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46 Cards in this Set

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True or False - Metals will dissolve in a corrosion process
Show the general equilibrium of a metal electrode in its own solution
M = M^(z+) + ze^(-)
True or False - There is a net current flow during equilbrium
Show the reaction that produces metal ion from metal atoms
M > M^(z+ + ze-
Show the reaction where metal ions combine with electron to deposit metal atoms at the surface
M^(z+) + ze- -> M
What is a half-cell reaction?
reactions that need another reaction to either produce or consume electrons
What type of reaction is an oxidation reaction?
A reaction that produces electrons. Ionizes metal atoms to ions
What type of reaction is a reduction reaction
A reaction that consumes electrons. De-ionization to form metal
What is a redox reaction?
M^= M^(z+) + ze-
Contains both the oxidation and reduction half-cell reaction
Name one thing oxidation is used in?
Name one thing reduction is used in?
What are the 4 necessary processes to have corrosion take place?
1) Oxidation half cell reaction
2) Reduction half cell reaction
3) Ion transport
4) Electron transport
What is another name for an oxidation reaction?
anodic reaction
What is another name for a reduction reaction?
cathodic reaction
List five types of reduction reactions
1. Plating/depository reaction -
M^(z+) + ze- > M
2. Reduction of hydrogen ions in strong, de-aerated acids:
2H+ + 2e- = H2

3. Reduction of oxygen in weak aerated acids to form water.
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- = 2H2O

4. Change in ionic state, e.g., Cupric to cuprous ion.
Cu2+ + e- = Cu1+

5. Reduction of oxygen in neutral or basic solutions to form hydroxyl ions.
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- = 4(OH-)
What is the cathode?
The location where the cathodic reaction occurs. Only needs to conduct electricity to be a cathode. Does not dissolve
What is ion transport?
Medium in which ions can be transported. Conductive medium or electrolte. Sea water, acids and bases work
What is electron transfer?
Electron transport between cathode and anode site.
What is the Exchange Current Density (ECD)?
The magnitude of the current. Measured in A/cm2. current per unit area exposed. It represents an equilibrium. Corrosion occurs if not at exchange current density
What is the current flow?
number of electrons per unit time
What controls the ECD?
reaction surface and ions involved
What are the standard equilibirum conditions?
1 atm, pure solid, normal ionic solution, 25 C
What is normalacy?
number of equivalent per liter
What is normal ionic strength?
When 1 gram equivalent dissolve in 1 liter. Example normal solution of HCl is gram molecular weight per liter. For basic solution Oh- used.
What is the reference scale?
Electro Motor Force or REDOX potential scale
What is the usually reference?
Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). H2 = 2H+ + 2e-. Potential of 0.0 V
What does a negative EMF mean?
A negative EMF means it is more likely to corrode.
Why are some negative EMF resistant to corrosion
kinetics plays an important role
What is the Calomel Reference Electrode?
Hg2Cl2 + 2e- = 2Hg + 2Cl-

Ecal = +0.242 V against SHE for
Hg/Hg2Cl2 in saturated KCL
Copper/Cupric Sulfate
copper bar in cupric sulfate
E = 0.34+
What is polarizatin
The movement away from the redox potential, movement away from equilibrium
What is the Tafel equation?
eta - overpotential or voltage movement from Er value, F - Faradays constant
eta = a +/- b logi
a = -ln io(RT/(alpha)zF)
b = -(RT/(alpha)zF)
same as above except (1-alpha)
i = current density
What do tafel lines do?
show the effect of anode and redox rate as a function of polarization
What is the Nernst equation?
E = Eo + 2.3(RT/zF) ln K
What is the activity of a dissolved substance?
a=( Vapor pressure of substance above solution)/ (Vapor pressure of substance in standard state)
What is the vapor pressure in an ideal system?
p1 = p1o c1
p10 - vapor pressure in standard state and c1 - concentration in moles.
What is the vapor pressure in a non-ideal system?
p1 = p1o a1
a1 = gamma*10 c1
gamma1o = activity coefficient
What is the equation to find the corrosion rate?
T/t= iEW/(FdA)
T = thickness
t = time
i = current density
EW = equivalent weight = M/z = molecular weight/electrons
d = density
A = area of surface area
F =96,500 coulombs

CR = 0.13 (icorr x EW)/d
What is Concentration Polarization?
reactive species cannot transport to or away from electrode fast enough.
What are the two regions of concentration polarization?
activation polarization from tafel law, controlled by activation energy.
concentration polarization, reatants limited by transport component. Current density is ilmit
ilim = (D z F Co)/x

D - diffusion rate of the species, Co - concentration and x - diffusion distance
What is faraday's constant?
F = 96845.34
how are pourbaix diagrams useful?
indicate where areas of active corrosion, immunity and passive behavior occurs as a function of potential and pH.
What is the importance of the oxygen line?
Below the oxygen line indicates where oxygen will reduce to hydroxyl ions.
What is the importance of the hydrogen line?
Area below where hydrogen ions reduce to hydrogen
What is the MW and density of Al
29.68 MW, d = 2.7
What is the MW and density of Fe
MW = 55.845, d = 7.874