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63 Cards in this Set

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4 steps of algorithm analysis

1) define the parameters and input size

2) define the basic operation

3) determine how the number of operations varies with different inputs

4) express as a closed form solution in terms of input size


data structure composed of vertices and edges. G = (V, E)

Directed Graph

graph whose edges have a direction


number of edges going into a vertex


number of edges going out of a vertex

weighted graph

graph whose edges have a weight value

graph path

a sequence of vertices and edges that go from a starting vertex to an ending vertex

acyclic graph

graph with no cyclical paths

path length

the number of edges in a path


the number of edges separating one vertex from another

Euler Path

a path in a graph that uses all edges exactly once

Hamilton Path

a path in a graph that uses all vertices exactly once


a vertex with in-degree 0


a vertex with out-degree 0

flow network

graph with 1 source, 1 sink, and where the total flow into any other vertex equals the total flow out of the vertex.

flow value

the sum of the flow leaving a source, or entering a sink


given a flow network graph G = (V, E), separate V into two subsets X and Xbar where X contains the source and Xbar contains the sink. Then the cut is the set of all edges whose tails are in X and whose heads are in Xbar.

cut capacity

The sum of all capacities of the edges in the cut

Depth First Search (DFS)

searching a tree or graph from a starting vertex and searching "deep". Often implemented recursively

Breadth First Search (BFS)

searching a tree or graph from a starting vertex and searching all children of a node before continuing. Often implemented with a Queue.

Tree edge

an edge used in traversal during a BFS or DFS

Back Edge

an edge that goes to an ancestor vertex in the DFS tree

Forward edge

an edge that goes to a previously visited, but non-ancestor vertex in a DFS tree

cross edge

an edge that goes to a previously visited vertex in a BFS tree


data structure composed of nodes that have none or more children

tree leaf

a node with no children

tree height

the number of levels in a tree (starting with 0)

spanning tree

a tree that is inside a graph that visits all vertices

minimal spanning tree

a spanning tree of a weighted graph with the smallest total weight of the summed edges

min heap

data structure that allows easy access to small values

max heap

data structure that allows easy access to large values

heap: sift down

moving a node of a heap down the tree to its correct position

heap: sift up

moving a node of a heap up the tree to its correct position

optimal substructure

the relation that defines how to 'build' a dynamic programming solution

Class P

the set of problems that can be solved by a polynomial time algorithm

Class NP

the set of problems that, given a potential solution, can be verified in polynomial time

NP Complete

a problem D is NP complete if it is in NP and all other problems in NP can be polynomially reduced to D.

polynomial reduction

problem D1 is polynomially reducible to problem D2 if there exists transformation T from D1 -> D2 that maps all 'yes' instances of D1 to a 'yes' instance of D2 and all 'no' instances of D1 to a 'no' instance of D2 in polynomial time.

big O definition

if f(n) and g(n) are functions, then f(n) is in O(g(n)) if there exist c, n_0 such that f(n) < c * g(n) for all n > n_0.

big Omega definition

if f(n) and g(n) are functions, then f(n) is in Omega(g(n)) if there exist c, n_0 such that f(n) > c * g(n) for all n > n_0.

big Theta definition

if f(n) and g(n) are function, then f(n) is in Theta(g(n)) if there exist c_1, c_2, n_0 such that c_1 * g(n) < f(n) < c_2 * g(n) for all n > n_0.

sum from i=k to n of (1)

= n - k + 1

sum from i = 1 to n of (i)

= [n(n+1)]/2

sum from i = 1 to n of (i^2)

= [n(n+1)(2n+1)]/6

sum from i = 1 to n of (i^k)

~= [n^(k+1)]/(k+1)

sum from i=0 to n of (a^i)

= [a^(n+1)-1]/(a-1)

Master Theorm

Given time function T(n) = a T(n/b) + n^d)

log_b(a) < d ==> T(n) in Theta(n^d)

log_b(a) = d ==> T(n) in Theta(n^d * log(n))

log_b(a) > d ==> T(n) in Theta(n ^ log_b(a))

Traveling Salesperson

Given a weighted graph G = (V, E), what is the shortest Hamilton Path?

Knapsack Problem

Given a set of items I, each with a value and weight and a knapsack with a capacity, what is the most valuable subset of items that fit into the knapsack?

Brute force Traveling Salesman

pick starting vertex. generate all permutations for the other (n - 1) vertices, for each permutation, check if it makes a circuit and is a new smaller distance

Brute Force Knapsack

generate all subsets of items, for each subset, check if it can fit in the knapsack and is a new highest value.

Topological Sort

a linear ordering of vertices of a directed graph so that there are no paths from any given vertex to any other vertex previously in the listing

Topological Sort DFS implementation

using a DFS of the graph, add vertices as they are "left" in reverse order.

Topological Sort Source Removal implementation

make a list of all vertices and their in-degrees. add one with 0 in-degree, and decrament the in-degrees of all adjacent vertices. repeat until all are added.

Lomuto's partitioning algorithm

two counters, each move left -> right. If Lead counter is larger than p, increase, if it is smaller, increase lower counter, swap, increase lead counter.

quicksort partition

two counters move in from each end. while left is smaller than p, increase. While right is larger than p, decrease. swap left and right. repeat until left and right cross.

Heap sort

build heap in array. continuously remove from heap and place at the position after the last element in heap.

Cut Property

For a weighted graph G = (V, E), if V is 'cut' into X and V - X, then the smallest edge between X and V-X must be part of the MST for G.

Sequence Alignment Algorithm

table is m x n with sequences along sides. initialize table T. Then, each cell at i, j is max of:

- T[i, j - 1] + 2

- T[i -1, j] + 2

- T[i - 1, j - 1] + C[i,j]

where C[i,j] is 0 if letters at i and j are same, 1 otherwise.

Max Flow, Min Cut theorem

The maximum flow for a flow network is equal to the min cut of that same network

Stable Marriage

Start with everyone free, as long as there are free men:

a free man proposes to his highest preferred single lady

if she is free, she accepts

if she is taken, but the new man is better, the old man is now free

if she is taken, but the new man is worse, he remains free

continue until all men are taken

State Space Tree

A tree that represents all possible configurations of a problem


walking backwards through a state space tree to construct a solution