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39 Cards in this Set

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Two of the most powerful and versatile approaches for investigating variable relationships
correlation analysis
regression analysis
shows the relationship between two quantitative variables measured on the same individuals
scatter plot displays (3) of the relationship
form (linear or nonlinear)
direction (+ or -)
strength (no, weak, or strong)
relationship examined by our eyes may not be satisfactory in many cases we need numerical measurement to supplement graph
____is the measure we use
The correlation measures the
direction and strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables
*Pearson correlation coefficient (r)
Pearson correlation coefficient is
standardized ______
degree to which X and Y vary together
Cov(X,Y) > 0 means
X and Y tend to move in the same direction
Cov(X,Y) < 0 means
X and Y tend to move in opposite directions
Cov(X,Y) = 0 means
X and Y are independent
explain -1 ≤ r ≤ +1
-closer to –1, the stronger the negative linear relationship
-the closer to 1, the stronger the positive linear
-the closer to 0, the weaker any linear relationship
T or F correlation is It is an indicator of causal relationship between variables
its NOT
only legitimate way to try to establish a causal connection statistically is
through the use of designed experiments
what Statistical test can be used for the significance
of correlation coefficient if a single parameter
t test
*we can use the original and convert it for correlation coefficient
linear regression:
Correlation treats two variables X and Y as_____
(it shows a ____relationship)
symmetric linear
In many cases, we want to study a ______linear relationship between X and Y.
-One variable (X) influences (or predicts) the
other variable (Y).
X = IV or predictor variable
Y = DV or outcome variable
Linear Regression Analysis=
Describes how the DV (Y) changes as a single independent variable (X) changes (the effect of X on Y)
*called ‘simple’ linear regression analysis
**summarizes the relationship between two variables if the form of the relationship is linear
linear regression model is used as a
mathematical model to predict the value of DV (Y) based on a value of an IV (X)
When a scatterplot displays a linear pattern, we can describe the overall pattern by
drawing a straight line through the points.
The equation of a line fitted to data gives a
compact description of the dependency of the___on the___
DV on the IV
*equation of a line is a mathematical model for the straight-line relationship
What is the “equation of line”?
A straight line relating Y to X has an equation of the
Ŷ = a + bx
a = intercept (Mean value of DV when IV is zero)
b= slope (Amount by which DV changes on average when IV changes by one unit)
simple regression model
fits a straight line through the set of n points in such a way that makes the sum of squared residuals of the model (that is, vertical distances between the points of the data set and the fitted line) as small as possible.
simple regression (II)
When we have a scatterplot with a linear relationship between the DV (Y) and a single IV (X), we are often interested in summarizing the overall pattern
this is done how
drawing a line on the graph=regression line.
regression line =
straight line that describes how Y changes as X changes.
How to determine the best regression line?
-line that comes the closest to the data points in the
vertical direction. There are many ways to make this distance “as small as possible.”
-use method of least squares
least-squares regression line of Y on X is the line that
makes the sum of the squares of the vertical distances of the data points from the line as small as possible.
Sum of the Squares of all vertical distances=
in the least squares method which is determined/calc first a or b
b then a
-can we use statisitcal tests to test the strength of the
relationship between the two variables in simple linear regression (the effect of X on Y)
-if so what are the hypothesis
-H0 : β = 0 (β = population slope)
There is no linear relationship between X and Y
(no effect of X on Y)
H1 : β ≠ 0
There is a linear relationship (an effect of X on Y)
Statistical test for the significance of slope
-just use/edit the t statistic
-If the observed value of t is greater than a critical value of t with DF = N-2 and α = .05, we may reject the null hypothesis
to apply the t test for the slope, the following assumptions are required (2)
Normal distributions
Independent observations
As in ANOVA, we can also divide the variance/variation in the DV (Y) into different parts resulting from different sources
-In regression analysis, the total variation in Y is partitioned into(2)
SS(Regression): The variation in Y explained by the regression line
SS(Error): The variation in Y unexplained by the regression line (residuals).
simple regression:
the_____is used for testing
F statistic
Ho : β = 0
H1 : β ≠ 0
If the observed F value is greater than a critical value of F with DF(Reg) and DF(E) at α= .05, we may reject H0.
Coefficient of Determination (R^2)=
used to
*Proportion of the total variation in Y accounted for by the regression model.
-assess goodness-of-fit of the regression model
The larger R^2, the more ____of DV explained
0 =
No explanation at all
Perfect explanation.
in simple regression, r=
r^2=.710 means what
71% of the total variance of the DV is explained by the IV
Note that in simple regression analysis, both____(2)
tests are used for testing the significance of the single
slope, resulting in the same conclusion.
F and t