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42 Cards in this Set

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______ is a data structure accompanied by a set of access functions

Abstract data type

Complexity analysis measures what?

- The time required

- The arithmetic operations required

- Memory/space required

The results of complexity analysis are affected by?

- Processor speed

- Ram and disk access time

- Code produced by compiler


- Sequential search

- Binary search

- Interpolation Search

- Starts at the beginning of the list and compares each successive items until a matched is found or it reaches the end of the list. (O(n))

- Works on already sorted array. Keeps halving subarrays until a match is found, or subdivision is impossible. (O(lg n))

- A variant of binary search, midpoint is set to where item is likely to be found (O(lg lg n))

What is considered when analyzing sorts?

- Number of comparisons

- Data movements

Define the following sorting algorithms:

- Bubble sort

- Selection sort

- Insertion sort

- Compares successive pairs of items, swapping them if out of order (O(n^2))

- Starts by selecting the smallest item above the current item in the array and swaps them. (O(n^2))

- Starts by comparing the second item in the array, and swaps them if they are out of place. the left part of the array is always sorted. (O(n^2) for worst case O(n) for best case )

Define the following sorting algorithms:

- Merge Sort

- Quick sort

- Divides the array into 2 equal sized subarrays and sorts it into a temp array. copies it back after. (O(n lg n ))


- Lists are classified as _____ data structures

- Lists are ______ that supports operations such as add, insert, delete e.t.c

- Linear

- Abstract data types

- Define arrays

- Define Linked lists

- linear, random data structures whose elements are accessed by unique identifiers called index's

- Linear data structure that consists of 0 or more nodes, where each node has a data and a pointer to the next

When a node is freed what has to be done?

- Garbage collection (done for you in java)

____ lists are where the last node points to the first one.

Circular linked list.

_____ is a table usually implemented with a 2D array, However space could be saved by using _____ and _______.

- Sparse table

- 1D arrays

- Linked lists

- ____ are linear data structures that follows a LIFO policy

- ____ are linear data structures that follows a FIFO policy

- Stacks

- Queues

- Push and pop (also enqueue and dequeue) are ______ operations

- Stacks can only be accessed at the _____, while Queues can be accessed at the _____ and ____.

- Constant time operations

- Top

- Head and tail

- A tree is a ______ structure

- A tree is a collection of what?

- A set of trees is called a ____

- The height of a tree is the _______

- Hierarchical

- Vertices: Nodes ( contains data and information on the next).

- Edges: Contains 2 vertices together

- Forest

- The distance from the root node the furtherest node away.

How are binary search tree (ordered binary trees) organized?

- Every left child of the parent node is less than or equal to the parent.

- Every right child of the parent is greater than the parent.

- Nodes with no children are called _____

- The height is a tree in the best case, when it is minimized is ___, and ____ in the worst case

- What is the complexity for searching a well balanced tree?

- Leaf nodes

- lg(n )

- n-1

- O(lg n)

What are the 2 types of traversals?

- Depth-first: Recursively visits every node on the far left or right

- Breadth-first: starts at the highest level visiting every node on each level from left to right

What is the difference between depth-first in order, pre-order, and post-order?

- In-order visits the nodes in ascending order

- Pre-order processes the node first, before going into the left and right subtrees

- Post-order processes the left subtree first then the right then the nodes

How do you delete from a tree that has 2 children?

- Find the smallest node on the right subtree and "splice" it out

How do you find the balance of a tree?

Balance = right height - left height

Define the following Terminologies:

- Ancestor node:

- Son node:

- Outside subtree:

- This happens in case 3 of inserting into AVL tree

- Ancestor node: Parent of pivot node.

- Son node: Child node of the pivot node, on the part to inserted node.

- Outside node: if the pivot node is negative the left-subtree is the outside subtree, vise versa.

How do you add a node to the inside-subtree?

- Double rotation

- Set the sons left or right child to grandsons right or left child and put off to the side

- Rotate grandson, and set child pointer to son

- Rotate grandson with pivot.

- Adjust balances

How do you do a right rotation?

- Set the sons right child to pivots left child and put it off to one side

- Set son node as left pointer of ancestor node

- Set pivot node as right child of son node

- Adjust balances

When adding to the outside tree, the _____ should be pointing to the ______ at the end

When adding to the inside tree, the _____ should be pointing to the ______ and the ___ at the end

- Ancestor, son node

- Grandson, pivot, son node

What are graphs?

Graphs are a generalization of ______ structures

- Graphs are data structure that can have many predecessors and many successors

- Linear

A graph consists of a non empty set of ______ and a possible non empty set of edges that _____

Vertices, edges that connects the vertices

- If the edge pair is unordered, the graph is said to be an ______

- Two vertices are connected if _______

- When is an edge incident on a vertex?

- Undirected graph

- An edge directly connects them

- If the vertex is one of the edges endpoint

what is a complete graph

what is a simple path?

All the vertices are connected

All vertices are connected different except for first or last

A ______ is a cycle that begins and end at the same vertex, with no edges repeated

A ______ graph a digraph containing no cycles

- Circuit

- Acyclic graph

What is the complexity analysis for DFS?

- O(|V| + |E|) for adjacency list

- O(V^2) for adjacency matrix

what is a greedy algorithm, and give an example

- Dijkstra's algorithm

- Greedy algorithm is one that always tries to find the best solution when trying to find an answer

What is the complexity analysis for Dijkstra's algorithm?

What is the complexity analysis if heaps are used on the algorithm?

If negative weights are used, then use _____ algorithm

- O(|V^2|)

- O((|E| + |V|) lg|V|)

- Fords

What are minimum spanning trees?

How are minimum spanning trees created?

- Are trees with minimum sum of edge weights

- Using DFS and BFS

What is a topological order?

___/__ vertex is a vertex with no outgoing edges

- Linear ordering of vertices

- Sink/ minimum

Hash table are classified as ____

Search operation in hash table takes ____

- Set structures (No predecessor or successor)

- Constant time O(1)

______ is when each position in the table is a reference to a linked list

______ is when each position is a block of memory big enough to hold several items

- Separate chaining

- Bucket addressing

- They are both not space efficient

What is the quadratic probing function?

What method is used to avoid secondary clustering?

Define coalesced chaining

- (i-1)^i-1 *((i+1)/2)^2

- Double hashing

- Combines link fields(used to point to another entry in the table) with probing, -1 indicates end of chain.

- How do you calculate _______?

- Average # of reads

- Load factor

- Hashing efficiency

- Average = Total # of reads/ words

- Load factor = words/ table size

- Hashing efficiency = load factor / average

-What are the properties of a max heap?

- What is the complexity analysis?

- A max heap is a binary tree where the value of each node is greater than the value of its children. min heap is opposite.

- A perfectly balanced tree, where all the leaf nodes at the bottom are pushed to the left part of tree.

- O(lg n)

How do you get the _____ position of a node in HEAPSORT

- Left child

- Right child

- parent

- Left child = 2i + 1

- Right child = 2i +2

- Parent = (i-1) / 2

B tree is a ______

B trees are good for sorting data in ________

If the leaf node to add is full, it must be _____, B trees grows ______

- Multiway balanced tree.

- Secondary storage

- Split, upwards