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23 Cards in this Set

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If women want continuous use of ocp should we support it?
Yes - continuous or extended COC are okay

care should be given to patient preferences
Are continuous and combined regimens just as effective for contraception?
what are some non-contraceptive / Medical uses for combined oral contraceptives?
endometriosis - using it continuously for 6 months with no bleed has been shown to be very effective

(decreases dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, and non-menstrual pelvic pain

Abnormal uterine bleeding
Bleeding diathesis
women with severe pre-menstrual symptoms (good for PMDD - makes it better)
women in peri-menopause - with abnormal bleeding- may benefit from hormone free interval to suppress vasomotor symptoms
Is there any long-term safety on continued usage?
No long term data, but short term data is equivalent
What is the difference between mestranol and ethinyl estradiol?
mestranol is the pre-cursor to ethinyl estradiol - mestranol is broken down into ethynyl estradiol
What is
E1 -Estrone
E2 - estradiol (or 17 beta-estradiol)
E3 - estriol
what is the relative potency (or estrogenic effect of these estrogens?)
Estradiol is 10x as potent as estrone
Estradiol is 80x as potent as estriol
Where does northindrone come from?
It is actually derived from testosterone - they took off the 19 carbon from ethisterone and it turned an adrogen effect into a progesterone effect
what is the defn of low-dose oral contraceptives?
OCP with less than 50 mcg of EE
Please describe 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation oral contraceptives
1st - high dose pills - >50 mcg of EE
2nd - low dose pills - use levonorgestrel, norgestimate, or other members of the northindrone family and either 20, 30, or 35 mcg of EE
3rd - desogestrel or gestodene + low dose EE
4th - drospirenone, dienogest, or nomegestrol acetate
what is the main reason that people will discontinue the continuous COC
irregular bleeding or spotting
What should be included in the first work-up for breakthrough bleeding on the continuous/extended pill?
Cervical infection
malabsorption of hormone
other drugs that may interfere with absorption
Also inquire about compliance
What do you do if a woman starts the combined COC on the C/E regime and has spotting
it's common in the first 3 months, but then will decrease, you can take a 3 day break (have a period) and then resume the pill and there should be no issues
So in comparing the C/E with the 28 day regime
bleeding/spotting is the same - but overall bleeding days less
efficacy is the same
Less headache with C/E
There was benefit with less bloating, less dysmenorrhea, less swelling and breast tenderness with the C/E regime
genital itch, bloating, and menstrual pain less with C/E

BASically - C/E regime is NOT worse the cyclic regimes and may actually even be better
What will improve the continuation of the pill if there
If you counsel women on the symptoms of breakthrough bleeding beforehand
is there a risk for VTE with C/E regime?
Not any higher than the 28-day
seems that when people start the pill, they are most at risk, but long-term users are less at risk
Is there an increased risk of MI?
No higher risk of Mi with C/E COC
BUT you did have a higher risk of you were a heavy smoker

Have to remember that these risks are less than if you were pregnant, so you can compare these options
What impact do CoCs have on cancer? particularly the C/E regime?
Endo Ca - better with COC
Ovarian Ca - better because less ovulation
Cervical Ca - the evidence is minimal,
Breast Ca - no association with CoC
If you are having breakthrough spotting or bleeding, should you double up on your pills?
No - it will likely make the problem worse

take a 3 day pill free interval
What is the overall trend in birth rate?
What is the trend in adolescents?
What is the abortion rate in the adolescent group?
Overall birth rate is falling
The rate in adolescents is the same
There is a rise in the proportion of adolescents obtaining abortions- meaning we are NOT meeting the contraceptive needs of teens
What is the frequency of contraceptive use (or proportion of use?)
32% - OCP
21% - Condom
15% - male sterilization
8% - female sterilization
6% - withdrawal
2% - DMPA
1% - IUD
2% - Rhythm
What is the best way for a clinician to help patients make the best contraceptive choice?
Share information
Enhance motivation
Help to develop Behavioural skills
What is the concept of 'dual protection'?
Using both condoms for STI prevention and OCP for birth control