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131 Cards in this Set

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Used before ATP when intensively exercising


3 irreversivle steps catalysed by (glycolysis)


6-phospho-frukto-1-kinase (PFK1)

pyruvate kinase

3 irreversible steps catalysed by (gluconeogenesis)

glucose 6-phosphatase

fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase

phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

what's released by muscle and converted to what

alanine and lactate, both go to pyruvate and glucose vio gluconeogenesis

Control of enzyme activity

Substrate level control


Allosteric effectors

Substrate cycles

Covalent modifications

Control through changes in enzyme concentration

exception: which flux-controlling enzyme is controlled by changes in substrate concentration

Where's it found, how

glucokinase, in beta cells and liver.

Has high Km for glucose, comparable to [glu] in plasma (5mM)

another name for glucokinase

hexokinase IV

beta pancreatic cells and glucose

glucose ↑→glucokinase activity ↑→ glycolytic flux ↑→insulin secretion

Experiment to test for hexokinase control by glucose

Expressed yeast hexokinase in mice (lower Km), so active even at low glu concentrations. Transgenic mice had lower glucose elvels and higher insulin concentration.

sup with plasma membrane of beta and liver cells

freely permeable to glucose: lots of insulin-independent GLUT 2 transporters - [glu] in and out close to equilibrium

two cooperativity models



Concerted and Sequential

Hill coefficient

n in % saturation with ligand


for higher hill coefficients

sigmoidal curve is ssteeper/ultrasensitive

exception to the rule that regulatory enzymes show cooperativity wrt substrate binding and controlled by allosteric effectors

muscle hexokinase, which is allosterically inhibited by glu6phosphate but has only one subunit and does not show cooperativity wrt substrate binding.

what controls glycolysis

level of glucose uptake



pyruvate kinase

PFK1 allosteric inhibitor

what is it relieved by

ATP (also substrate)


pyruvate kinase allosteric activator

fructos 1,6-bisphosphate

effects of increase in PFK1 activity

→F16BP↑ (allosteric actiator of pyruvate kinase)

→Glu6P↓ (inhibitor of hexocinase)

Substrate cycles. elaborate

Phosphofruktokinase and fructose 16biphosphatase.

substrates circled around using ATP

regulatory signal comes in (eg AMP activates PFK1 and inhibits F16BPase) and the throughput is much increased.

phosphorylation sites

serine threonine (tyrosine)

how many ser/threonine and tyrosine in humans

428 ser/threonine


covalent regulatory modifications

phosphorylation and acetylation

what can be acetylated

lysine, uses acetyl CoA as donor

glycogen synthase control (muscle)

phosphorylation on several serines

phosph inhibits activity by increasing Km for substrate and Kd for activator

Kds for inhibitors ATP and Pi reduced

substrate of glycogen synthase (muscle)


activator for glycogen synthase (muscle)


metabolism-related phosphatase (muscle)

protein phosphatase 1

responsible for the removal of all phosphates involved in the regulation of glycogen metabolism

what does PP1 do (muscle)

decreases the rate of glycogen breakdown and accelerates glycogen synthesis

catalytic sub of pp1(muscle)

low affinity for glycogen particles - ineffective

glycogen particles have (muscle)

phosphorylase and glycogen synthase

what makes PP1 go to glycogen particle (muscle)

association with glycogen-binding/G subunit

Phosphorylation of G subunit? (muscle)


Prevents binding to catal subunit of PP1

Inactivates PP1

By Insulin-Sensitive Protein kinase

at different site

activates PP1

inhibition of PP1 (muscle)


when phosphorylated by PKA

inhibits phosphatase

PP1 activator (muscle)


ho regulation of liver phosphorylase differs from muscle

liver: AMP does not activate the b form and the level of a form is regulated by glucose binding.

glucose sensor in liver

phosphorylas a

production of glucose


how many phosphorylase a per phosphatase


Advantages of protein phosphorylation for control of enzyme activity

Signal amplification


increased sensitivity

effect of glucagon and beta-adrenergic agonists in liver

adenylate cyclase*→cAMP↑→PKA*→phosphorylation of:

pyruvate kinase

6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase at serine residues

6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase does what? (liver)

inhibits the kinase and activates phosphatase

consequence of activation of 6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase (liver)

fructose-2,6-bisphosphate concentration falls

activator and inhibitor of what is fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (liver)

activator of PFK1

inhibitor fru-1,6-P2ase

result of activation of PFK1 and inhibition of fru-1,6-P2ase (liver)

enhanced glycolysis, inhibited gluconeogenesis and increase of fructose 1,6 bisphosphate

pyruvate kinase allosteric regulators (liver)

inhibitors ATP and alanine

activator fructose 16 bisphosphate

phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase (liver)

inhibits it by

increasing Km for phosphoenolpyruvate

decreasing activation by fructose-16 bisphosphate

enhancing inhibition by ATP and alanine

effect on Ca-linked hormones on gluconeogenesis is mediated by (liver)

Ca-calmodulin-dependent PK catalysed phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase at serine and threonine

how insulin reverses effects of stimulatory hormones on gluconeogenesis (liver)

by enhancing low Km phosphodiesterase activity


lowering cAMP levels

how cAMP activate glycolysis in muscle and inliver oppositely inhibits glycolysis and activates gluconeogenesis

Muscle isoform of 6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase and pyruvate kinase lack PKA phosphorylation site

Response to adrenaline in heart wrt Fru-2,6-P2

adrenaline - Phosphorylation of 6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase - rise in Fru-2,6-P2ase (liver: decrase in levels) - accelerate glycolysis


Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylatekinase

PEPCK acetylation? (liver)

enhanced by glucose

decreased by amino acids

promotes degradation

Glucokinase regulation (liver)

inhibited by protein binding

NOT inhibited by G6P

Fru6P binds regulatory P, reinforces inhibition, prevents futile cycle between glucose ang G6P

activates glucokinase (liver)

fructose 1 phosphate

ensures Glucose and Fructose uptake

Glut 1

nearly all mammalian cells, basal glu transport

Km =1mM

Glut 2

liver and pancreatic beta cells

high Km for glu (15-20 mM)

glu uptake rate proportional to blood glucose level

Glut 3

nearly all mammalian cells, basal glu transport Km =1mM


Km 5mM

recruited to the plasma membrane of muscle and fat cells by insulin promoting glucose uptake by these cells

Insulin stimulates expression of

PFK1, PK and 6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase

Glucagon vs expression

inhibits PFK1, PK, 6PF-2-K/Fru-2,6-P2ase

stimulates PEPCK and Fru-1,6-P2ase

how long it takes to change enzyme concentration

several hours

what mediates the effect of cAMP on transcription (liver)

CRE (cAMP response elements)

8bp palindromes

what binds to CRE (liver)

(cAMP response elements)

CREB (cAMP response element binding protein)

Leucine zipper

How does CREB work(liver)

(cAMP response element binding protein)

dimerises through C-terminal leucine zipper

brings together two basic DNA binding molecules that bind CRE

What promotes dimerisation o CREB (liver)

PKA - also enhances transcriptional activation

Hormonal control of liver glucose metabolism

transcriptional co-activator PGC-1

What does PGC-1 do

induced in liver by fasting

coordinate upregulation of PEPCK, G6Pase, Fru-1,6-P2ase gene expression

transcription factor regulating Glu metabolism in liver

Glucose-responsive transcription factor,


Carbohydrate response element binding protein

helix-loop-helix leucine zipper,

What ChREBP binds

ChRE in L-type pyruvate kinase promoter

DNA binding inhibited by phosphorylation by PKA and by AMPK

Describe HIF-1

helix-loop-helix factor from alpha and beta subunits

increases expression of genes encoding glycolytic enzymes

effect of oxygen on HIF-1alpha

interacts with what tumor suppressor protein

•Prolyl-4-hydroxylase +O2 hydroxylates two prolines on the HIF-1α

•Promoted interaction with von Hippel-Landau tumor supressor protein

•Ubiquitin ligase recognises Hippel-Landau P


effect of oxygen on HIF-1α

•Hydroxylation of aspargine

•blocks interaction of C terminal domain with

•p300/CBP transcriptional co-activators

Tumors do what glycolysis

aerobic glycolysis

HIF-1 stabilises what and so?

p53 → plays direct role as transcription factor in hypoxia

mutant p53 stimulates transcription of what promoter

HK2 (hexokinase)→ p53 has role in tumour metaobolism

what induces HIF-1 expression


what does HIF-1 do

turns on glycolysis and turns off flux to TCA cycle

how HIF-1 cuts off stuff from TCA

induces PDK1 (protein kinase)

no Pion of E1 of PDH (pyruvate dehydrogenase)

inactivated PDH

how p53 inhibits glycolysis

activates TIGAR

de-Pases fru-2,6-bisphosphate

inhibits glycolysis

diverts flux into pentose phosphate pathway

NADPH production

which reduses ROS (reactive oxygen species)


TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator

has fru-2,6-bisphosphate activity

tumors express what Pyruvate kinase

splice isoform PKM2

competitive inhibitor of PKM2


produced by growth factor signaling via tyrosine kinases

when bound, releases activator fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

buildup of upstream stuff → glucose diverted into lipid synthesis

how's PKM2 involved in response to oxidative stress

Cysteine is oxidised by H2O2

decreases PKM2 activity

decreased glycolysis flux

diverted into PPP

increased phosphoenolpyruvate inhibits trioseposphate isomerase

increases PPP more

PGAM1 does what

Phosphoglycerate mutase 1

3-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate

Ox PPP starting G6P to nucleotides

Glucose 6 phosphate → 6-phosphogluconate →(6Phosphogluconatemutase) →Ribose 5 phosphate →nucleotides

PPP starting 3-phosphoglycerate

3-Phosphoglycerate →(3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase)→p-PYR→serine→glycine→nucleotides

How's PGAM1 expression regulated

negatively by p53

PGAM1 regulating biosyntheis

•regulates 3-PG and 2-PG levels

•3-PG inhibits 6-Phosphogluconatedehydrogenase (no nucleotide synthesis )

•2-PG activates 3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (activates nu biosynthesis???) - provides feedback control to increase pathway through serine

how they studied the intracellular environment

cryogenic electron tomography

vitrified sample

thick (0.25-1.5 µm)

thicknes of electron microscopy samples


resolution limit of cryo-TM

4-5 nm

protein complexes >400kDa

2nm prospect

how's free cytosolic [ADP] mesured

by measuring creatine kinase substrates:

Creatine-P2- + MgADP- + ATP ↔ Creatine + MgATP2-

And then Rearrange Keq stuff

why's cytosolic ADP low in muscles

compartmentation by binding: ADP binds actin

ways of compartmentation

by binding

in cellular organelles

metabolite gradients

what's used as a probe for intracellular ATP concentration

Firefly luciferise

Km=mM for ATP luminescence

used to report local glu concentration

what promotes protein-protein interaction

high P concentrations

solvent exclusion effects

What's substrate channelling

enzymes complex, substrates pass between enzymes w/o equilibrating

advantages of substrate channelling 6

high fluxes with low intermediates

•Intermediates isolated from side reactions

• unstable intermediates protected

• unfavourable equilibria avoided

•Faster response - reduction of lag times in transients between steady states

• regulation of flux

evidence for substrate channelling

studies on isolated and non-isolated enzyme systems

heksokinases in brain and muscle

HKI brain

HKII muscle

coordination of initial step of glucose metabolism w/ mit ox ph

glucose is phosphorylated using mit-generated ATP by hexokinase:

Incubate w/ radact P and ATP: G6P will be rad active (with isolated mitochondria)

positioning of Hexokinase

bound to mitochondria,

if displaced (by cell-permeable peptide containing HKII binding motif) causes mitochondrial membrane depolarisation, mitochondrial swelling and structural disruption of the cardiac tissue. Control peptide without effect

where's creatine phosphate shuttle?

creatine kinase is associated with myofibrillar M-band, coupled to the myofibrillar Mg2+ ATPase

3 points on why the localisation of the enzyme is important for the creatine kinase system

• acts as energy buffer maintaining concentrations of ATP, ADP and H during muscle contractions

•maintain high local ATP/ADP at myofibrils - rapid ATP utilisation

•energy shuttle - PC is better for diffusion than ATP/ADP

Why's Phosphocreatine better for energy transport than ATP

present at higher (local?) concentration

How's PC 'shuttle' hypothesis proved

mouse creatine kinase gene disrupted

Muscles adapted by producing more bigger mitochondria - reduced diffusion distance

Drosophila flight muscle localisation of stuff

•glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH-1)

•localised to the Z discs and M lines in D flight muscle

•colocalisation of aldolase and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase

Drosophila Gpdh null alleles

No localisation of GAPDH and aldolase

•localistion restored by plasmid expressing GPDH-1 (it has 3peptide at C term for localisation

•localisation NOT restored by expression of GPDH-3 (w/o the thripeptide)

•GPDH-3 had normal levels of the enzymes, but couldn't fly

localised glycolysis in vascular endothelial cells

•controls vessel sprouting

•PFKFB3 has hiher kinase activity than P2ase

•favours production of F2,6P2 - activation of glycolysis

•relocated from perinuclear cytosol to lamellipodia protrusions in motile endothelial cells

•co-locates with F-actin and other glycolytic enzymes

•Mitochondria couldn't fit into the protrusions

substrate channelling in vivo - examples


•Creatine phosphate 'shuttle'

•GPDH-1 localisation in Drosophila

•vessel sprouting in vascular endothelial cells

•Aldolase mobilation from actin

•Glycogen synthase and glucokinase on the move

glycogen synthase possitioning in liver

generally scattered

migrates to the cell periphery and co-localises with actin when glucose's present

glucokinase positioning in lvier

with high glucose, glucokinase translocated from nucleus to periphery with glycogen synthase

glycogen first deposited in the cell periphery

glucokinase vs hexokinase vs glu-6-p in liver

gluK & hexK raise G6P conc

but only gluK increases glycogen synthesis, activates glycogen synthase more (deP more)

Archean oceanic environment is good for 3 things

•stabilising sugar phosphates

•↑specificity of non-enzymatic pyruvate formation

•accelerated glycolysis- and pentose phosphate-like non-enz reactions

metabolic network?

scale-free network where few hubs link it together

degree of interconnectivity characterised by

network diameter

define network diameter

shortest biochemical pathway averaged over all pairs of substrates

approximate network diameter


advantage of scale-free metabolic network

allow perturbations to be rapidly transmitted

elementary flux modes

smallest sub-network enabling the metabolic system to operate at steady state

network robustness vs number of elementary modes connecting metabolites

increases - if something malfunctions, another enzyme can take over from another elementary mode

yeast: main network robustness mechanism

network redundancy through replication of the genes

Isoenzymes vs robustness

appear where high flux is needed

duplicates permit selectively advantageous increase in flux rates

pathway is usually in what?

dynamic steady state

methods for identifying flux controlling enzymes

•enzymes with low Vmax

•enzymes catalysing far from eq reactions (mass action ratio/Q<<Keq)

•Look for cross-over points: [reag]↑ and [prod]↓

•Control points at the start of pathway or after branch points

metabolic control analysis

relates flux and intermediary metabolite levels to the activities of the component enzymes

Flux control coefficient of an enzyme

fractional change in pathway flux/fractional change in enzyme concentration

sum of all in linear pathway =1

flux control coefficients' measurements in mit ox ph

titrating enzymes' activities with inhibitors

inhibitor of adenine nucleotide translocase


experiment to measure adenine nucleotide translocase flux control coefficient: two points to note

flux control is distributed with all components showing some control

•the distribution of control changes depending on the rate of respirtaion