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30 Cards in this Set

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How would you handle the situation if you came upon a classmate or teacher who appears to be injured or seriously ill ?

Call 911 or if the victim's condition is life threatening, give first aid first and ask some else to call 911.

What should you remember to do when you call 911 ?

Speak slowly and clearly, Identify yourself and phone number from which you are calling,Give exact location of individual(s) needing help, Describe what happened,and ask for advice.

What law protects you when assisting an individual who is in distress and what do you need to do in order to be covered by it?
The Good Samaritan Law protects those who act in good faith, do not receive payment, and perform first aid correctly without gross negligence.
What are the 7 life-saving steps?
Check for consciousness; Check for breathing and heartbeat; Check for bleeding; Check for shock; Check for fractures; Check for burns; Check for head injury.
What is substance use?
Drinking, smoking or using drugs occasionally.
What is substance misuse?
Drinking, smoking or using drugs in a way that is more than casual such as use that tend to be excuses for avoiding conflict or issues as well as fitting into a social situation.
What is substance abuse?
Drug, alcohol or tobacco use that jeopardizes physical, mental or emotional health.
What are some reasons why people use and abuse substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs?
Peer pressure, family issues, social pressure, problems with school or academic performance, avoiding a situation or using to cover up or hide from something personal or physical.
What are some strategies that can help you or others address a substance abuse situation or problem?
Accept and analyze your emotions; Find alternatives such as sports and activities; Learn to relax; Seek help.
What does the Bill of Rights guarantee?
Freedom of speech, the press, religion, and peaceful assembly; the right to keep and bear arms; and privacy.
How did the natural rights philosophy and state constitutions impact the creation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights?
Some state constitutions or plans included provisions to protect the natural rights of individuals as well as state rights. The Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan influenced state representation, and that the Virginia plan was chosen as the basis for the constitution.
Describe how our Bill of Rights influenced the laws of another country or the world?
Our Bill of Rights influenced the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 and represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are entitled.
What are the powers given to the three branches of government by the Constitution?
The President may sign or veto bills passed by congress and is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces; the Congress levies taxes and appropriates money and creates laws; the Supreme Court reviews and evaluates laws passed by congress and signed by the president; other powers possessed by the three branches.
How do the powers granted or denied in the constitution result in a balance of power between the three branches, and between the federal and state governments?
The balance of power occurs because decisions about entire laws and regulations does not rest with any one specific branch, that oversight of one branch by another is built into the constitution, and the state and federal governments possess specific powers that the other does not possess.
Describe situations where the balance of power helped prevent one branch from exceeding its power?
A President being impeached by the Congress; a President vetoed a law passed by Congress; and the Supreme Court determining that a law passed by Congress and signed by the President was unconstitutional.
What is non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice)?
Non-judicial punishment under Article 15 is used by commanders to impose punishment for minor offenses.
What are the three types, or levels, of court martial?
Summary court-martial for relatively minor offenses; special court-martial for offenses that are not punishable by death; and general court-martial for more serious offenses like treason and murder.
What is the composition of the court at each level of court-martial?
A summary court-martial consists of an officer who acts as judge, jury, and counsel for both prosecution and defense; a special court-martial consists of a military judge alone or a military judge and up to 3 members; and a general court-martial usually consists of a judge and 5 board members.
Describe how is a crime determined to be service-connected?
Four factors are used to determine if a crime is service connected: the relationship of the offense to military duties; the presence of a threat to military personnel; abuse of military status; or the location of the crime on a military base.
How is the You the People Citizen Action Group process used to make small- and large-group decisions?
In the Small Group Meeting, 3-9 cadets meet to discuss and decide issues. The leadership of each Small Group rotates with each meeting. The Representative Group Session involves assembling several or all Small Groups to discuss and decide an issue. In both types of meetings, participants operate under established ground rules and follow a predetermined agenda. Decisions are made by reaching a simple majority or reaching a consensus.
What are the seven citizenship skills that can be applied during the Citizen Action Group process?
Cooperation, patience, fairness, respect, strength, self-improvement, and balance.
What are some responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society?
Obeying all laws, respecting the rights and the property of others, assisting law enforcement agencies in keeping laws, serving on a jury, paying taxes, voting, being aware of civic issues, working for constructive changes, and helping to save national resources.
What is meant by the phrase, “actions that contribute to the common good”?
Acting in ways that protect the rights and freedoms of other Americans to make our country and communities good places for all to live.
What are the smallest to largest Army units?
Fire Team, Squad, Platoon, Company, Battalion, Brigade, Division, Corps, Army
When marching, what is the proper step count from left to right when doing a “Counter Column”?
The command, “Eyes, Right” is given on which foot?
The command, “Ready, Front” is given on which foot?
When can the counter command, “As You Were” be given to reverse a command?
Only after the preparatory command.
Who takes the place of the Platoon Sergeant if he/she is absent?
The First Squad Leader
What is the rank of the Commander of the Bulldog Regiment?
Cadet Colonel