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23 Cards in this Set

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What type of impulses of smell do numerous olfactory nerves relay?
Sensory form the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.
Where are the dendrites (and cell bodies) of olfactory neurons positioned?
Primarily within the mucosa which covers the superior nasal conchae and adjacent nasal septum.
What happens when you smell?
The axons of specialized chemoreceptors (dendrites of olfactory neurons that are positioned primarily within the mucosa) pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, bypass the thalamus, and eventually make connections leading to the olfactory areas in the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobes.
What is the main idea of the article called "a conduit to the brain" ?
Minute airborne particles can apparently invade the brain through a vulnerable portal. The particles shimmy up the nerve bundle that governs smell and infiltrate the CNS bypassing the BBB
What shape is the optic nerve?
An X
Where does the optic nerve conducts impulses from and to?
Photoreceptors in the retina of the eye to the visual cortex within the occipital lobes of the cerebrum
What is the optic Chiasm?
the place where a few of the nerves cross in the optic nerve
Where is the optic chiasm located?
Just superior to the sella turcica and pituitary gland of the sphenoid bone.
Which nerve fibers cross at the optic chiasm?
Nerve fibers that arise from the medial half of each retina.
What surrounds CN II?
An extension of the cranial meninges
An increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure slows the return of venous blood causing what?
Edema of the retina (apparent on opthalmoscope examination as a swelling of the optic disc or papilla (papilledema)
What condition is apparent on the opthalmosocope examination as a papilledema?
Edema of the retina
What fields of vision could you lose if a pituitary gland tumor compressed the mid portion of optic chiasm?
Peripheral vision (both temporal vision fields)
What field of vision would you lose if shrapnel to right occipital lobe?
Lose temporal of right eye and nasal of left.
If you had an injury to the right optic nerve, what field of vision would you lose?
Both the temporal and nasal fields of vision
If you lost the temporal field of vision in the right eye and nasal on the left, what could you conclude?
Something is not right in the right occipital lobe or the right optic tract
What could cause loss of peripheral vision, and what is the name of the fields?
Both temporal vision fields and a pituitary gland tumor compressed the mid portion of the optic chiasm
What type of examination could tell you if papilledema is occuring and what is papilledema?
Funduscopic examination intracranial pressure leads to edema of the retina
What is the surgical removal of the pituitary gland called?
Why would they perform a hypophysectomy?
They used to treat breast and prostate cancer this way because they both depend on hormone stimulation for their growth. Now they do it because of tumors in the pituitary gland.
What is bitemporal hemianopia?
Blindness in the temoral or lateral field of vision in both eyes.
What typically travels along the optic nerve?
What's the term for blindess in the temporal or lateral field of vision in both eyes?