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37 Cards in this Set

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In terms of a circuit, compare CO of the ventricles of a fetus to a neonate.
Fetus: parallel circuit
neonate: series circuit
At what age does the pulmonary pressure of the baby reach "adult" pressures?
1 week
What causes the ductus arteriosis to close (3 things)?
change in pressure, prostoglandins, inc. in O2
What causes the foramen ovale to close?
inc. in pressure of LA
What etiological factor should be suspected in any newborn w/ congenital heart disease?
chromosomal aneuploidy
30-60% of congenital heart disease can be detected by what modality?
ultrasound at 20 wks gestation
At what O2 sat. level should you suspect something is seriously wrong w/ the newborn?
below 95%
What week of embryological development correlates w/ a 4-chambered heart and absorption of the pulmonary veins?
Week 7
During what week does looping of the heart tube occur?
Week 4
During what weeks of development do the atrial septum and AV valves form?
wks 5-7
During what week of development does septation of the bulbus and ventricle occur?
wk 7
What L-to-R shunt does NOT lead to cor pulmonale in children (normal pressure, high volume)?
Which L-to-R shunt can lead to cor pulmonale (inc. volume AND pressure)?
VSD (and large PDA's)
What type of VSD is common in Asians?
Of the muscular VSD's, 80% close by 1 yr of age if less than what size?
4 mm (95% close by age 18)
What L-R shunt is common in premature infants?
PDA (give indomethacin)
What congenital defect is associated w/ a 'Tet spell'?
How do you treat it?
tetraology of fallot (accute PS, cyanosis)
Tx: calming, O2, morphine, alpha-agonist
What are 3 things done to repair TOF?
close VSD
resection of infundibulum (below pulmonary valve)
widen pulmonary valve
What do you give neonates w/ pulmonary atresia?
prostoglandins to keep PFO
What 3 things can be done for Tricuspid Atresia?
NOT repairable, but to palliate:
1. Blalock-Taussig shunt (around birth)
2. glenn shunt (6-12 months)
3. fontan completion (18-36 months)
What must infants have to survive AS?
A PDA (prostoglanding-dependent)
What are the surgical options for children w/ AS?
balloon valvuloplasty
ross procedure
What is the standard of care for PS?
balloon valvuloplasty
What conditions can cause a wide S2?
inc. RV ejection time (ASD, pulmonary insufficiency
early aortic closure (HTN, coarctation of aorta)
What conditions can cause a narrow S2?
late aortic closure (AS)
early PV closure (pulm. HTN)
Where is S1 best heard?
apex and LLSB
What systolic (diamond shaped) murmur originates at the aortic root and characteristically makes a "twanging" sound at LLSB?
still's murmur
common in ages 18 mos to 4 yrs
What murmur is best heart at left mid and upper sternal border in systole and is common up to adolescence?
Basal ejection murmur (pulmonary flow murmur)
Describe the grading system for murmurs.
I: barely audible
II: easily audible
III loud (no thrill)
IV: loud and thrill
V: loud: audible w/ incomplete contact to skin
VI: audible w/ steth off chest
What pitch is a mitral inflow murmur?
low pitch (rumble)
What pitch is a small muscular VSD or aortic insufficiency murmur?
high pitch
What defect produces a classically holosystolic murmur during systole?
VSD... also have diastolic mitral inflow rumble if large defect
What defect can produce a fixed split S2 sound?
What defect produces a click (in systole) present at the left mid and upper sternal borders?
Pulmonary stenosis
Compare murmurs of PS and TOF in terms of degree of stenosis.
PS: greater stenosis= louder murmur
TOF: great stenosis = softer murmur
What condition causes an audible mid-systolic click best heart at the apex?
What condition can produce a systolic click best heart at LLSB and apex?
aortic stenosis (if severe, S2 approaching being single and the murmur is longer and louder)... can radiate to the neck as well