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93 Cards in this Set

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Describe the characteristics that make up an ideal presiding officer
An ideal presiding officer possesses the following characteristics:

1. Willingness to work
2.Self Confidence
3.Ability to learn parliamentary procedure
4. Well developed voice
5.Neat Appearance
6.fair and impartial judgment
7.Skill in leading people
What qualifications should one have to be on a chapter conducting team?
Members selected to be on a chapter conducting team should possess the following qualifications:

1. Willingness to work
2. Capability of learning parliamentary procedure
3.Team spirit
4. Well developed Voice
5. Calmness and self confidence
What is the purpose of Presenting a motion?
The purpose of presenting a motion is to bring an item of business before the chapter for consideration and action.
What steps must be completed to present an item of business?
The following steps must be completed to present an item of business.

1.Rising and addressing the president or chair
2. Recognition by the president or chair
3. Presenting the motion
4. seconding the motion
5. statement of the question by the president or chair
What is the proper terminology to use when putting the question?
The proper terminology to use when putting the question, or taking the vote is:

"Those supporting the motion that.. say aye. Those opposed say no


"Those in favor of the motion that.. raise your hand. Those opposed raise your hand."
When does a vote go into effect?
A vote goes into effect following the announcement of the results of the voting. A tap of the gavel should follow the announcement of the results.
What happens to a motion if the vote results in a tie?
A tie vote means that a motion is lost, assuming the motion requires a majority vote.
What is the purpose of a main motion?
The purpose of a main motion is to present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter.
Is a main motion debatable? Amendable?
A main motion is always debatable and amendable
Does a main motion require a second? Majority vote?
A main motion requires a second and a majority vote
what is the proper terminology to use in stating a main motion?
The proper terminology to use in stating a main motion is: "I move that"
What is the purpose of the motion to lay on the table?
The purpose of the motion to lay on the table is to temporarily delay action on an item of business
Is the motion to lay on the table debatable? amendable?
The motion to lay on the table is undebatable and unamendable
Does the motion to lay on the table require a second? Majority vote?
The motion to lay on the table requires a second and a majority vote
What happens to a pending amendment if the main motion is tabled?
If a main motion is tabled, all amendments and other motions belonging to it are also tabled
What is the purpose of the previous question?
The purpose of the previous question is to terminate discussion on the motion or motions before the chapter and to secure an immediate vote.
When the previous question is called for without qualifications, to what question does it apply?
If the previous question is called for without qualifications, only the immediately pending question is affected
is the previous question debatable? Amendable?
The previous question is undebatable and unamendable
What vote is necessary to call the previous question
A two-thirds vote is necessary to call the previous question
When may a vote on the previous question be reconsidered?
It may be reconsidered before the affirmitive vote is taken on the pending question or questions
What is the purpose of referring a motion to a committee?
The purpose of referring a motion to a committee is to place the question temporarily in a committee
Is the motion to refer debatable? amendable?
The motion to refer is debatable and amendable
Does the motion to refer require a second? Majority vote?
The motion to refer requires a second, and a majority vote
When a motion is referred to a committee, what happens to the amendment or amendments that are pending to the main motion?
When a motion is referred to a committee, the amendment or amendments that are pending to the main motion are also referred
What is the correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee?
The correct teminology to use when referring a motion to a committee is:

"I move that we refer the motion that...to a committee." OR "to a committee consisting of..." OR "to a special committee on..." OR "to the standing committee"
What is the purpose of an amendment?
The purpose of an amendment is to modify the motion that is under consideration
When may an amendment be offered to a motion?
A member may offer an amendment to an amendable motion after the chair states the question and the member obtains the floor
In what ways may a motion be amended?
A motion may be amended by striking out words, inserting or adding words, or striking out and inserting words
What is the proper terminology to use in stating an amendment?
The proper terminology to use in stating an amendment is:

"I move to amend the main motion by..."
"I move to amend the amendment by..."
Is the motion to amend debatable? Amendable?
The motion to amend is debatable when the motion to which it applies is debatable, only an amendment of the first rank is amendable
Does an amendment require a second? Majority vote?
An amendment requires a second and a majority vote.
What is the purpose of a point of order?
The purpose of a point of order is to enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure
Does a point of order require a second? A vote?
A point of order does not require a second. A point of order does not require a vote, unless it is referred to the chapter for a decision
Is a point of order debatable? Amendable?
A point of order is undebatable and unamendable
Is it proper for the president to call a member out of order?
The president is duty bound to enforce correct rules of procedure and should call members out of order when they are in error
What is the purpose of an appeal?
The purpose of an appeal is to pbtain a decision from the chapter to a question on which the president has made a decision
What happens if the vote on an appeal results in a tie?
If the vote on an appeal results in a tie, the chair is sustained.
Does an appeal require a second? Majority vote?
An appeal requires a second and a majority vote to sustain the chair
Is an appeal debatable? Amendable?
An appeal is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum (improper conduct), priority of business, or deviation from the rules of speaking. An appeal is unamendable.
What is the correct terminology to use when appealing from a decision of the chair?
The correct terminology to use when appealing from the decision of the chair is:

"Mr/Mdm. president, i appeal from the decision of the chair"
What is the purpose of suspending the rules?
The purpose of suspending the rules is to permit the chapter to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules
What vote is required to suspend the rules? An adopted order of business?
A majority vote is required to suspend the rules

A 2/3rds vote is required to suspend a previously adopted order of business.
is the motion to suspend debatable? Amendable?
The motion to suspend is undebatable and unamendable
May a rule be suspended by unanimous (general) consent? explain.
Unanimous (general) consent may be used to suspend a rule. This may be done by the chair stating, "Shall we suspend by unanimous (general) consent the standing rule of this chapter that?
what is the purpose of a division of the assembly?
The purpose of a division of the assembly is to determine the accuracy of a vote, especially when taken by voice or by show of hands
When must a member request a division?
A member must request a division before another motion is stated. recognition is not necessary and it may interupt a speaker
Must a division recieve a second? a vote?
A division does not require a second. A vote is not required to order a standing vote
Is a division debatable? Amendable?
A division is undebatable and unamendable
May a division be reconsidered?
A division cannot be reconsidered
How may nominations be made?
Nominations may be made by a committee or from the floor by a member. Even when a nominating committee is used, nominations may be made by members when the floor is open for further nominations
How may nominations be closed? Reopened?
Nominations may be closed by a two-thirds vote or by unanimous- general consent on the motion to close nominations. Nominations may be reopened by a majority vote on the motion to reopen nominations.
Does a nomination require a second? A vote?
A nomination does not require a second. A majority vote is required to elect.
In what order are candidates voted upon following their nomination?
candidates are voted upon in the order in which they were nominated
May the vote on a motion to close nominations be reconsidered?
The vote on the motion to close nominations cannot be reconsidered.
What is the purpose of a parliamentary inquiry?
The purpose of a parliamentary inquiry is to permit a member to gain parliamentary information
Is a second required to a parliamentary inquiry? a vote?
A parliamentary inquiry does not require a second; a vote is not required
Is a parliamentary inquiry debatable? amendable?
A parliamentary inquiry is undebatable and unamandable
Must one recieve recognition to make a parliamentary inquiry?
Recognition is not necessary to make a parliamentary inquiry, and the parliamentary inquiry may interupt a speaker.
When may the proposer of a motion withdraw it from the chapter?
The proposer of a motion may withdraw it from the chapter before it is stated by the chair
If The proposer of a motion modifies it in any way, may the seconder withdraw his/her second?
If the proposer of a motion modifies it in any way, after it recieves a second, the seconder may withdraw his/her second
Is a leave to withdraw debatable? Amendable?
A leave to withdraw is undebatable and unamendable
What vote is necessary to permit one to withdraw a motion?
A motion after having been stated by the president may be withdrawn by a majority vote of the chapter
May a motion be withdrawn after voting has commenced?
A motion cannot be withdrawn after voting has commenced
What is the purpose of the motion to adjourn?
The purpose of the motion to adjourn is to terminate (close) the meeting
When may a motion to adjourn be offered?
A motion to adjourn, when unqualified, is a privileged motion and may be offered at any time other than when the chapter is voting or verrifying a vote unless the vote is by ballot. A motion to adjourn, when qualified becomes a main motion and may be offered only when no other motion is before the chapter
Is the motion to adjourn debatable? Amendable?
The motion to adjourn, when unqualified, is undebatable and unamendable
In a chapter meeting, if the motion to adjourn carries, is the meeting dismissed imediately?
In a chapter meeting, if the motion to adjourn carries, the meeting is not dismissed immediately. The closing ceremony should be performed because the motion to adjourn affects only the business session.
What is the purpose of the motion to take from the table?
The purpose of the motion to take from the table is to again bring the question before the chapter for further consideration
When may a tabled motion be taken from the table?
A motion can be taken from the table only if some business has been transacted since it wa tabled
Is the motion to take from the table debatable? Amendable?
The motion to take from the table is undebatable and unamendable
Does the motion to take from the table require a second? A majority Vote?
The motion to take from the table requries a second, and a majority vote.
What is the purpose of the motion to reconsider?
The purpose of the motion to reconsider is to permit the reconsidering of a vote, previously taken on a motion, and to again reconsider the question
Which members are eligible to offer the motion to reconsider?
The motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted on the prevailing side, unless the vote was by ballot.
Is the motion to reconsider debatable? amendable?
The motion to reconsider is debatable if the question to be reconsidered is debatable. The motion to reconsider is unamendable
Does the motion to reconsider require a second? majority vote?
The motion to reconsider requires a second and a majority vote
What is the correct terminology to use in asking that a motion be reconsidered?
The correct terminology in asking that a motion be reconsidered is:

"I move to reconsider the vote on the motion that.... I VOTED ON THE PREVAILING SIDE"
What is the purpose of the motion to rescind?
The purpose of the motion to rescind is to cancel action taken by the chapter
What vote is required to rescind an item of business?
A majority vote is required to rescind an item of business if previous notice of the proposed action was given; otherwise, a two-thirds vote is required
Under what condition is it not permissible to rescind an item of business?
It is not permissable to rescind action that cannot be reversed.
What is the proper procedure for adopting an order of business?
The proper procedure for adopting an order of business is to present a main motion to adopt a certain order of business. Adopting an order of business may be done by unanimous (general) consent
What vote is required to adopt an order of business?
A majority vote is required to adopt an order of business when the question is put to the chapter
What is the proper procedure for considering business items out of order after an order of business has been adopted?
Two different methods for considering business items out of order after an order of business has been adopted are:

a. Suspend the rules with a two-thirds vote

b. lay on the table each item of business untill the desired item is reached
What are the two classes of committees most frequintly used in FFA chapters?
Standing committees or special committees are the two classes of committees most frequintly used in FFA chapters
Who may call committee meetings?
Committee meetings may be called by the chairperson of the committee or by any two of it's members.
How do parliamentary rules differ in small committee meetings from those in regular chapter meetings?
Parliamentary rules differ in small committee meetings in the following ways:

a. It is not necesssary for a member to rise and address the chair prior to presenting motions or speaking

b. The chair does not rise to put the question or leave the chair to speak or present motions

c. It is not necessary for one to second motions
when a committee report contains recommendations, what disposition should made of the report
When a committee report contains recommendations, a motion to accept the report should be offered. If the motion passes, the chapter assumes responsibility for the report
Is a motion to adopt a report necessary when a committee report contains information only?
If a committee report contains information only, it is not necessary to offer a motion to adopt the report.
After a committee report has been given, should a copy of the report be filed? if yes, with whom?
yes, a copy of each committee report should be filed with the secretary
Is the treasurer's report acted upon by the chapter? why or why not?
A financial report from the treasurer is not acted upon by the chapter. Such a report is for information only it will later be checked by an auditing committee which will make a report upon which the chaper will act.
After a treasurer's report has been presented, should a copy of the report be filed? if yes with whom?
Yes. After a treasurer's report has been presented, copies of the report should be filed with the auditing committee and the secretary.
What major items should be contained in a treasurer's report?
A treasurer's report should contain the following major items:

a. Date of report
b. Balance on hand at date of last report
c. Reciepts since last report
d. Disbursments since last report
e. Present balance
f. Treasurer's signiture
How is the reading of the minutes requested?
The reading of the minutes is usually requested by the president stating:

"We will now have the minutes of the previous meeting"
Is it necessary for the president to sign the minutes after they have been approved by the chapter?
Following the approval of the minutes, they should be signed by the president