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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of Clinical Interviews?
1. Intake
2. Case (Psychosocial) History
3. Diagnostic: Unstructured, Semi-structured, Structured
4. Crisis
What is the purpose of the Intake Interview?
1. To identify the nature of the Client's problem
2. To determine if psychologist/agency has the resources/competencies to help the client
3. To provide the Client w/info about the nature of avail svc, treatment option and office policies
4. To obtain Informed Consent
5. To establish rapport/working relationship w/Client
What is the purpose of the Case (Psychosocial) History Interview?
1. To obtain addt'l info on Client in order to formulate a dx
2. To determine how the present'g problems fit into a wider context of the Client's life
What is the purpose of the Diagnostic Interview?
To obtain info needed in order to classify symptoms accord'g to the DSM or other diagnostic syst
What is the purpose of the Crisis Interview?
1. Identify the nature of the persona's crisis
2. Provide support
3. Identify methods for resolving the crisis as expeditiously as possible
MSE: What are the Domains of Functioning
1. Appearance
2. Activity & Behavior
3. Attitude (toward the examiner)
4. Mood & Affect
5. Speech & Language
6. Thought Content
7. Thought Process
8. Insight & Judgment
9. Sensorium / Cognition
MSE: Distinguish "Thought Content" from "Thought Process"
THOUGHT CONTENT: Themes, Beliefs, Ideations, (distortions, obsession, delusions, hallucinations)
- Flow of Thought (flight of ideas)
- Organization of Thought (how loose are the associations?). Do they perseverate?
MSE: Sensorium / Cognition
- Level of Arousal
- Orientation
- Attention
- Memory
- Abstract Think'g
- Gen'l Knowledge
Is the MMSE longer or shorter than the MSE?
The MMSE is shorter ("mini") than the MSE
What is the main purpose of the MMSE and its uses?
1. The shortened version of the MSE for assessing cognitive function'g.
2. Can be used as an initial screen'g device for cog impairments
3. Can be used to follow the course of an illness
4. Can be used to monitor treatment responses
5. Has been used as a (supplemental) diagnostic tool for dementia.
MMSE: How many questions does it contain?
11 questions
MMSE: How many aspects of cognitive function'g function'g does the MMSE assess?
6 aspects of cognitive functioning
MMSE: What are the 6 aspects of cognitive function'g being assessed by the MMSE?
1. Orientation
2. Registration
3. Attention and Calculation
4. Recall
5. Language
6. Visual Construction
MMSE: What is the maximum score?
30 is the maximum score
MMSE: What is the cut-off?
23-24 is the cut-off
MMSE: What score indicates a cognitive impairment?
a score < 23
MMSE: What are typically low scores affected by?
Low scores can be affected by
1. Premorbid intelligence
2. Educational Experience
3. Race / Ethnicity
MMSE: What is Orientation assessed by?
Orientation to TIME & PLACE
- ask the date
- ask the season
- ask city, state, etc.
MMSE: What is Registration measured and evaluated by?
Registration is a measure of
- immediate verbal recall
Registration is evaluated by
- how many trials it takes to accurately repeat 3 words names by the examiner
MMSE: What is Attention & Calculation assessed by?
ATTENTION: asking the person to count backwards from 100
- count backwards from 100 by a specific number of digits
MMSE: What does RECALL measure?
What is it measured by?
Recall:measures delayed recall
- 3 words previously named
MMSE: What is Language evaluated by?
- ask person to name familiar objects
- ask person to follow a simple 3-stage command
MMSE: What is Visual Construction assessed by?
- copy a simple geometric figure
Behavioral Assessment: Focuses
1. An approach to Psychological assessment
Behaviors Assessment: Reasons
1. Assist in deriving diagnoses
2. Determine approp interventions
3. Assessing progress of interventions
4. Assessing outcomes of interventions
How are Behavioral Assess distinguished from other assess?
Behavioral Assessments:
1. focus is on direct measurable behaviors
2. the view of behaviors is situationally specific
3. Primarily looks at overt behaviors
4. Can also focus on Physiological phenomena
- muscle tension
- heart rate
3. blood pressure
4. cognition
5. social interaction
What gen'l type of information is gathered other than behaviors during a Behavioral Assess?
1. Environmental Events (antecedents)
2. Verbal Interactions
3. Presence of a particular person
4. Activity participation
When conduct'g a Behavioral Assess, what term is used for the preceeding target behavior?
When conduct'g a Behavioral Assess, what behaviors refers to events that increase or decrease behavior
ASSESSMENT: What 2 components are required
1. Antecedents
2. Consequences
Behavioral Assess: What do the Antecedents and Consequences help explan?
The function of the behavior:
1. The Purpose of the behav.
2. The Cause of the behav.
What is another term for Functional Behavioral Assessment?
Functional Behavioral Analysis
What is the goal for the results of the Behavioral Assess?
The goal for the results:
1. Info for a alternative behavioral plan
2. Antecedents and Consequences that will support the alternative behav.
Behavioral Assess: In what environment is it used?
1. Schools
2. Mental Health Settings
Behavioral Assess Methods
1. Interviews
2. Observations
3. Rating Scales
4. Self-reports
5. Physiological events
Behavioral Assess Method:
Self-report - Describe a type of tool
Daily Record of Dysfunctional Thoughts
Behavioral Assess: Self-Report capture...?
1. Automatic thoughts
2. Preceeding events
3. Emotional reactions