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16 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Nerve 1
Name: Olfactory
Components: SVA
Cell Bodies: Olfactory Epithelial cells
Peripheral Distribution: Olfactory nerves
Function: Smell
Cranial Nerve 2
Name: Optic
Components: SSA
Cell Bodies: Ganglion cells of retina
Peripheral Distribution: Rods and Cones
Function: Vision
Cranial Nerve 3
Name: Oculomotor
Component: GSE
Cell Bodies: Nucleus III
Peripheral distribution: Levator palpebrae, recti: superior, inferior, medial; inferior oblique
Function: eye movement
Cranial Nerve 3
Name: oculomotor
Component: GVE
Cell bodies: Edinger-Westphal nucleus
*Peripheral distribution: ciliary ganglion, ciliary body, sphincter papillae
Function: Contraction of pupil and accomodation
Cranial Nerve 4
Name: Trochlear
Component: GSE
Cell Bodies: Nucleus IV
Peripheral distribution: superior oblique
Function: ocular movement
Cranial Nerve 5
Name: Trigeminal
Component: GSA
Cell bodies: trigeminal ganglion
Peripheral bodies: ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular in mucous membranes and skin of face and head
Cranial Nerve 5
Name: Trigeminal Nerve
Components: SVE
Cell bodies: motor nerve V
Peripheral Distributions: temporalis, massester, pterygoids, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensors palintini and chorda typmani
Cranial Nerve 6
Name: Abducens
Components: GSE
Cell bodies: Nucleus VI
Peripheral Distribution: Lateral rectus
Function: Eye movement
Cranial Nerve 7
Name: Facial
Component: SVE
Cell Bodies: Motor Nucleus VII
Peripheral Distribution: muscles of facial expressions, stapedius, stylohyoid,
posterior belly of digastric
Function: Facial Expression
Cranial Nerve 7
Name: Facial
Components: GVE
Cell bodies: salivatory nucleus
Peripheral Distribution: greater petrosal - pterygopalatine ganglion - nasal mucosa, lacrimal gland; chorda tympani - lingual nerve; submandibular ganglion - submandibular, sublingual glands
Function: Secretomotor
Cranial Nerve 7
Name: Facial
Components: SVA
Cell bodies: geniculate ganglion
Peripheral distribution: chorda tympani - lingual nerve (taste buds - anterior 2/3 of tongue)
Function: Taste
Cranial Nerve 7
Name: facial
Components: GVA
Cell bodies: geniculate ganglion
Peripheral distributions: greater petrosal, chorda tympani
Function: visceral sensation
Cranial Nerve 7
Name: Facial
Components: GSA
Cell bodies: geniculate ganglion
Peripheral distributions: auricular branch - ear and mastoid
Function: cutaneous sensation
Cranial Nerve 8
Name: Vestibulocochlear
Components: SSA
Cell Bodies: Spiral Ganglion
Peripheral Distribution: Organ of Corti
Function: Hearing
Cranial Nerve 9
Name: Glossopharyngeal
Component: SVA
Cell Bodies: Inferior Ganglion IX
Peripheral Distributions: Lingual branch - taste buds posterior 1/3 of tongue, circumvallate papillae
Function: Taste
Cranial Nerve 9
Name: Glossopharyngeal
Component: GVA
Cell Bodies: Inferior Ganglion IX
Peripheral Distributions: Tympanic nerve - middle ear, pharynx,