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54 Cards in this Set

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the study of population numbers, distribution, trends, and issues
the process of collecting, compiling, and publishing demographic, economic, and social data about all people living in a particular area
Statistics Canada
a federal agency that conducts the census which provides a snapshot of a particular point in time of the Canadian population
developed country
a country with a highly developed economy and infrastructure and high living standards
developing country
a country with a less sophisticated economy and lower standard of living than developed countries; may have extensive poverty
birth rate
the number of births per 1000 people in a country in a given year
death rate
the number of deaths per 1000 people in a country in a given year
immigration rate
the number of new arrivals in a country in a given year per 1000 people
emigration rate
the number of people leaving a country in a given year per 1000 people
natural increase (NI)
the rate at which a population increases (or decreases) in a year expressed as a percentage of the total population; calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate
exponential rate
a rapid rate of population growth as each generation doubles in size
rule of 70
the time it takes a country to double its population, approximately 70 divided by the country's growth rate
doubling time
the number of years it takes a country to double its population at its current growth rate
net migration
the difference between the number of people immigrating to a country and the number of people emigrating
a person who moves from one region to another
population growth rate
the rate at which a country's population increases or decreases; calculated by adding natural increase and net migration
life expectancy
the average number of years an individual is expected to live
a virus that attacks and nervous system; was rampant in the first half of the last century and crippled huge numbers of children
demographic transition model
a model that shows changes in a population's birth and death rates and growth based on technological development
the overall change in a society from farm production and craftsmanship to mechanized manufacturing production
the move of people from farms to cities where jobs are available
deaths in a population
the first stage of demographic transition model in which high birth rates a high fluctuating death rates result in a small population growth; plagues, diseases, and poor nutrition keep mortality high
early transition
the second stage of demographic transition model in which improved health care, sanitation, and increased food supplies lead to a rapid fall in death rates; birth rates are still high, so there is a rapid increase in population numbers
late transition
the third stage of demographic transition model in which birth rates begin to fall, so population growth begins to decline; industrialization, urbanization, and improved living standards lead to less desire for large families
the fourth stage of demographic transition model in which there is a stable or slow population increase with low birth and dath rates
declining population
the fifth stage of demographic transition model in which birth rates drop below death rates and many older people are in the population
family planning
the concept of limiting the size of families
rhythm method
a method of birth control in which a couple does not have intercourse during the time when a woman is likely to ovulate
a procedure by which a person's ability to reproduce is destroyed
a form of male sterilization in which the tube carrying sperm from each testis is cut and tied
the use of force
birth control
total fertility rate
the average number of children born over the lifetime of a typical woman in a particular country
one-child pollicy
a policy adopted by China to control population growth
the act of killing an infant
gender selection
the choice of whether to keep a fetus based on its gender
National Population Policy
a policy established in 2000 to slow population growth
population pyramid
a bar graph that shows male and female populations back to back at age intervals of five years
age cohort
an age group in a population
dependency ratio
the proportion of the population (children and those over 65 years of age) that is being supported by the working age group
dependency load
the percentage of a population that is younger than 15 or older than 64 years of age
recognition of meeting an official standard
Thomas Malthus
a British economist who wrote that population would soon outstrip food supply, leading a famine, disease, and social disorder
Lester Brown
a leading neo-Malthusian of the Worldwatch Institute who said that millions of people will die while the population in the developing world tries to return to a balance with the environment's ability to provide food
people who share Malthus' pessimistic views regarding population growth
carrying capacity
the maximum number of people that can be sustained by an environment
ecological footprint
the impact of humans on the environment
people who have optimistic views on population growth due to advances in science and technology
demographic regulation
the theory that population growth will level off as living standards improve
population distribution
the pattern of where people live in an area
the populated area of the world
population density
the number of people living in a given area; calculated by dividing the population by its area
nutritional density
a measure of how much nutrition in calories can be produced from a certain area