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12 Cards in this Set

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Give the following for CN I:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Olfactory
component: Sensory
location of nerve cell bodies: Oldfactory epithelium
Cranial exit: foraminia in cribiform plate of ethomoid bone
main actions: smell from nasal mucosa of root of each nasal cavity and superior sides of nasal septum and superior concha
Types/sites of lesion: fx of cribiform plate
Abnormal findings: anosmia (loss of smell), CSF rhinorrhea
Testing:coffee or mint under nose
Give the following for CN II:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Optic
component: Sensory
location of nerve cell bodies:retina (ganglion cells)
Cranial exit: optic canal
main actions: vision from retina
Types/sites of lesion: direct trauma to orbit or eyeball, fx involving canal, pressure on optic pathyway, laceration or intracerebral clot in the temporal, parietal or occipital lobes of brain
Abnormal findings: loss of pupillary constriction, visual field defects
Testing: cover 1 eye before confrontation, acuity, look for nystagmus or non movement
Give the following for CN III:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Oculomotor
component: Motor
location of nerve cell bodies:MB for somatic,presynaptic. MB/postsynaptic, ciliary ganglion
Cranial exit: superior orbital fissure
main actions:somatic: motor to superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial recuts, interior oblique, and levator palpebrae superioris muscles, raises superior eyelid, turns eyeball superiorly, inferiorly, and medially (visceral) parasympathetic innervation to sphinter of pupil and ciliary muscle, constricts pupil and accomodates lens of eye
Types/sites of lesion: stretching of nerve going around brain stem; fx of orbit
Abnormal findings: loss of pain/touch sensations, parasthesia masseter and temporalis mm don't contract; deviation of mandible ISPI of injury with mouth is open
Testing: Draw H, confrontation
Give the following for CN IV:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: trochlear
component: motor
location of nerve cell bodies:MB
Cranial exit: superior orbital fissure
main actions: motor to superior oblique that assists turning eye interlaterally
Types/sites of lesion: stretching of nerve when going around BS, fx of orbit
Abnormal findings: oss of pain/touch sensations, parasthesia masseter and temporalis mm don't contract; deviation of mandible ISPI of injury with mouth is open
Testing: Draw H, confrontation
Give the following for CN V:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Abnormal findings
Name: Trigeminal 3 parts
component: sensory for parts 1, 2, and 3, motor also for 3.
location of nerve cell bodies: trigeminal ganglion for all 3
Cranial exit:1: superior obital fissure
2:formane rotundum
3:formane ovale
main actions: 1 & 2: sensation from cornea of eye, eyelids, nose, skin of forhead, nasal cavity
3: sensation over lower face, motor for mm of mastication, ant belly of digastric
Abnormal findings:1: can't B close eyes, feel object in eye 2:oss of pain/touch sensations, parasthesia masseter and temporalis mm don't contract; deviation of mandible ISPI of injury with mouth is open
Testing: Sensory sharp on cheek vs forehead, dull, temperature. Motor clench teeth and palpate
Give the following for CN VI:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
location of nerve cell bodies: pons
Cranial exit: superior orbital fissure
main actions: motor to lateral rectus
Types/sites of lesion: base of brain or fx involving cavernous sinus or orbit
Abnormal findings:eye fails to move laterally, diploma
Testing: follow finger laterally when start in center
Testing:Draw H, confrontation
Give the following for CN VII:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Facial
component: Both
location of nerve cell bodies: Pons
Cranial exit: internal acoustic meatus facial canal, stylomastiod foramen
main actions: motor=expression, glands and scalp sensory and 2/3 tongue ana palatte
Types/sites of lesion: lacerationor confusionin parotid region, fx of temporal bone, intracranial hematoma
Abnormal findings:facial drooping, loss of taste
Give the following for CN VIII:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: vestibularcocholear
component: sensory
location of nerve cell bodies: vestibular ganglion
Cranial exit:internalacoustic meatus
main actions: vestibular sensation from semicircular ducts, utircle and saccule related to position of head
Types/sites of lesion: acoustic neuroma
Abnormal findings: tinnitis, hearing loss, N/V, dizziness, vertigo
Testing: using a tuning before behind the ear and out laterally, compare sides
Give the following for CN IX:
component (S/M/B)
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Glossopharyngeal
component: B. Motor- elevate larynx. Sensory-carotid sinus, taste from posterior 1/3
Cranial exit: jugular formaen
main actions: swallowing, sensation of pharynx, middle ear, carotid, tongue
Types/sites of lesion: BS lesion, deep lacceration of Neck
Abnormal findings: loss of taste posterior 1/3, loss of sensation of affected side, and absent gag reflex on affected side
Give the following for CN X:
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Vagus
component: Both
Cranial exit: jugular foramen
main actions: mm of pharynx, larynx, smooth mm, glands of thorax, supplies heart,lungs
Types/sites of lesion:surgery of neck, other disease processes because of long course
Abnormal findings: Deviation of Uvula to unaffected side, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing or speaking
Give the following for CN XI:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name: Spinal accessory
component: Motor
location of nerve cell bodies: SC & medulla
Cranial exit: jugular foramen
main actions: motor to trapezius and SCM
Types/sites of lesion: laceration of neck
Abnormal findings: drooping of shoulder, paralysis of shoulder
Testing: apply pressure down on shoulders
Give the following for CN XII:
component (S/M/B)
location of nerve cell bodies
Cranial exit
main actions
Types/sites of lesion
Abnormal findings
Name Hypoglossal
component Motor
location of nerve cell bodies: rostral medulla
Cranial exit: hypoglossal canal
main actions: motor of intrinsic and extrinsic mm of tongue
Types/sites of lesion: basal skull fx, laceration
Abnormal findings: protruded tongue deviates toward affected side;moderate dysarthria
Testing: inspect of tongue fasiculations and atrophy