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77 Cards in this Set

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What is a Fable, what does it ask ?

short story with clear instructional method, asks "who am I?"

What are the six rules to Fables?

1. Shows rules & categories of socialization

2. Rules circle around inequalities

3. Rules are to deal with conflict

4. Animals are easy to recognize in character

5. Animals act out (attention seeking)

6. Attention grabbing is meaningful for psych.

What do Tales ask?

"What do I mean for others?"

What is an Autobiography, what does it ask?

Brings attention to animal cruelty with strong anthropomorphism and emotional response. Asks "meaning for people".

What is Attachment Theory in relation to children's literature and animals?

Children develop bonds with animals which affect bods with caregivers. Bonds lack distinction and lead to distorted representation.

Mary Ainsworths 4 types of Attachment

1. Secure

2. Anxious Ambivilant

3. Anxious Avoidant
4. Disorganized

Ages associated with attachment

2 - emotional

3 - differentiate verbal truth and lie

6 - acknowledge verbal deception

9+ - differentiate fantasy from reality

What is the Rank bull? How does it gain celebrity status ?

- Bull riding (gain it's own event and sport status

- Bulls go through training and gain media attention with player cards, coverage, and animal biographies.

- Creation of front and back stage

What are social Credits

Gained through social interaction, can be both good and bad

Dog Parks act as constitutes for:

- Gaining social Credits

- Form Community Bonds

- Provide Emotional, instrumental support

- Provide Opportunity for social capital

- Dogs act as social lubricants

What is Social Capital (Bourdieu)

- Argues that social networks have value

- Economic and Social capital increase social mobility

- cultural assets promote mobility

- the value a person holds influences their prestige

** themes in life are on a hierarchal basis.

What is Habitus?

Refers to lifestyle, value, and dispositions of everyday life. Essential for solving objective and subjective.

Gilbert on Habitus

Animals have a habits too, not just humans.

In terms of modernity, what phase are we currently in?

Late Modern Society / Market Economy

In terms of modernity, what phase are we chaining into?

Neoliberal Economic

What is Risk Society?

Is the commodification and understanding of risk

Modern society is linked to what?

Our industrial and Social Environments

How are animals used in relation to Risk Society

Animals are used as a buffer because they are connected to us yet separate in many ways.

How is animal testing justified?

Animals are similar to us in many ways but also different in the sense that they can't anticipate pain (psychologically)

What was Harry Harlows Study?

Studied Rhesus Monkeys: found that attachment is similar to humans but argued his study was not unethical because could not anticipate pain.

What is Xenotransplantation?

The use of animals organs and vital body parts as transplants for humans in the interest of prolonging human life. (Large organs are not used, more arteries

Social Contructionalism of the lab animal

Dehumanizing, faceless, nameless --> used to create distance between human and animals.

What is Moral Schizophrenia

To have an opinion and then act in a unsupportive way, particularly in meat eating where people have strong views on animal welfare yet eat meat.

What is the Meat Meat Paradox

Animal welfare views do not match meat eating behaviour --> appetite is a powerful predictor of behaviour

Processing Meat as food

Cows and Pigs not not equal beef and pork (flexible perception)

Gender differences in meat perceptions in relation to cultural differences

Findings in meat studies are not applicable cross culturally.

Men's perception towards meet

- Socially constructed into "real men eat meat"

- more likely to eat meat if it provides health benefits

Woman's perception towards meet

- ate less meat

- had more justification / avoidance behaviours

Meat Eating Studies

1) Students (eat meat possibility)

2) Students (write essay about meet eating)

Rothenberger on "Unpacking Meat violence"

having a pet can increase empathy but has no affect on the amount of meat eaten by an individual, for an individual to stop eating meat 3 steps must be taken
1) empathy for the pet

2) empathy for other animals

3) recognition of animal suffering or lack of meat eating justifications.

What is Joint Action, provide an example.

when both participants attach the same meaning (Whipper: horse and rider)

Symbolic Interactionalist view on language

subjective and objective

language is flexible and allows for categorization

Meads two levels of social interaction

1) conversation gestures: joint action where it has meaning for it's makers and to whom it is directed

2) Significant Gestures - room for interpretation

Meads views on animals and language

animals can only respond not act on their own accord because they are incapable of taking on the role of the other.Animals only have the subjective "I"

Social Constructionalist on knowledge

knowledge is constructed not created

strict structuralist say we can't really know anything

Contextual structuralist say we can know some things

Berger and Luckman

- people construct concepts and become familiarized into their roles

- we experience either cultures through our own lens

- our views restrict our actions and influence activities

Joel Best on social problems and language

social problems are constructed and should be understood in term of social problems and processes.

Says that SC does not refer to imaginary and language must be used to make the world meaningful

6 Stages of Claims Making

1 - Claimsmaking

2 - Media Coverage

3 - Public Relation

4 - Policy Making

5 - Social Problems

6 - Policy Outcomes

Steps of Becoming classified as a "pet"

1 - named

2- attachment

3- lives with us

4 - gains bio and history

5 - Part of subjective family

3 Classification Systems

1 - Biological

2 - Theological

3 - Tame vs. Wild

Borris Livingston and Frued had what in common

Both used began the use of animals as in therapy sessions.

Psychological Benefits of Animals in Health

Reduces anxiety and depression, can reduce and compliment medications, improve mental illness.

Negative Impacts of Animals on Elderly Health

increased anxiety at time of animal depart in visitation cases, increased falls for elderly with pets

Negative Impacts of Animals on Humans

- role strain --> depressive symptoms

- allergies

- bites

How AAI helps social interaction

- increases motivation to respond to social stimuli (communication)

- helps to reduce problem behaviour and aggression

- reduces stress and increases mood and well being

What is AAI

Animal Assisted Intervention (Not clinical)

What is AAT

Animal Assisted Therapy (clinical)

What is a Transitional Object

an item or object that serves as a confronting function for a child and helps alleviate the normal development of stress and is used in patient therapist situations until their relationship is good.

What is Hippotherapy

The use of a horse and it's motions for speech and physical therapy sessions

What is EFP ?

Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy

What is the substitute child theory

Psychology of seeing animals as children (may not be a substitute but timing)

What is the Novelty Affect?

As novelty for an animal decreases it's affect in Pet therapy decreases


Animals can be affected by PTSD
Animals can help with human PTSD

What are the programs of Animals in Prisons?

- visitation

- wildlife rehab

- service animal society

- vocational

- livestock care

Benefits of Animals in Prisons

Less medication, violence, and suicide attempts

Concern for Animals in Prisons

designed with human welfare in mind not so much animal welfare

What does the area of Pet Therapy lack in terms of study?

- constant terminology

- research

- understanding behind bond mechanism

- understanding of the affects of animals

Social Provisions: Weiss

Hierarchy of needs which assumes that some aspects of a persons psychological well-being can only be met through the medium of social interactions. (Social Worth and Circumstantial classification)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

1. Psychological

2. Safety

3. Love and Belonging

4. Esteem

5. Self actualization

Training cost for AAT and AAI

About 60,000$

Buddhism and Hindusm on Animals


animals are less then humans

no harm to cows or monkeys

Cultural Examples in Class Animals

- Pigeon Handeling

- Camel Racing

- Camel Wrestling

- Cow ceremonies

- Bull fighting

Expectancy Value Theory

Reasoned Action:

positive attitude + performed behaviour = higher intention and motivation for actual behaviour

Theory of Planned Behaviour:

Positive attitude + performed behaviour + perceived behavioural control = higher intentions of actual behaviour

Attitudes Towards animals:

can be influenced by and influence how animals are treated.

What is Zoonotic Disease (Virchow)

disease transferred from animals to humans, says that between animals and humans there should be no dividing line

Sanders on Ranking

- Top rank has privileges

- animals are ranked on our ability to use them

- how we mourn animals tells us a lot.

Individual Relationship with animals

abuse, cruelty, health, family

Societal Relationships with animals

legislation, financial burden, health, valued members


Anti thesis to anthropomorphism where it seeks to descanter humanity instead of re-entering nature.

Says nature has intrinsic value

Animals outside of human realms

What is the link

between human and animal abuse

What is Graduation Thesis?

animal harm graduates onto humans

What is the desensitization Thesis?

general levels of heartless behaviour which permeate modern life.

Post Humanism

humans are not exceptional and have no grounds to set themselves above other beings

Donna Harway - Post modernist theory

we are in flux amongst entities

10% of our body is the human genome

What is Added value species?

relationships built with animals where we put value through the relationships built

What does Marxist say about Added Value species?

we use, exchange, encounter, and replace value

Figurational / Process Sociology

Power behaviour emotions over long term perspective

Bridging Macro and Micro

Strain of sociology that emphasizes the idea that society and the individual are interconnected and entirely dependant on one another.