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184 Cards in this Set

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total medal of honor recipients that were corpsman


Individual medical readiness insruction



Progress notes


operation report


tissue examination

yellow shot card insruction


what muscles make up the hamstring

bicep femoris

Enamel can withstand what PSI pressure

100,000 PSI

what dental problem is experinced with worsening pain when lying down or climbing stairs


what dental problem caused the tooth to fill high in the mouth when biting

periapical abcess

what are organisms that adversley affect military operations known as


waste water dumping from a ship is illegal within how many nautical miles of shore

3 miles


Control of communicable disease manual

a single celled animal that doesnt have a rigid cell wall is known as a what


bacteria that can be removed by hanwashing, is not firmly attached to the skin and cant multiply on the skin is known as what

transient flora

a water based cleaner that is an intiseptic has a sustained effect and is mixed with 4%isopropyl

chlorhexidine gluconate

70% isopropyl alcohol disinfects in how long?

20 seconds

what distance must you remain from a patient if droplet precautions are in place

3 feet

biological monitoring and the Bowie Dick test should be done


ethylene oxide time and temperature for sterilization

2-3 hours at 120F

double muslin wrap is sterile for how many days

30 days

patients will rinse their mouth out with .12% of what solution for dental exams

Chlorhexidine gluconate

sodium hypochlorite to water solution


sharps should never be transported in what type of equipment

chutes or dumbwaiters

the starting point for a long arm cast begins at what body body part

the wrist 2 inches below the axilla

at what point of water consumption does water intoxication occur

8 liters

how many essential amino acids does the body need

9 (20 amino acids in total)

clear liquid diets can only be maintained for how many days


DD2808 (performed at meps)

report of medical examination

a person seperating from the navy and is not retiring has how many days to finish seperation exam

30 days

medical evaluation boards use what DD form

DD 2697

PSUEDOISOCHROMATIC plates is also known as what optical test


hearing conservation form is what DD form


annual total does limit for radiation


Tetracyclines cause discoloration of what

the teeth

Anti-pyretics are used to treat what


methocarbamol and cyclobenzaprine are both known as what

skeletal muscle relaxants

the outpatient prescription form is known as what DD form


all prescription are kept on file for how long

2 years

Lymphocytes are produced to fight what kind of infections

viral infections

mesophilic bacteria produce best at what temperature

body temperature

Thermophilic produce best at what temperatures

above 47C

the Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) card test will turn what color if considered reactive

black against a white background

hemoglobin count below what level is an indication of severe anemia


a dressing should extend at least how far over a wound in every direction

1 inch

what chest seal is used for tension pneumothorax

asherman chest seal

what type of IV fluids treats for shock


American oxygen tanks are color coded what color? what color are international?

Green (American) International (White)

Oropharyngeal airways should only be used on what type of patient


what is the maximum suction time limit

15 seconds

a self contatining breathing apparatus uses oxygen and has a life of how many minutes

20-45 minutes

1st phase of patient rescue

remove lightly pinned patients

3rd phase of patient rescue

remove patients trapped under time consuming difficult material

what type of carrying method is used to carry casualties that are heavier than the rescuer

pack strap carry

9 line (1)


9 line (5)

Number of patients

How many meters in diameter should a evac zone be

30 meters

HAZMAT exclusion zone

The Hot zone

Contamination reduction zone is known as the

warm zone

support zone is also known as the

safe zone


vital signs report


Consultation sheet

SF546-557 are known as

lab report displays

needle decompressions location

2nd intercostal space at midclavicular line (Use a 14 gauge)

Neurogenic shock is caused by what

failure of the nervous system

decompensated stage of shock has volume drop by what percentages


septic shock takes how many days to develop


Cardiogenic shock is caused by what medical problem

myocardial infarction

activated charcoal dosage

25-50g for adult 12.2-25g for child. generally 1g for kg of bodyweight

hemorrhage tourniquets should be applied how high above the wound

2-3 inches

maximum recommended amount for xylocaine

50ml for a 1% solution

over what percentage of body burn is considered fatal


for dry lime burns how do you remove chemical particles from body

brush away the particles

at what temperature do you discontinue cooling of a heat casualty

102F (recheck temperature every 10 minutes)

immersion foot occurs at what temperature

50 degrees F

at what water temperature would you immerse a frostbitten limb


cassions disease is also known as the what

the bends

emetic preferred drug

ipecac syrup 15-30ml for an adult 15ml for a child

how do you treat a scorpion sting

ice and elevation

snake bites should not have what done to them

ice, tourniquet,, or elevation (sucking is only beneficial within first 3 minutes)

what fishes antivenom is used for all other fish poisons


what drugs are CNS depressants

opium and opium alkaloids

m8 chemcial paper turn what color for VX nerve agents


M8 chemical paper turns what color for blister agents


for G nerve agents M-8 paper will turn what color


MOPP3 Carry and worn list

Carry gloves, decontamination kit... Wear Mask, Garment, Boots

blister form within what time range after contact

12-48 hours

what drug is used to treat blood agents

amyl nitrate

Yersinia pestis is also know as the


Bubonic plague is most common from what vectors, and what is the Buboe measurment

fleas and 1-10cm measurment

Ricin incubation

18-24 hours

temporary filling are filled with what

zinc oxide

post extraction alveolar osteitis is also known as a what and causes pain and discomfort for how long

dry socket, 3-4days

what is the name for nerve agent GB
what is the name for nerve agent GA
blood agent AC name
safest method of equipment sterilization
automated washer process
ultrasonic sterilization machines should have how much fluid in them at all times
at least 1/2 or 3l4
what is the maximum time limit of ultrasonic sterilization to avoid damage to equipment
maximum of 5 minutes of ultrasonic
gas sterilization used how much heat for how long? what is the aeration time after sterilization
4-12 hours at 120f. aeration should be 16 hours
what book is available to the HM when involved in patient care and unsure of drug effects and interactions
physicians desk reference the nursing drug handbook
cleaning done after the patient leaves is known as what
terminal cleaning
cleaning and sterilization while the patient is within the hospital is known as what
concurrent cleaning
civilians have what type of medical records opened when appointed to officer
health records
who holds the record for civilians waiting to be appointed to officer
what part of the medical record has pencil entries written on it. the front of the records also has pencil entries to indicate rank
part 1 contains pencil entries on the front inside cover
naval academy attendees will have their medical record created when and where?
upon arrival at naval academy and it will be kept at the naval academy
report of medical history
what type of pen will be used to write on the front of the medical record
black felt tip or black ball point
where is the privacy act statement located in the medical record
part 2
duplicated paperwork within the medical record should be marked with what at the bottom
duplicate. when duplicating an entire record mark the front with "duplicate record"
unscheduled inventory of items is known as what
spot inventory
at what temperature are eggs kept at
41f or lower
eggs need to meet what temperature when cooking. all other meats?
eggs 145f all other meat 155 for at least 15 seconds
chicken need to reach what temperature of cooking to be considered cooked
165f for 15 seconds
how often is potable water chlorine and bromine levels read and recorded
how often is bacteriological examinations done on potable water
what type of directives are there
permanent and temporary [less than 365]
the two types of BAS support
combat personel. support personnel(surgical and medical aid

family member prefix 20

active duty
family member prefix 12
activated reserve

family member prefix 30-39

dependent spouse

family member prefix 01-19


Family member prefix 40-44

dependent mother or step mother

family member prefix 45-49

dependent father or step father

family member prefix 50-54

mother in law

family member prefix 55-59

father in law

family member prefix 60-69

other authorized dependents

family member prefix 98


family member prefix 99

all others

DD2005 (Found in medical record)

privacy act statement

who is in charge of direct operations of neccesary orders to receive material for working stock levels

central supply

a purchase under 3000$ is considered a what type of purchase

a micro purchase

what DD form is used to purchase standard stock


how far should supply boxes be stored from a bulk head

18 inches

3 stages of teeth development

bud stage, cap stage, bell stage

what is the term known as when the tooth comes into the proper position


a dull ache that can turn into a pulsating pain in the tooth (Can be caused by tooth fracture) is known as what


what dental problem leaves a punched out look in the mouth and is also known as trench mouth

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

inflammation forms at the apex of the tooth, gingiva bleeding easily which can lead to loss of teeth is known a

periodontal pocket

loss of substance of a tooth from a wearing away process caused by teeth against teeth


the food service training program is what secnavinst

SECNAVINSt 4061.1 series

what type of disease spreading plant that lacks chlorophyll is easily killed by heat


a disease spreading microrganism that is smaller than bacteria and is not affected by antibiotics and must be boiled for 20 minutes to kill off


Group 1 removable medical waste

cultures, stocks, vaccines

Group 2 removable medical waste

pathological waste

Group 3 removable medical waste

Blood and blood products

Group 4 and 7 removable medical waste


Group 5 removable medical waste

animal waste

Group 6 removable medical waste

isolation wastes, such as bedding

Group 8 removable medical waste


Group 9 removable medical waste

chemotherapy waste

the maximum storage time for refridgerated medical waste is how many days

30 days

spinal anesthesia is placed where in the spine

3rd 4th or 5th lumbar and sacral lumbar space

medical classification that is grouped according to source for medication


medical classification for a drug that is grouped according to effect on body


what are the three medication names

chemical name, generic name, brand nmae

drugs that inhibit protein sysnthesis are known as


the superscription on prescription medication refer to what

RX means take

what scheduled drugs must be kept in a locked cabinet


what scheduel drugs must be kept in a locked vault


what is the job of the hemoglobin

deliver and release oxygen

older intermediate neutrophils are known as what

neutrophilic bands

mature neutrophils are knowns as what

segmented neutrophil

what specific defense proteins are created when an antigen stimulates a cell


non reactive RPR card test will be what color

even grey color

what is used to indicate specific gravity of urine

index refractometer

at what level of psi is an oxygen tank considered empty


what causualty carry is used if the patient is smaller then the rescuer

arm carry

HAZMAT type orange refers to what


HAZMAT type red refers to what

flammable liquids

HAZMAT type solid yellow refers to what

oxidizers, and peroxides

HAZMAT type half half white and half black refers to what


HAZMAT type white refers to what


how long do you flush contaminated objects for

20 minutes

non tactical triage level 4


non tactical triage level 5 (black)


for a nasal canula you will set it to how many liters per minute


for a oxygen mask you will set it to how many liters per minute


how many litters does a UH-1V have
how many litters does a uh-60a have
how many litters does a CH-47 have
24 litters
how many red crosses does the uh-1V helo have
how many red crosses does the UH-60a have