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165 Cards in this Set

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The costal margin extends from the xiphoid process to the ____ rib.
D7 p1
Where is the linea alba?
Extends from the xiphoid proccess to the pubic crest and passes through the umbilicus.
D7 p1
What is the "six-pack"
tendinous intersections of the rectus abdominis muscle
D7 p1
Where is the semi-lunar line?
from the tip of the 9th rib at the costal margein to the pubic tubercle.
D7 p1
When dividing the surface of the abdomen into 9 regions, what are the 2 vertical lines called?
Right and left midinguinal lines
D7 p2
When dividing the surface of the abdomen into 9 regions, what are the 2 horizontal lines called?
subcostal (or transpyloric) and transtubercular
D7 p2
What do you call the upper right 1/9th of the abd?
R hypochondriac
D7 p2
What do you call the upper middle 1/9th of the abd?
D7 p2
What do you call the upper left 1/9th of the abd?
L hypochondriac
D7 p2
What do you call the middle right 1/9th of the abd?
R lumbar (flank)
D7 p2
What do you call the middle middle 1/9th of the abd?
D7 p2
What do you cal the middle left 1/9th of the abd?
L lumbar (flank)
D7 p2
What do you call the lower right 1/9th of the abd?
R inguinal (iliac)
D7 p2
What do you call the lower middle 1/9th of the abd?
D7 p2
What do you call the lower left 1/9th of the abd?
L inguinal (iliac)
D7 p2
The inginal ligament spans which two bony landmarks?
The ASIS and pubic tubercle
D7 p3
The numerous superficial veins within the superfascial fascial layer of the abdomen have connections with _______ veins which course internally from the _______ to the _________
paraumbilical; umbilicus; liver
D7 p3
What must anterior cutanaeous branches pierce to get to the superficial facia of the abdomen?
the rectus sheath
D7 p3
What is the fatty layer of superficial fascia in the abd called?
Camper's fascia
D7 p3
What is the membranous layer of superficial fascia in the abd called?
Scarpa's fascia
D7 p3
If the male urethra ruptures, where can urine and blood accumulate?
Deep to Scarp's fascia
D7 p4
Which spinal nerves supply the anterior and lateral cutaneous nerves which supply the skin of the abd wall?
thoracic spinal nerves T-7 to T-11 and the iliohypogastric nerve
D7 p4
What are the branches from T-7 to T-11 collectively referred to as?
Thoracoabdominal nerves
D7 p4
What is the dermatome at the level of the level of the xiphisternal junction?
D7 p4
What is the dermatome at the level of the umbilicus?
D7 p4
What is the dermatome at the level of the pubic crest?
D7 p4
Which obliques are hands-in-pockets?
External abdominal obliques
D7 p4
Which obliques are NOT hands-in-pockets?
Internal abdominal obliques
D7 p4
What makes up the rectus sheath anterior to the rectus abdominus?
External oblique aponeurosis, internal oblique aponeurosis, and transversus abdominis aponeurosis inferior to arcuate line
D7 p4
What makes up the rectus sheath deep to the rectus abdominus?
Transversis abdominus aponeurosis superior to arcuate line
D7 p4
What is the ultimate attachment of the EAO and IAO aponeuroses?
linea alba
D7 p5
Where do the thoracoabdominal nerves course obliquely?
Between the transversus abdominus and internal abdominal oblique
D7 p5
What binds the rectus muscle to its anterior sheath?
Tendinous intersections
D7 p5
Where does the superior epigastric artery arise?
Thoracic aorta->brachiocephalic trunk->subclavian artery->internal thoracic artery
Where does the inferior epigastric artery arise?
Abdominal aorta->common iliac artery->external iliac artery->inferior epigastric artery?
What tissues does a paramedian incision cut through?
Paramedian incision (vertical incision to the left or right of the linea alba) cuts through
skin->superficial fascia->anterior rectus sheath (rectus abdominis muscle reflected)->posterior retus sheath->parietal peritoneum->peritoneal cavity
D7 p7
What incision is commonly used for an appendectomy and why?
Muscle-splitting incision: splitting each muscle in a direction that parallels its muscle fascicles has the advantage of not cutting muscle fibers, thus leading to better healing and a stronger abdominal wall.
D7 p7
What layers of tissue does a suprapubic incision cut through?
horizontal incision made at pubic hairline incises skin->both layers of superficial fascia->linea alba->anterior rectus sheaths. Then rectus muscles are retracted laterally
D7 p7
Why might one use a subcostal incision?
Usually used to remove a gallbladder or spleen.
D7 p7
Where do you make a subcostal incision and why this location specifically?
Incision parallels the costal margin about 2.5 cm inferior to the costal margin to avoid the upper thoracoabdominal nerves.
D7 p7
What surgical incision is increasingly utilized due to the greatly reduced time required for healing and risks of contamination?
Endoscopic incisions
D7 p7
What two muscles are involved in rotating and bending when you touch your right hand to your left foot?
Left IAO and right EAO
D7 p9
The anterior scrotal or labial nerve is a continuation of what nerve?
The ilioinguinal nerve becomes the anterior scrotal or labial nerve when it exits the superficial ring.
D8 p12
Near the superficial ring, the inguinal ligament folds under the spermatic cord such that the cord rests on the portion of the inguinal ligament. What is this portion called?
lacunar ligament
D8 p12
What nerve courses on the surface of the IAO witin the inguinal canal?
ilioinguinal nerve
D8 p12
What does the ilioinguinal nerve innervate?
scrotum/labia, upper medial thigh
D8 p12
The cremaster muscle exteds from which abdominal muscle?
The lowermost fibers of the internal abdominal oblique.
D8 p13
What muscle covers the spermartic cord/round ligament of the uterus?
Cremaster muscle
D8 p13
When upper medial skin of the thigh is lightly stroked in a male, what happens? What part of the physical exam is this?
testis on that side is elevated via contraction of the cremaster muscle. This tests the cremasteric reflex.
D8 p13
Why do we learn about the conjoined tendon?
The size of the weak area is inversely proportional to the size of the conjoined tendon. In other words, a larger conjoined tendon protects against direct inguinal hernia.
D8 p14
What abdominal muscles contribute aponeuroti fibers to the conjoined tendon (falx inguinalis)?
IAO and TA
D8 p13
What makes up the floor of the "weak area"?
Transversalis fascia
D8 p14
What two layers occupy the plane between the parietal peritoneum and transversus abdominis or retus sheath?
1) extraperitoneal fat/connective tissue
2) transversalis fascia
D8 p14
Which is closest to the peritoneum, extraperitoneal fat/connective tissue or transversalis fascia?
extraperitoneal fat/connective tissue
D8 p14
What artery branches into the inferior epigastric artery then becomes the femoral artery?
The external iliac artery.
D8 p15
Which ring is lateral to the inferior epigastric artery?
Deep inguinal ring
D8 p15
Which artery and vein pass through the deep inguinal ring?
Testicular artery and vein.
D8 p15
At what level does the testicular artery arise?
D8 p15
Why are there no ovarian vessels traversing the deep inguinal ring in females?
I don't know, email me if you do.
D8 p15
What nerve is parallel and just lateral to the external iliac artery?
Genitofemoral nerve.
D8 p15
What does the genital nerve innervate in males?
cremaster and skin of scrotum
D8 p15
What does the genital nerve innervate in females?
mons pubis and labia
D8 p15
What does the femoral nerve innervate?
Skin of upper medial thigh.
D8 p15
What two ligaments is the lacunar ligament continuous with?
Inguinal ligament and pectineal (Cooper's) ligament
D8 p15
What is the clinical significance of the pectineal ligament?
It can be used as an anchor for sutures during surgical reinforcement of the inguinal region floowing certain types of hernias.
D8 p15
What borders the inguinal (Hesselbach's) triangle?
inferior epigastric artery, lateral border of the rectus abdominus, and inguinal ligament
D8 p15
What is contained in the femoral canal?
Naught but a few lymph nodes.
D8 p16
What borders the femoral ring?
Lacunar ligament, inguinal ligament, pectineal ligament, external iliac vein.
D8 p16
How do you differentiate between a direct and indirect inguinal hernia?
The site through which they begin to protrude.
D8 p16
Where does an indirect inguinal hernia begin its protrusion?
deep inguinal ring just lateral to the inferior epigastric artery.
D8 p16
Where does a direct inguinal hernia begin its protrusion?
the "weak area" just lateral to the conjoined tendon and medial to the inferior epigastric artery.
D8 p16
What attaches the inferior pole of the testis to the base of the scrotum?
scrotal ligament
D8 p17
The scrotal ligament represents the remains of the what embryonic structure in the male?
D8 p17
What are the constituents of the spermatic cord?
ductus (vas) deferens
testicular artery
pampiniform plexus of veins
remnant of processus vaginalis
autonomic nerves
D8 p17
What is the serous sac associated with the testis called and what is it derived from embryonically?
tunica vaginalis; processus vaginalis
D8 p17
What do you call a pathologic increase in serous fluid within the tunica vaginalis surrounding the testes, typically caused by injury or inflammation of the epididymis?
D8 p17
What do you call the smooth muscle fibers located in the superficial fascia of the scrotum?
dartos muscle
D8 p17
What kind of nerve component innervates the dartos muscle?
D8 p17
What does the ejaculate of a man who has had a vasectomy contain?
Seminal and prostatic fluids (no sperm).
D8 p17
What is the comma-shaped structure on top of the testis?
D8 p17
What is another name for the transpyloric plane?
subcostal plane
At what level does the transpyloric plane intersect the vertebrae?
D9 p20
What abdominal structures are related to the transpyloric plane?
fundus of gallbladder, neck of pancreas, origin of superior mesenteric artery, duodenojejunal junction, hila of kidneys.
D9 p20
How does one approximate the transpyloric plane?
Half-way between the jugular notch and pubic symphisis
D9 p20
What's another name for hip bones?
os coxae, coxal bones
D9 p20
Name the three components of the bony pelvis from anterior to posterior.
Pubis, ischium, ilium
D9 p20
Do you see the iliac fossa when the skeleton is supine or prone?
D9 p20
Which is more superior: wing of the ilium or body of the ilium
wing of the ilium
D9 p20
What are the anterior and posterior boundaries of the pelvic inlet?
anteriorly by pubi crest and posteriorly by the sacral promontory.
D9 p20
What separates the false pelvis from the true pelvis?
pelvic inlet (superior pelvic aperture or pelvic brim)
D9 p20
What do you call the lower circumference of the lesser pelvis?
pelvic outlet (inferior pelvic aperture)
D9 p20
Where is McBurney's point?
2/3 up from ASIS to umbilicus
D9 p20
What is the thin, sheet-like serous membrane structure that spans from umbilicus to liver?
Falciform ligament
D9 p20
What is the thickened, cord-like connective tissue within the serous layers of the falciform that also attaches the umbilicus to the liver?
Ligamentum teres
D9 p20
What two structures does the greater omentum hang inferiorly from?
greater curvature of the stomach and transverse colon
D9 p20
Why might adhesions be present from the greater omentum?
During healing process following incision, greater omentum may migrate to incision site to provide blood supply to aid healing, and greater omentum remains attached to incision site as adhesion.
D9 p20
What ligament runs from celiac trunk to duodenojejunal junction? (2 names)
suspensory ligament of the duodenum; ligament of Treitz
Which parts of the colon are retroperitoneal?
ascending colon, descending coln
Which parts of the colon have a mesentary?
transverse mesocolon, signmoid colon
What are 3 distinguishing surface features (other than size) seen on large intestine and not on small intestine?
1) presence of fatty appendages
2) taenia coli
3) haustra
What is the most common part of the colon to find diverticula?
sigmoid colon
What is another name for the right colic flexure?
hepatic flexure
What is another name for the left colic flexure?
splenic flexure
What ligament is associated with the epiploic foramen?
hepatoduodenal ligament
This opening is the only communication between the greater sac and the lesser sac.
What is the significance of the epiploic foramen?
Is the spleen intra- or retro-peritoneal?
Is the pancreas intra- or retro-peritoneal?
What is the relationship between the SMA and SMV?
SMA lies to the left of the SMV
What are the components of the superior mesenteric plexus?
symp/post, para/pre, viscerosensory
Which arteries course within THE mesentary?
intestinal arteries (supply jejunum and ileum)
What other names do we give archades and vasa recta?
vascular arches and straight arteries
What key branches of the SMA do we know? (superior to inferior)
middle colic artery, right colic arter, iliocolic artery
What do we call the bloodless planes located posterior to those organs that became secondarily retroperitoneal during development?
Fusion fascia
What gross structure gives jejunum more surface area than ileum in the same length of intestine?
plicae circulares
What key branhes of the IMA do we know?
left colic artery, superior rectal artery, sigmoid arteries
What is unique about the relationship between IMA and IMV?
IMV lies to the left of the IMA
What vein does the IMV terminate in?
splenic vein
What are the 3 components of the portal triad?
common bile duct, proper hepatic artery, and portal vein
What are the tributaries leading to the common bile duct?
Cystic duct and common hepatic duct
What are the 3 branches of the proper hepatic artery?
Cystic artery, right hepatic artery, left hepatic artery
Which branch of the common hepatic artery passes vertically posterior to the pylorus of the stomach?
Gastroduodenal artery
What branches off the common hepatic artery after the gastroduodenal before it becomes the proper hepatic artery?
Right gastric artery
What arteries supply the lesser curvature of the stomach?
right and left gastric arteries
What arteries supply the greater curvature of the stomach?
right and left gastroepiploic arteries
What is the left gastric artery a branch off of?
The celiac trunk.
Where do you find the cystic artery?
In the cystic triangle (triangle of Calot) formed by the cystic duct, the common hepatic duct, and the surface of the liver in 90% of cases
Where does the left gastric vein terminate?
Portal vein
What are the 2 terminal branches of the gastroduodenal artery (they can be seen just inferior to the pylorus of the stomach)?
right gastroepiploic artery and pancreaticoduodenal artery
The area of vascular anastomosis supplying the pancreas and duodenum come from what 2 branches (this area of anastomosis represents the area of transition from the embryonic foregut to the embryonic midgut).
celiac artery and SMA
What branch of the splenic artery supplies the fundus of the stomach after coursing through the gastrosplenic ligament?
short gastric arteries
What are rugae?
gastric folds
Are there circular folds lining the first part of the duodenum?
What kind of peritoneum covers the anterior surface of the pancreas?
parietal peritoneum (hey this has pain viscerosensory components=pancreatitis HURTS)
What artery courses through the splenorenal ligament?
splenic artery
which is more superior: the head or the tail of the pancreas?
the tail is more superior than the head.
The splenic vein, inferior mesentaric vein, and superior mesentaric vein are all tributaries of what?
portal vein
What surface anatomy landmarks does the diagonal limit of the liver connect?
6th rib left midclavicular to 10th rib right midaxillary
What is the classic description of the location of the fundus of the gall bladder?
intersection of the right semilunar line and right costal margin near the tip of the 9th costal cartilage
What rib does the long axis of the spleen parallel?
What is the anterior limit of the location of the spleen?
axillary line
What artery courses within the transverse mesocolon?
middle colic artery
What "divides" the gastrosplenic ligament from the splenorenal ligament?
The hilus of the spleen.
What artery courses through the gastrocolic ligament?
gastroepiploic arteries
The hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments are two parts of what?
lesser omentum
What part of the duodenum is horizontally positioned in line with the pylorus, is intraperitoneal, and usually stained green by the gallbladder?
1st part
What part of the duodenum descends vertically, is retroperitoneal, receives bile and pancreatic ducts, and is anterior to the hilus of the right kidney?
2nd part
What part of the duodenum crosses horizontally from right to left between the superior meseneric vessels anteriorly and the aorta and inferior vena cava posteriorly?
3rd part
Which part of the duodenum ascends to become intraperitoneal by entering the mesentary to become the jejunum?
4th part
What marks the ommon opening of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct in the second part of the duodenum?
the major duoenal papilla
Near what should we find the main pancreatic duct: the head or tail of the pancreas?
What is the name of the channel formed by the confluence of the bile and pancreatic ducts?
hepatopancreatic ampulla
What controls the flow and backflow of digestive secretions into the duodenum?
the sphincter of the ampulla
Is the falciform ligament derived from the ventral or dorsal mesentery of the embryo?
ventral (according to google)
What ganglia are involved in referred gallbladder pain?
C3 and C4 dorsal root ganglion house sensory fibers from the shoulder area and the diaphragm (part next to the gallbladder)
The coronary ligament is continuos with the left or right triangular ligament?
The gallbladder separates the ___ lobe from the __ lobe.
Right, quadrate
The inferior vena cava separates the ___ lobe from the ___ lobe
Right, caudate
The falciform ligament separates the ___ from the ___ lobe.
Left, quadrate
The lesser omentum separates the ___ lobe from the ___ lobe.
Left caudate
Functionally, the quadrate and caudate lobes are part of the ___ lobe.
Where does the aorta bifurcate?
The left gonadal vein is a tributary of what?
left renal vein
what is the embryonic origin of medullary cells of the suprarenal glands?
neural crest cells
Are the sympathetic nerves serving the suprarenal medulla pre or post?
The greater thoracic splanchnic nerve pierces the right crus of the diaphragm and makes a 90 degree turn toward what?
celiac trunk