oculomotor Nerve
a) exits cranial cavity via superior orbital fissure and enters orbit
b) motor output to:
1) levator palpabrae superioris - muscle tha elevates upper eyelid (palpabae)
2) four extraocular muscles that move eyeball: superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, & inferior oblique muscles
c) carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
1) preganglionic fibers synapse in ciliary ganglion (parasympathetic terminal ganglion located within orbit immediately posterior to eyeball)
2) postganglionic parasympathetic fibers activate muscles that constrict pupil and adjust lens for near viewing
CN IV Trochlear Nerve
a) exits cranial cavity via superior orbital fissure and enters orbit
b) motor to superior oblique extraocular muscle (muscle that passes through trochlea)
CN V Trigeminal Nerve
largest of all cranial nerves
- divides in cranial cavity into 3 divisions: Ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2), & mandibular (V3)
- each division exits cranial cavity through a seperate opening
- after exiting cranial cavity, each division divides into several named nerves
CN V Trigeminal Nerve

Opthalmic Division V1
sensory only; exits via superior orbital fissure to enter orbit;
a) sensory to forehead, eyeball, upper eyelid, sphenoid & ethomoid sinus, and superior part of nasal cavity
b) terminal branch = Supraorbital Nerve; passes along roof of orbit & exits skull via supraorbital foramen (notch); snsory to forehead
CN V Trigeminal Nerve

Maxillary Division V2
sensory only; exits via foramen rotundum; enters maxillary bone
a) sensory to lower eyelid, lateral face, cheek, upper lip, hard & soft palates, inferior nasal cavity, upper teeth & gums, & maxillary sinus
b) terminal brach = infraorbital nerve; runs along floor of orbit & exits via infraorbital foramen - sensory to anterior cheek and upper lip
CN V Trigeminal Nerve

Mandibular Division V3
motor and sensory; exits via foramen ovale & enters infratemporal fossa region (deep to mandible, inferior to zygomatic arch)
a) motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid muscle, & anterior belly of digastric muscle
b) general sensory to lower jaw and teeth, chin, lateral cheek, external ear, lateral scalp, and anterior 2/3 of tongue
c) terminal branches = inferior alveolar and mental nerves
1) inferior alveolar nerve enters mandibular foramen and runs through mandibular canal within body of mandible
2) sensory to teeth of lower jaw (alveolar = L, "hole or socket"; refers to teeth)
3) exits mental foramen as mental nerve - sensory to chin area (mental = L, "chin")
CN VI Abducent Nerve
a) exits cranial cavity via superior orbital fissure and enters orbit
b) motor to lateral rectus extraocular muscle (muscle that abducts eye)
CN VII Facial nerve
a) in posterior cranial fossa, enters internal acoustic meatus (with vestibulocochlear nerve CN VIII)
b) passes through temporal bone and exits base of skull at sylomastoid foramen
1) sends motor branches to stylohyoid muscle and posterior belly of digastric muscle (are not muscles of facial expression)
c) main nerve trunk continues through parotid gland, where it divides into several branches
1) branches fan out across face and neck to supply muscles of facial expression
d) facial nerve - taste fibers for anterior 2/3 of tongue
e) facial nerve - preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to mandibular & sublingual salivary glands
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear Nerve
sensory only;
a) exits cranial cavity via internal acoustic meatus - runs to inner ear
b) vestibular part - carries equilibrium & balance sensory information from vestibular apparatus (semicircular canals) of inner ear
c) cochlear part - auditory sensory information (hearing) from cochlea of inner ear
CN IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve
sensory, motor, taste & parasympathetic innervation:
a) exit cranial cavity via jugular foramen
b) taste & general sensory innervation of posterior 1/3 of tongue
d) preganglionic parasympathetic innervation for parotid salivary gland
CN X Vagus Nerve
motor, parasympathetic, visceral afferent innervations:
a) exits cranial cavity via jugular foramen then descends within carotid sheath through neck with common carotid & internal jugular vein. (vagus = L; "wandering")
b) motor innervation to muscles of pharynx and larynx
c) preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to heart, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, small intestine, and first 1/2 of large intestine
d) visceral sensory innervation from pharynx, larynx, & orgns that receive parasympathetic supply from vagus nerve
CN XI Accessory Nerve
motor only
a) exits cranial cavity via jugular foramen
b) motor to sternocleidomastoid muscle of neck
c) motor to trapezius muscle of superficial back
CN XII Hypoglossal Nerve
motor only
a) exits cranial cavity via hypoglossal canal
b) motor to muscles of tongue (glossus = "tongue")
Foramen or Canal

Cribiform Plate
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN I Olfactory Nerve
Foramen or Canal

Optic Foramen
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN II Optic nerve
Foramen or Canal

Superior Optical Fissure
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

1) CN III Oculomotor N.
2) CN IV Trochlear N.
3) CN VI Abducent N.
4) CN V 2 Opthalmic Divison of Trigeminal N.
Foramen or Canal

Supraorbital Foramen (Notch)
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Supraorbital N. (Terminal branch of CN V 1 Opthalmic Division)
Supraorbital Artery
Foramen or Canal

Foramen Rotundum
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN V 2 Maxillary division of Trigeminal N.
Foramen or Canal

Infraorbital Foramen
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Infraorbital N. (terminal branch of CN V 2 maxillary Division)
Infraorbital Artery
Foramen or Canal

Foramen Ovale
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN V 3 Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve
Foramen or Canal

Mandibular Foramen & Canal
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Inferior Alveolar Nerve (from CN V 3 - Mandibular division of trigeminal n)
Inferior Alveolar Artery
Foramen or Canal

Mental Foramen
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Mental Nerve (terminal branch of Inferior Alveolar Nerve from CN V 3 - Mandibular Division of Trigeminal N)
Mental Artery (branch of inferior alveolar A.)
Foramen or Canal

Internal Acoustic Meatus
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

1) CN VIII Vestibulocochlear N.
2) CN VII Facial N. (where facial n enters temporal bone)
Foramen or Canal

Styloidmastoid Foramen
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN VII Facial N. (where facial N exits temporal bone)
Foramen or Canal

Jugular Foramen
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

1) CN IX Glossophayngeal N
2) CN X Vagus N
3) CN XI Accessory N
4) beginning of internal jugular vein
Foramen or Canal

Hypoglossal Canal
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

CN XII Hypoglossal N
Foramen or Canal

Foramen Magnum
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

1) Spinal Cord
2) Vertebral Arteries
Foramen or Canal

Carotid Canal (entrance)
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Internal Carotid A. (artery follows zig-zag path through base of skull before emerging lateral to sella turcica)
Foramen or Canal

Foramen Spinosum
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

Middle Meningeal Artery
Foramen or Canal

Foramen Lacerum
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

in life, filled with cartilage; nothing passed through this opening
Foramen or Canal

Nasolacrimal canal
Associated Nerve or Blood vessel

for drainage of tears from medial eye into nasal cavity
Cervical Plexus
formed by ventral rami of spinal nerves C1- C4
a) provide cutaneous innervation for neck and superior shoulder regions
b) motor innervation to infrahyoid muscles
c) contributes to formation of Phrenic Nerve (C3 - C5) - motor nerve to thoracic diaphragm
Brachial Plexus
formed by ventral rami of spinal nerves C5 - T1 - innervates upper limb
a) nerves of brachial plexus pass through interscalene triangle with subclavian artery (pass between anterior and posterior-middle scalene muscles)
Salivary Glands

x 3
1) Parotid Gland - located posterior to ramus of mandible
2) Submandibular gland - under mandible, near junction of two bellies of digastric muscle
3) Sublingual salivary gland - in floor of oral cavity, lateral to root of tongue
Autonomic Innervations of Salivary Gland

Sympathetic Innervation
1) Parotid Gland
a) sympathetic innervation to parotid gland
1) Preganglionic sympathetic neuron cell bodies in T1-L2 spinal cord
2) postganglionic sympathetic neuron cell body in superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic trunk
3) postganglionic fibers run with common carotid artery then external carotid artry to reach parotid gland
Autonomic Innervations of Salivary Gland

Parasympathetic Innervation
b) parasympathetic innervations to parotid gland
1) axon of preganglionic parasympathetic neuron exits brain with glossopharyngeal Nerve CN IX
2) synapses onto postganglionic parasympathetic neuron in terminal ganglion located near parotid gland (don't need to know specific name of ganglion)
3) postganglionic parasympathetic neuron innervates parotid gland
Submandibular & Sublingual Glands

Sympathetic Innervation
a) sympathetic innervation to submandibular and sublingual glands
1) preganglionic sympathetic neuron in T1-L2 spinal cord
2) postganglionic sympathetic neuron cell body located in superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic trunk
3) postganglionic fibers run with common carotid artery , external carotid artery, and lingual artery to reach sublingual gland
Submandibular & Sublingual Glands

Parasympathetic Innervation
b) parasympathetic innervation to submandibular and sublingual glands
1) axon of preganglionic parasympathetic neuron exits brain with Facial Nerve CN VII
2) synapses onto postganglionic parasympathetic neuron in submandibular ganglion (terminal ganglion located deep, posterior oral cavity, near both glands)
3) postganglionic parasympathetic neurons innervate submandibular and sublingual glands