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140 Cards in this Set

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What is used to prevent confusion or misunderstanding in a message?
Clarification Support
We should use _____ _____to explain things unfamiliar or amibiguous terms, acronyms or concepts.
Clarification Support
What is an essential ingredient of spoken communication?
Effective eye contact
What adds credibility, shows something is true and proves or support a point.
Proof support
Read the following paragraph and see if you can pick out the sentences that are proof support.
(1) Effective eye contact is an essential ingredient of spoken communication. (2) According to sr John Kline, professor or communication and author of Speaking Effectively, "Nothing will enhance your delivery more than effective eye contact with your audience. Effective eye contact occurs when the speaker looks directly and purposefully at the audience. In other words, the speaker make each person in the audience feel as if he is talking directly to him. (3) After reading this, I believe you'll agree, effective eye contact is a must if you want to be a successful speaker.

Sentences 2 & 3 are proof of support
Only sentence 2 is proof support
Sentences 1 & 2 are proof support
None are proof support
Only sentence 2 is proof support
Letting your audience know your source and its credibility is known as?
Qualifing a source
Integrating sources means _____?
Support material flows smoothly in our written or spoken presentations and support material logically fits within the paper or speech.
Support should be appropriate because _____?
Inapproprite support can turn the audience off and none our your message will get to them.
Support should be accurate because _____?
the audience needs to believe what we say or write is true. Inaccurate information can damage your credibility.
The audience needs to know where we got our information is best known as _____.
Give credit where credit is due
_____ are primarily used as clarification support becuase they explain or clarify terms, jargon, acronyms or concepts.
Definitions can come from?
Textbooks, AFIs and even people.
What can also be used as proof support to prove the true meaning of a word or concept?
Could examples be used as clarificaiton support? How?
Yes. Like definitions examples are primarily used to help clarify concepts or principles.
Could examples be used as proof support? How?
Yes, although the example is primarily used as clarification support, it can also be used as proof support.
What are the two types of examples you can use?
Real life & imaginary (jokes or parables)
Real life examples come from ____?
Real life experiences, they can be powerful and meaningful types of support in either written or spoken communication.
Imaginary examples are "made up" of _____?
examples not real-life stories
Today, I'd like to talk to you about something we call organizational norms. Organizations norms are the everyday behaviors we exhibit in a unit without regards to desired standards. These norms can be positive or negative. For example, some units may present impeccable dress and appearance standards where others may not.
1) Is the last sentence in the paragraph used as proof support, clarrification support, or both?
2) What types of examples does it fit (imaginary or real life)?
1) It's both. The example is given to clarify positive and negative norms. It also proves in one way positive and negative norms exist in organizations--something we have all probably witnessed.
2) It's a real-life example.
What is most frequently used to clarify relationships, but can be used to prove a point?
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech used to compare two things.
_____ is probably one of the most used comparisons in military writing because it's an effective means for proving a point.
What is a simile?
A simile is just like a metaphor but use words "like" or "as" and can be just as powerful and effective.
What are the five types of support?
Definitions, examples, comparisons, testimony, and statistics
What two types of support most commonly associated with proof support?
Testimony and statistics
What three types of support are most often used as clarification support?
Definitions, examples and comparisons
Which type of support is information we take from experts or expert documentation to support our written or spoken communication?
Testimony is an excellect way to prove a point, but it can also be used as _____?
Clarification support
What are the three methods of using testimony?
Direct quatation, Quotation with omissions, and paraphase
_____ quoting someone word for word without omissions.
Direct Quotations
It was Patrick Henry who said , " I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death." Is a _____ type of tertimony.
Direct quotation
Quoting only part of what someone has said or written is a _____?
Quotation with omissions
In the example, When Patrick Henry said, "...give me liberty or give me death," is what type of testimony?
Quotation with omissions
What are the three dots (...) within a quote called?
An ellipsis and indicate part of the quote missing.
Paraphase means?
borrowing information from someone else, and putting it in your own words.
What purposes does a paraphrase serve?
1) It's an effective way to summarize a large amount of information form a source. 2) it allows you to put more information in your own words, which may be more effective way to support your subject.
What is rule #1 when using testimony?
-know what you want to accomplish (clarify, prove or both)
-Qualify your source
-Integrate your source
- Keep it relevant
- Keep it appropriate
- Ensure it's accurate
- Ensure credit is given
What is rule #2 when using testimony?
Keep testimony as brief as possible.
What is rule #3 when using testimony?
Use your testimony in context.
What is considered the most powerful form of proof support?
Statistics can be effective for _____.
Proving a particular point, showing relationships and summarizing large collections of data.
What are the three methods of providing statistical information?
Ratios, percentages, and raw numbers
A numerical comparison of two or more things is called _____.
A ratio
A figure that reflects a portion of something when compared to the whole is called _____.
a percentage
Numbers that haven't been cooked yet or haven't been manipulated is called _____.
Raw numbers
Round off your _____.
Use statistics _____.
What can be used to make a point or gain attention?
Statistics to dramatize
Use statistics that accurately support your purpose for communicating is what rule?
Use statistics in their _____.
proper context
In the Fall 1995 AF Enlisted Jornal, Joan N. Prichard, Chief of Public relations for CCAF, stated that CCAF"...is considered the most progressive educational system ever developed for men & women in uniform." to validate this claim, she went on to state that CCAF offers 68 degree prgms, & is affiliated with over 70 schools worldwide. This allows our enlisted corps tremendous flexibility in meeting degree requirements, regardless of where they're stationed. That's not all! According to Prichard, CCAF graduates have doubled from 6% in 1989, to 12% in 1994 w/over 450,000 students enrolled as of late 1995. As we see, there is no question of CCAF's support for the educational goals of our enlisted men & women. CCAF has made a difference!

What type of support is the first sentence of the paragraph?

Statistics, Testimony, Neither
Testimony. It is from a person who works in the CCAF Public Relations office, so it could be viewed as biased opinon.
In the Fall 1995 AF Enlisted Jornal, Joan N. Prichard, Chief of Public relations for CCAF, stated that CCAF"...is considered the most progressive educational system ever developed for men & women in uniform." to validate this claim, she went on to state that CCAF offers 68 degree prgms, & is affiliated with over 70 schools worldwide. This allows our enlisted corps tremendous flexibility in meeting degree requirements, regardless of where they're stationed. That's not all! According to Prichard, CCAF graduates have doubled from 6% in 1989, to 12% in 1994 w/over 450,000 students enrolled as of late 1995. As we see, there is no question of CCAF's support for the educational goals of our enlisted men & women. CCAF has made a difference!

What method for presenting testimony did we use in the first sentence?

Direct quoatation, Paraphrase, Quotation with omisssions
Quotation with omissions
In the Fall 1995 AF Enlisted Jornal, Joan N. Prichard, Chief of Public relations for CCAF, stated that CCAF"...is considered the most progressive educational system ever developed for men & women in uniform." to validate this claim, she went on to state that CCAF offers 68 degree prgms, & is affiliated with over 70 schools worldwide. This allows our enlisted corps tremendous flexibility in meeting degree requirements, regardless of where they're stationed. That's not all! According to Prichard, CCAF graduates have doubled from 6% in 1989, to 12% in 1994 w/over 450,000 students enrolled as of late 1995. As we see, there is no question of CCAF's support for the educational goals of our enlisted men & women. CCAF has made a difference!

What type of support is used in the second sentence of the paragraph?

Testimony, Statistics, Neither
In the Fall 1995 AF Enlisted Jornal, Joan N. Prichard, Chief of Public relations for CCAF, stated that CCAF"...is considered the most progressive educational system ever developed for men & women in uniform." to validate this claim, she went on to state that CCAF offers 68 degree prgms, & is affiliated with over 70 schools worldwide. This allows our enlisted corps tremendous flexibility in meeting degree requirements, regardless of where they're stationed. That's not all! According to Prichard, CCAF graduates have doubled from 6% in 1989, to 12% in 1994 w/over 450,000 students enrolled as of late 1995. As we see, there is no question of CCAF's support for the educational goals of our enlisted men & women. CCAF has made a difference!

What general category of support is used in the second sentence of the paragraph?

Proof support, Clarafication support, Neither
Proof support
In the Fall 1995 AF Enlisted Jornal, Joan N. Prichard, Chief of Public relations for CCAF, stated that CCAF"...is considered the most progressive educational system ever developed for men & women in uniform." to validate this claim, she went on to state that CCAF offers 68 degree prgms, & is affiliated with over 70 schools worldwide. This allows our enlisted corps tremendous flexibility in meeting degree requirements, regardless of where they're stationed. That's not all! According to Prichard, CCAF graduates have doubled from 6% in 1989, to 12% in 1994 w/over 450,000 students enrolled as of late 1995. As we see, there is no question of CCAF's support for the educational goals of our enlisted men & women. CCAF has made a difference!

What type of support is used in the fourth sentence, and what presentation method is used?

Both statistical support & testimony using percentages

Testimony using percentages

Statistical support using both raw numbers & percentages
Statistical support using both raw numbers & percentages
Learning to identify errors in your thinking patterns is called _____?
Errors reasoning fallacies
A process of drawing conclusions or inferences from evidence. Often defined as thinking with a purpose is known as _____.
What is a fallacy?
A statement or argument based on a false or invalid conclusion or an illogical thought pattern.
The two most common reasoning fallacies are _____ and ______.
Slant reasoning and emotional appeals
Slant reasoning is caused by what?
the misuse or lack of data.
What type of slanted reasoning occurs when a few examples used as proof do not, or may not, represent the whole?
Hasty generalization
How can you avoid hasty generalizations?
Ask yourself whether there are enough samples and are they representative of the entire field.
In the choices below, identify the statement in which the validity of the conclusion is NOT questionable becuase of a hasty generalization.

After interviewing 40% of the qualified voters from each of the six Indian reservations in AZ, a representative of the Northrup polls predicted that the vast majority of the qualified Indian voters in AZ would vote for Hatfield.

After interviewing the first sergeant, the squadron commander, and the office file clerk, an investigator concluded that the AWOL rate was high becuase of poor food service.

Americans do not get enough vitamins. This is due to the fact that they east hasty meals.
After interviewing 40% of the qualified voters from each of the six Indian reservations in AZ, a representative of the Northrup polls predicted that the vast majority of the qualified Indian voters in AZ would vote for Hatfield.
Faulty dilemma is _____?
a device used when two alternatives are offered, one the speaker or writer wants us to accept and one that he knows we will either question or never accept.
Which device is a favorite tool of politicians?
Faulty diliemma
How can you avoid the faulty dilemma fallacy?
ensure you have analyzed the readable solutions between two extrememes before making or suggesting a final judgment.
Select the examples(s) of faulty dilemma form the choices below.

Learn to think logically or take the chance of having illogical thinking affect your career adversely.

Adopt the concepts of management as established by the USAF or suffer passover when promotin time rolls around.

I saw two movies on TV the other night; one was bad, and the other was terrible.
Adopt the concepts of management as established by the USAF or suffer passover when promotin time rolls around.
The example: Learning to fly a plane is as easy as learning to drive a car is what kind of reasoning?
Faulty analogy
Faulty Analogy is _____?
Reasoning by anallogy is the kind of reasoning that compares one situation to another.
Select the example(s) of faulty analogies from the choices below.

Hummingbirds are among the most agile birds. Becuase of their size and weight, they can hover, back up, and fly at speeds all out of proportion with their size. For these reasons, we should design fighter aircraft to be smaller and lighter.

Your Oldsmobile 98 has power steering, power brakes, and an automatic transmission. My Wagon Queen Family Truckster is similiarly equipped. I should have no problem driving your car.

There is evidence indicating that most men, by the time they are 40 years old, have had one or more cases of foot infection. Similiarly, most men, by the time they are 40 years old, have one or more children. This seems to indicate a direct correlation between the evidence of foot infection and the ability to have children.
Hummingbirds are among the most agile birds. Becuase of their size and weight, they can hover, back up, and fly at speeds all out of proportion with their size. For these reasons, we should design fighter aircraft to be smaller and lighter.

There is evidence indicating that most men, by the time they are 40 years old, have had one or more cases of foot infection. Similiarly, most men, by the time they are 40 years old, have one or more children. This seems to indicate a direct correlation between the evidence of foot infection and the ability to have children.
What consists of distorting or omitting important evidence to get a point across?
Stacking the evidence
_____ is a form of stacking the evidence.
How do you avoid instances of stacking the evidence?
By ensuring you have the full evidence and then reflect it in your communicatin.
Select the examples of stacked evidence from the choices below.

Mr. Smith is the man for the job. he is a Yale graduate, has done this type of work for years, and is very much in favor of pay raises.

Agricultural surpluses cause the price of food to drop. We all eat; therefore, we should encourage such surpluses.

John is a very intelligent boy. He stays on the Dean's list at college and earns good money on the side contracting for freelance writing jobs. He is, however, a very unsociable person.
Mr. Smith is the man for the job. he is a Yale graduate, has done this type of work for years, and is very much in favor of pay raises.
The practice of slipping in an assertion and passing it off as an ordinary question is _____?
Loaded question
Asking the question, when are we going to stop sinking money into this expensive program; is an example of what type of question?
Loaded question
Identify the loaded question(s) in the following.

Well, Lieutenant, what did you goof up today?

What is the source material for Mr. Smith's lesson?

What is the source material for Mr. Smith's lesson?

What is the source material for Mr. Smith's excellent lesson?

I had a wonderful time last night; what time will you be picking me up tomorrow night?
The first, second & fourth choices are all loaded questions.
The first emotional appeal is _____ _____.
Name calling
Which emotional appeal is the habt of giving undesirable names to things or people you dislike?
Name calling
A part of name calling is trying to sway the listener or reader into lumping people into one category.
Name calling
Which emotional appeal uses glittering generalities involving giving an admirable name to something that we want others to accept?
Glittering generality
True or False.
Terrorist groups make effective use of this emotional appeal when they use words like "peace," "culture," "freedom," and "equality" for their various front organizations.
Which type of emtional appeal is overworked these days on commercial TV?
Snob or presitge appeal
The Plain Folks Appeal is _____.
the idea that the simple things in life are the things worth having.
Which type of appeal is designed to pressure you into accepting or rejecting things or ideas because "it's the thing to do".
The bandwagon appeal
The _____ _____ is based on the principle that if an idea is accepted by the group, it would be presumptuous for your to re-examine it.
The Bandwagon appeal
Which type of appeal asks receivers to accept an idea without examinatin and to believe it becuase their working group or social group believes it.
The Bandwagon appeal
As a _____, you are expected to make decisions based on logic and fact and not on slanted reasoning or emotion.
Effective use of _____ _____ improves the communication process!
Support material
Check your tasking & purpose; check your introductin; compare your introduction & conclusion; check overall page count & length; check for relevance & completeness are examples of what when editing?
Arrangement and flow
Unity of focus; topic sentence; supporting ideas are all examples of what when editing?
Paragraph structure & clarity
Passive voice, unclear language, excessive wordiness, grammatical errors & spelling mistakes can all sabotage your communication when editing. What category are these items?
Sentences, Phrases, & words
The Tongue and Quill recommended the FIRST reading of your draft is to check for technical accuracy and coverage. Which of the following statements best describes what you should be looking for?

Checking the validity of statistics and numbers.

Checking for spelling errors and proper grammer.

Checking for proper word usage.
Checking the validity of statistics and numbers.
The Tongue and Quill recommended the SECOND reading of your draft is to check for arrangement and flow of ideas. Which of the following statements best describes wha you should be looking for?

Check to see if the document simple and direct.

Comapare the introduction to the conclusion & ensure a logical order of main points.

Ensure you have enough information to support your topic.
Comapare the introduction to the conclusion & ensure a logical order of main points.
The Tongue and Quill recommended the THIRD reading of your draft is to check for readability & mechanics. Which of the following statements best describes what you should be looking for?

Ensure the correct words are used & sentences & phrases are correct & free of typographical errors.

Check the accuracy of dates, times, & statistics.

Look for effective transitions & topic sentence.
Ensure the correct words are used & sentences & phrases are correct & free of typographical errors.
Look at the sentences below & assume you are tasked to edit them. Which ones should be rewritten?

1) Approaching the flight line from the east, the operations building can be easily spotted by a pilot.

2) To make a climbing turn, the throttle is opened wider.

3) The committee plans to submit their report by the end of the month.

4) The security polica officer told us to observe the speed limit & we should dim our lights.
Sentences 1, 2, 3, & 4.
Which of the following sentences are correct?

1) John has alot of time to complete the project.

2)Irregardless of the time, we will attend the meeting.

3) She was paralyzed from the waste down.

4) The large van don't fit under the sign.

5) You should read every draft at least three times.

6) He lets us go early.

7) Lets go to the party.
Sentences 5 & 6
A _____ tries to change the writer's style or word choice for no real reason.
_____ feedback should describe rather than judge.
True or False.

Feedback is both positive & negative.
Feedback should be _____ rather than _____.
Here it is, another day at work. As you walk down the hall, you hear SMSgt Wills talking to one of his workers. "This is the worst writing I've ever seen! What in the world were you thinking of? I need this by tomorrow morning--fix it!"

Which statement below is true aobu the feedback given by SMSgt Wills

Feedback was directed at the behavior.

Feedback was directed at the person.

Feedback was descriptive & not judgemental.
Feedback was directed at the person.
Which of the following statements are true?

Feedback should be both positive & negative.

Feedback should be specific rather than general.

Feedback should be directed at behavior the receiver can control.

Feedback should be directed at the person's work or behavior, not the person.

All of the above.
All of the above
Consider the following statement. "You hand gestures were great. Work a little more on making your eye contact more direct." Which type of feedback is it?


Improper feedback

Effective feedback
Effective feedback
Consider the following statement. "This is good, but you need to say it my way." Which type of feedback is it?


Improper feedback

Effective feedback
Consider the following statement. "This letter is no good. I can't understand it. You need to rewrite it." Which type of feedback is it?


Improper feedback

Effective feedback
Improper feedback
Effective eye contact can be described in two words: ____ & _____
Direct and Impartial
Effective eye contact is important for three reasons:
1) It lets the listeners know you are interested in them.

2) It allows you to receive nonverbal feedback from your audience.

3) It enhances your creditibility
Effective body movement can be described as:
Free and Purposeful
What are gestures?
The purposeful use of hands, arms, shoulders, and head to reinforce what is being said.
Effective gestures are _____ & _____.
Natural & spontaneous
A good voice has three characteristics
Quality, Intelligibility, and Variety
_____ refers to the overall impression a voice makes on others.
Intelligibility depends on
Articulation, Pronunciation, Overuse of stock expressions and vocal pauses, and substandard grammer
Rate, Volume, force,pitch and emphasis are vocal fundamentals of _____
Variety - the spice of speaking
Like all support must be audience centered. Always think in terms of audience needs. Ask yourself questions like, "What would I want to see?" or "What will they need to clarify that?". With that inmind, activate the appropriate response to the following scenario.
You'e briefing your squadron about the "101 critical Days of Summer" safety program and you hold up a pocket calendar & flip thru June, July & Aug to emphasize the period the 101 days cover.

Would this be an EFFECTIVE or INEFFECTIVE use of visual aids?
Like all support must be audience centered. Always think in terms of audience needs. Ask yourself questions like, "What would I want to see?" or "What will they need to clarify that?". With that inmind, activate the appropriate response to the following scenario.
You're briefing your squaddron about the "101 critical Days of Summer" safety program & you accompany your briefing with a short PowerPoint show of the major types of accidents historicaly encountered by AF personnel during this time frame. Would this be an EFFECTIVE or INEFFECTIVE use of visual aids?
When planning communicatins, whom should the writer/speaker consider?

The sending audience
The receiving audience
Both the sender & the receiver
Both the sender & the receiver
You would like to speak at the next commander's call to solicit volunteers to help with base blood drives. What is the purpose of your briefing?

Request action
Which of the following purpsoe statements would be the most effective?

I'd like to explain how we won the Energy Conservation Award at my base.

The purpose of my briefing is to inform you about new procedures for obtaining dependent ID cards.

I understand you manpower shortages with this new tasking so I'd like to share a few time management techniques we used in my organization when confronted with the same problem.
I understand you manpower shortages with this new tasking so I'd like to share a few time management techniques we used in my organization when confronted with the same problem.
When planning communication, whom should the writer/speaker consider?
Both the sender and the receiver
You would like to speak at the next commander's call to solict volunteers to help with base blood drives. What is the purpose of your briefing?
Which of the following purpose statements would be the most effective?

I'd like to explain how we wone the Energy Conservation Award at my base.

The purpose of my briefing is to inform you about new procedures for obtaining dependent ID cards.

I understand your manpower shortages with this new tasking so I'd like to share a few time management techniques we used in my organization when confronted with the same problem.
I understand your manpower shortages with this new tasking so I'd like to share a few time management techniques we used in my organization when confronted with the same problem.
Which of the following best explains the purpose of outling your thoughts as you prepare to communicate?

To arrange main points & supporting ideas in a visible framework.

To ensure your audience understands the purpose of your information.

An outline will help you write a better purpose statement after you've finished writing the first draft.

Examples & proof support can be utilized more effectively if they are included in the beginning of your memo or speech.
To arrange main points & supporting ideas in a visible framework.
Which is the problem/solution pattern of arrangement used?

When presenting an issue & then proposing a cure.

Whenever the main points involve categories or groups.

In a talk where one set of conditions is given as a reason for another.

If it's reasonable to discuss the advantages & disadvantages of each solution.
If it's reasonable to discuss the advantages & disadvantages of each solution
What pattern of arrangement is well suited to discuss the evolution of the enlisted force?




The base youth center offers a number of after school & summer programs. which pattern of arrangement would be most appropriate for writing an article about the programs at the youth center for the base newspaper?

Whether written or spoken, which statement best provides the necessary characteristics of an effective introduction?

Contains the main idea & supporting details.

Attention step, purpose statement with appeal, & an overview.

Proposes a recommendation & an appeal to accept your solution.

Reinforces the main points using new information & proof support.
Attention step, purpose statement with appeal, & an overview.
What is the purpose of your summary?

To reinforce key points.

To appeal to your audience.

To provide a roadmap of issues to be covered.

To briefly explain the purpose or reason for communicating.
To reinforce key points.
When giving a briefing to a group of basic trainees, SSgt Money Baggs stated the following: "Your LES will show that your EOM pay will be sent via EFTS to the financial institution of your choice." When he looked out into the audience, he saw many puzzled faces.

Besides analyzing the audience, what could SSgt Baggs have done to avoid this obvious confusion?

Used proof support.

Used visual aids.

Used Clarification support.
Used Clarification support.
Which of the following is an example of effective proof support?

Today we will explain the parts of your LES, LES stands for Leave and Earning Statement.

Her report discusses appropriate attitudes in the workplace. Attitudes can be defined as a state of mind or feeling.

In his best selling book Writing Good Isn't Hard, Bob Lew explains how the would-be writer can prepare to communicate.

Before you begin the test I will explain the process. First, you have only 60 minutes to complete the exam. There are 25 questions; each question is worth 2 points.
In his best selling book Writing Good Isn't Hard, Bob Lew explains how the would-be writer can prepare to communicate.
Which of the following statements best signifies the importance of support materials?

Support should be based on objective facts.

Support should include personal opinions & be interesting.

Appropriate source material proves you've minimized the information required to develop your main points
Support should be based on objective facts.
How do you know if you have paragraph unity?

When all sentences support the main idea or topic sentence.

When there is nice flow throughout the speech.

when the transitions pull everythink together for easier reading.
When all sentences support the main idea or topic sentence.
One purpsoe for a topic sentence is to do what?

Clarify or describe.

Introduce the paragraph.

Achieve effective transition.
Introduce the paragraph.
Minor support sentences should define, explain, or add proof to the major support. What is the purpose of the major support?

Clarify the minor support.

Define, explain, or prove the topic sentence.

Introduce stats, testimony, or acronyms needing further explanation.
Define, explain, or prove the topic sentence.
What is an adjective?
The part of speech (or word class) that modifies a noun or a pronoun
What is an adverb?
The part of speech (or word class) that is primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs can also modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and complete sentences. Adverbs typically add information about time (rarely, frequently, tomorrow), manner (slowly, quickly, willingly), or place (here, there, everywhere)
What is a modifier?
A word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb to limit or qualify the meaning of another word or word group (called the head).
What is a misplaced modifier?
Words, phrases, or clauses that do not clearly relate to the word or phrase they are intended to modify.

A misplaced modifier can usually be corrected by moving it closer to the word or phrase it should be describing.
What is a dangling modifier?
A word or phrase (commonly a participle or a participial phrase) that modifies a word that does not appear in the sentence.