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12 Cards in this Set

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Olfactory Nerve
special somatic sensory (SSA): olfaction
optic nerve
special somatic sensory (SSA): vision
oculomotor nerve
somatic motor (GSE): levator palpebrae superior, and all extraocular muscles except for superior oblique and lateral rectus
parasympathetic (GVE): parasympathetics to pupil constrictor and ciliary muscles for near vison
trochlear nerve
somatic motor (GSE): superior oblique muslce; causes depression and intorsion of the eye
trigeminal nerve
general somatic sensory (GSA): sensations of touch, pain, temp., joint position, vibration for face, mouth, anterior 2/3 tongue, nasal sinuses, and meninges
branchial motor (SVE): muscles of mastication, tensor tympani m.
abducens nerve
somatic motor (GSE): lateral rectus m.; causes abduction of the eye
facial nerve
branchial motor (SVE): muscles of facial expression, stapedius m., part of digastric m.
parasympathetic (GVE): parasympathetics to lacrimal glands, and to submaxillary, submandibular and all other salivary glands except parotid
visceral sensory, special (SVA): taste from anterior 2/3 tongue
general somatic sensory (GSA): sensation from small region near the external auditory meatus
vestibulocochlear nerve
special somatic sensory (SSA): hearing and vestibular sensation
glossopharyngeal nerve
branchial motor (SVE):stylopharyngeus m.
parasympathetic (GVE): parasympathetics to parotid gland
general somatic sensory (GSA): sensation from middle ear, region near external auditory meatus, pharynx, and posterior 1/3 tongue
visceral sensory, special (SVA): taste from posterior 1/3 tongue
visceral sensory, general (GVA): chemo- and baroreceptors of carotid body
vagus nerve
branchial motor (SVE): pharyngeal muscles (swallowing) and laryngeal muscles (voice box)
parasympathetic (GVE): parasympathetics to heart, lungs, and digestive tract down to the splenic flexure
General somatic sensory (GSA): sensation from pharynx, meninges and a small region near the external auditory meatus
visceral sensory, special (SVA): taste from epiglottis and pharynx
visceral sensory, general (GVA): chemo- and baroreceptors of the aortic arch
spinal accessory nerve
branchial motor (SVE): sternomastoid and upper trapezius
Hypoglossal nerve
somatic motor (GSE): intrinsic muscles of tongue