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146 Cards in this Set

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• Mao Zedong
the peasant revolutionary who had led the Chinese communists in war against japansense and in Civil war, pronounced a basic communist victory, proclaimed a new regime, and promised a new era for china
• After Maos death, successors have denounced
Maos ideals and made economic growth the nation’s highest priority.
• Socialist- market economy
with a place for investors, private entrepreneurs, and stock markets.
• Chinese leaders have stacked their legitimacy on the
performance of this new economy
• The regime tolerates no
open challenge to the communist Party’s monopoly on political power
• New policy in china includes growing acceptance of
the private sphere and new official tolerance of political apathy.
The government does not require you to be actively supportive of policy as long as
you don’t not actively oppose it.
• Mao’s successors are committed to political institutionalization for political reasons:
to safeguard against the illogical dictatorship and disruptive politics of the Maoists past. The effort has led to better-crafted laws, more assertive representative assemblies and popularly elected grassroots leaders.
• China is the worlds 2nd largest
chinas biggest problem is
• Land is not privately owned in china, but
contracted to farmer. Chinese government sometimes takes back land causing rural riots which is suppressed by great
• Growing wealth gap fuels perception of
official abuse and has great potential to ignite social instability
• China will be replaced in 2012 by a more
educated, less ideologically rigid, diverse, and less technocratic “fifth generation”
• China was ruled by the same system for 2 millennia. There was an
an emperor and a unique bureaucracy of scholar-officials, found through examination of Confucianism principles
• Confucianism=
harmony, no distinction between state and society. Emperor at top of hierarchy and loyalty a utmost priority.
• Qing rulers were unable to uphold their political authority and maintain territorial integrity in the presence of
large-scale domestic rebellion and foreign economic and military encroachment.
Quig had • Struggle for national sovereignty because
western powers were constantly trying to force china into territories and Japanese military invasion/occupation
Quig • Struggle for Chinese peasantry,
poverty in countryside due to socioeconomics conditions of exorbitant taxes, high rents, frequent floods, bad credit.
in 1920's • Nationalist party does not help Chinese peasantry, instead causes
runaway landlordism and replaces mutual obligations with economic ties.
• Nationalist and Communist party unite to beat -------- and then
Japanese, then nationalist turn on the communist and massacre 80 percent of them.
• Maos communist revolution
providing leadership for rural revolution and building a guerrilla red army to surround the cities with the countryside
Why was Mao communist party able to come into power?
• 1. Nationalist force communist, Mao, on long march into Yan’an where planning begins for rural revolution
• 2. When the Japanese try an invade again in 1939, Mao, offers to end civil war so the country could unite and beat the Japanese. Nationalist are wary of the offer, and the country is extremely anti-Japanese. This leads to people liking the communist party for trying to save China, above party politics. After Japan is defeated in ww2, new civil war develop, however, the communist party wins this time.
o 3 stages of Chin from 1949-today
1.) Chinese copy experience of the 1st and most powerful communist state, Soviet Union (5 year plan, INDUSTRY)
2.) Great Leap Forward= politics in command
3.) After Maos death country reject Maos ideological constraints and becomes what it is today. Lead by Deng Xiaoping
1.) Chinese copy experience of the 1st and most powerful communist state, Soviet Union (5 year plan, INDUSTRY)
(5 year plan, INDUSTRY)
o Soviet give aid through technology
o Land reform
o Thought reform
 Hundred flowers campaign, allow intellectuals to voice opinion
 After negative opinions, campaign turns to bad weeds, everyone is silenced
o Purge rightest/ intellectuals
Why does china and soviet split
o Wont liberate Taiwaian
o Wont help develop chinas nuclear program
o Relaxation of soviet hostility with USA
2.) Great Leap Forward, china introduces own
model of communism
2.) Great Leap Forwardo Labor-intensive mass mobilization of peasants to
increase agricultural output by building irrigation facilities
2.) Great Leap Forwardo Organization of primitive production process to
to give inputs to agriculture (chemical fertilizer plants and primitive steel furnaces to make tools) without taking resources from industry
2.) Great Leap Forwardo Mao wanted to increase collective farming to
increase production and have more control
2.) Great Leap Forwardo Bejing set targets/goals of local leaders to
accomplish on the farms. This leads to mass competition and exaggeration of numbers to meet bejings goals. leads to great famine
After we retreat from the great lead forward we have a
o Cultural revolution- Mao basically unleashes anarchy on his country. Encourages students to form red guard groups and leads to a lot of persecution. The country splits between the radicals and the economic modernization
Social condiitons change after MAO
• More Chinese live in the cities
• There is not a lot of arable land in china because of agriculture decollectivzation and land is used for burial grounds/boarders/bigger houses
• 92% of china is ethnically Han but there are 55 recognized ethnic minorities. Causes a lot of conflict, i.e. Tibet. These territories are important border regions so large armies constantly surrounding these minority lands.
• Han share the same Chinese written language, a unifying force for more than 2 millennia
design feature of party-state
• Lennin believed people were not smart enough to look over their own interests therefore they should not be able to vote. Communism should focus on economic prosperity, absence of social conflict, and minimal government; guardianship and hierarchy
• Chinese communism has 3 things
guardianship, hierarchy, and mass line
Guardianship, • the party bases its claim to power from
historical best interest, led by an elite class who have understanding of historical laws of development
Gurardianship• Only 6percent of Chinas population is a part of the
communist party
• Mass line (Mao theory) effects guardianship because
the party leads, but its leadership is not isolated from the opinions and preferences of the mass public
• Mass line encourages grassroots leaders to
remain close to the ordinary citizens so the party can transform scattered and unsystematic ideas of the masses into correct ideas and propagate them until the masses embrace them as their own.
• The communist party is organized around a
hierarchy of the party congress and committees extending from the top of the system down to the grassroots.
• Lower party organizations are subordinate to
higher party organizations and individual party members are subordinate to the party itself.
• Democratic centralism
party leaders must provide opportunities for discussion, criticism, and proposals in party organization as part of the process of deciding important issues or making policy.
• Centralism is never sacrificed to
• Party members may have their own opinion, and voice them through the correct channels, but they are not free to
act to promote these views
• Communist party constitution states any small group activity within the party is a
violation of organizational discipline.
Ideology in china today is
less prominent and less coherent but not irrelevant.
• Government structures are duplicated at
the party level
• In principle there is division of labor the party and government structure but in practice
the two overlap and party dictates over parallel government structures.
• National peoples congress=
chinas legislature
state council=
exercise executive function
• The public elects the lower officials who then
then elect higher officials and then those elect higher officials, it’s a chair to the top for government. However, does not affect party appointments.
Nationals People’s congress
• About 3000 NPC members (meet only once a year for 2 weeks) of which 159 are permanent(meet frequently throughout the year)
• As of 2010 law the npc must
rural and urban have equal representation in NPC.
NPC can
amend the constitution, amendment of legislation, approval of economic plans, and appointments of top government officials.
NPC Standing committe
meets regularly, and plans agenda for annual NPC plenary session, where full NPC (3,000 members) ratify legislative actions.
• NPC has become more assertive in recent decades, it is evident in a
in a increase in delegate motions and dissenting votes.
State Council
• State Council is selected by the premier who receives nominations by the NPC
• Executive committee of State council meets twice a week report on issues
• Chinese laws are extremely vague so the state council provides regulations to make them effective.
• Communist party has direct leadership over
government and legislative functions
• All members of the communist party come together (70% NPC) and offer “hopes” for the upcoming session

. i.e. how open or NPC debate should be
• Party selects
president, vp, premier, and cabinet members, however, there has never been more than one nominee and nominees are decided in the part meeting before NPC assembles.
• Communist party can veto anything from
The government
• Any laws submitted to the NPC or standing committee must have
prior approval by the party
• China is a executive-led government, but with an important difference
: leadership by the communist party.
• Judicial authority rests with the
supreme people’s court (center) and the local people’s court (below).
• Supreme people’s court is responsible to the
• Lower courts are responsible to
peoples court
• Procuratorates
they supervise criminal investigations, approve arrests, and prosecute cases.
National party congress main function
to ratify important changes in broad policy orientation already decided by more important smaller party structures. Major historical event in the publics eye
Nation party congress sessions last
1-2 weeks
who elects who in the party
npc-->central committe-->Plitburo-->Politburo committee
central committee
• Chinese political elite
• exercises the powers of the congress between sessions.
• Central committee does NOT initiate policy change
• Central committee does approve changes in policy or leaders.
• Central committee helps endorse party policy
• Central committee elects the Politburo
• Is the top political elite
• No more than 2 dozen members
• Overseeing policymaking in some issue area.
Politburo standing committee
• The Politburo Standing committee are the core political decision makers in China, presiding over a process that concentrates great powers at the top.
• Top party leader is
general secretary
• In communist systems there is a problem of succession because there is no
official 2nd in command to take over is something happens to leader. Deng changed that after Maos death
Party bureaucracy
• The party has its own set of bureaucratic structures, managed by the secretariat.
• Secretariat provides staff support for the Politburo, turning decisions into instructions for subordinate party departments
• Most important mechanism for communist party to exert control over officials
Nomenkaltua System
Nomenkaltua System
• Refers to the management of all government and party officials of even moderate importance by a committee
• Party committees control (Nomenkaltura system)
appointments, promotions, transfers, and removal from office
• Party committees are extremely hierarchical, each committee directly
manages all officials in one position down in the hierarchy.
nomenkaltura system ultimetly ensures
the central committee and Politburo are in charge.
• Communist party exercise leadership over officials by
party membership penetration in political structures.
• People, in all work places including government officials, are required to
meet up for party committees or general branches and are obliged to observe inner party discipline. Helps communist party remain a active force in government structures
• Party core groups are formed in
government structures only
• Head of the party core groups are typically head of the structure. i.e
government minister are heads of the respective ministry party core group
• Basic-level party organizations are mechanisms to
promote unity and discipline under party leadership within political structures.
• Party core groups are mechanisms to promote
party leadership over leaders in their government host structures.
Elite recruitment
• Must have membership in communist party
• Nomenklatura system economic performance
Chinese version or rule by law
• There are laws
• All are equally subject to them
Socialist Legality
• Abandon laws
• Abandon legal professions and legally trained people
• Defense lawyers disappeared, party committees took over
why was legal reform needed
• Need to establish legitimacy by righting past wrongs
-Investigating and reversing verdicts of uncertain legality issues during cultural revolution
• Wanted to restore public order and stability after chaos of Mao and express commitment to system-building as a substitute for random policy.
what was hope to gain from legal reform
• Hoped legal reform would encourage economic investment and growth by prompting predictability.
what exactly happened from legal reform, what changed
• Criminal laws were finally established
• Chinese government spent money to educate public on equal right, led to increase of lawsuits
Criticism of legal practices
• Too much capital punishment
• Court cases only happen if there is enough evidence to prove someone guilty. Defendant only gets public defender 10days before trial
• Several thousand political prisoners from counter revolution
Political Socialization
• China has one of the world’s most extensive systems to control mass media, especially material considered politically subversive.
• Great Firewall, internet censorship blocks many internet sites.
Lost generation=
generation which missed out on education because of cultural revolution
Political Culture
• Chinese never talk about politics with others
• More political interest is seen amongst men, the more highly educated, and those with higher incomes
• Political knowledge is extremely high
chinese reject
democratic values
• PRC supports the statement everything should be left up to the
virtuous leader
• Urban Chinese are more supportive of
democratic values than mainland Chinese
what are top prioties in china for poltical values
• Economic growth ,social stability and national strength
what are low pritoites in china for poltical values
Political rights are assigned lower priorities.
No more Mass Participation
• No longer classified by class or political mistake labels.
• Political indifference is no longer risky.
Assumption that economic growth is predicated on order and stability
• Avoid mass mobilization campaigning.
• Mass mobilization campaigning, used during mao years, intensive large-scale disruptive group action implemented by grassroots leaders. Usually against opposition forces, enemies
Changes in economic relationships require adjustment in political relationship
• Encouraged opinions through legal channels. i.e. hotlines to report abuse
china • Winning signifies popular support to
communist party while losing signifies a problematic situation with the mass public
• Direct election of deputies to county level
congresses, mandated a secret ballot and the number of candidates must be 1.5 times the number of deputies to be elected
Village Committees
• Autonomous mass organizations of self-government
• Elections for village leader, usually vetted candidates by communist party
Unacceptable political participation: Four Fundamental principles , things you CANT debate
1. Thee socialist road
2. Marxism-leninism-mao Zedong thought
3. The peoples democratic dictatorship
4. The leadership of the communist party
• Protest show that mass political participation can neither be
contained within official channels nor deterred with a better material life
people in china protest for
more socalist reform
china democracy movement-
leads to political reforms but must not effect fundamental 4
• Tiananmen massacre
people protesting, including elites. Many of them killed or imprisoned. People blamed it on to much rapid reform so reform is slowed down immensely.
China interest aggregation
aggregation is monopolized by the communist party
• china Interest articulation takes place in
in china • Most ordinary citizens engage in
interest articulation without interest aggregation
satellite parties in china
8 parties tolerated by communist party
mass organizations in ...... and ex
i.e. women’s foundation, aggregate interests. Main goal is not aggregate but to propagandize relevant party policy for these groups.
NGOs in china usualy focus on
• Policymaking is less concentrated and more
institutionalized than ever before.
top tier in china
are the leaders at the apex of the party, politburo and its standing committee.
• The most through consideration of policy options and shaping of policy decisions occur at
the second tier- within leading small groups (LSG)
• Leading small groups must preside over
policy research, formulation of policy proposals, sponsorship of policy experiments in the localities, and drafting of policy documents.
• LSG’s link
top decision makers to bureaucracies and bridging institutional systems
• Fragmented authoritarianism
on one hand authority is organized through hierarchy and parallel structures. On the other hand, the central ministries are subordinate to the their respective governments.
• china Authoritative communication is channeled from
“lines” from top to bottom
china governments to their departments
horizontally 'pieces"
• The sorts of authority only come together at the level of state coucnil. • Therefore, local governments have
2 bosses plus nomenkalture, party boss, causing blockage of policy processes.
third tier
relevant party departments and government ministries.
• Third tier gathers all the
information and drafting policy documents
From agenda setting to implementing regulations 5 main stages
1.) agenda setting
2.) interagency review, 3rd tier job, approve a draft of policy and opinion solicitation.
3.) Politburo approval
4.) NPC review, debate, amendments, and passage.
5.) Implementing regulations
• To help monitor policy implementation Chinese use
policy performance indicators
• Information is distorted to make policy implementation seem
• Some policy’s have priority
usual when top leaders make of a point of paying attention and speaking at conventions, or creating a lsg to monitor
in china little outside
pressure in formulating poliy
• Often considered the most serious problem of china
• Because there is a rift between corruption control under rule of law and principles of communist party
chia has the worlds 2nd largest
economy in ppp temrs
why does china have ecnomic growth
opening up the economy to the world outside, marketizing the economy, and developing authority downward to create incentives for locals to pursue their own economic advancement.
whats chinas key economic strategy
• Chinese economy is dependent on
excessive investment and export demand
• To combat recession Chinese government had HUGE
stimulus package
• The Chinese save “too much” causing
low household consumption
• Stimulus somewhat reversed
government non-intervention with economic sphere
• About 8 to 12 percent of Chinas gdp comes from
enviornmental degredation
• Local government priorities always dominate
enviornmental factors
Population control
• Legal requirement of late marriage
• Requirement of insertion of an intrauterine device after a first birth, and requirement of sterilization after 2nd birth for one partner
• Has led to less girls in china. 103 to 107 males
• Hong kong rules under one country two systems. Enjoys many freedoms other Chinese do not have