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18 Cards in this Set

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action potentials
electrical signals-nerve impulses sent by nervous system to regulate homeostasis
messenger molecules secreted by the endocrine system
feedback system/feedback loop
a cycle of events in which the status of a body condition is monitored, evaluated, changed, remonitored, reevaluated, and so on--contains 3 basic components: receptor, control center, effector
controlled condition
each monitored variable in feedback system
any disruption that changes a controlled condition
body structure that monitors changes in a controlled condition & sends input to a control center (nerve impulses or chemical signals
control center
sets the range of values within which a controlled condition should be maintained, evaluates the input it receives from receptors, and generates output commands (nerve impulses, horomones or other chemical signals),when they are needed--brain
a body structure that receives output from the control center and produces a response or effect that changes the controlled condition
negative feedback system
reverses a change in a controlled condition; activity of the effector causes a result that negates the original stimulus; ex: increased blood pressure
positive feedback system
tends to strengthen or reinforce a change in one of the body's controlled conditions; the effector produces a physiological response that adds to or reinforces the initial change in the controlled condition; ex: childbirth --needs some event outside the system to shut it off
any abnormality of structure or function
a more specific term for an illness characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms
local disease
affects one part or a limited region of the body
systemic disease
affects either the entire body or several parts
subjective changes in body functions that are not apparent to an observer; ex: headache, nausea, anxiety
objective changes that a clinician can observe and measure; ex: swelling, rash, fever
the science that deals with why, when, and where diseases occur and how they are transmitted among individuals in a community
the science that deals with the effects and uses of drugs in the treatment of disease