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67 Cards in this Set

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Permission marketing
When the person decides to allow marketing (chose to receive magazines and all). This allows weaving out of the ones not interested.
Uses and gratification Theory
People are goal directed and use media to satisfy needs. Emphasis that media competes with other sources to satisfy needs. Marketers are trying to mix entertainment and information to be more effective.
ex: undermine the self esteem and market products to fulfill needs
mobile commerce, promoting goods and services through all devices
• blogging moblogging is posting on the go
• podcasting: creating your own shows so that people can listen
Levels of Interactive Response
- First-order response: customers give feedback by deciding to buy
- Second-order response: when customers give feedback without purchasing
Important source characteristics
Credibility and Attractiveness
Source Credibility
the source’s perceived expertise
-- building credibility means making the product more relevant
Corporate Paradox
the more involved in dissemination the more credible (buzz, hype)
Source Attractiveness
the source’s perceived social value
when the rating is great in one dimension and it is therefore highly rated on the other dimensions
match up hypothesis
celebrity endorsement
Two Factor theory
two psychological factors are operating when exposed to an ad
One sided arguments
provide positive only
Two sided arguments
provide positive and negative
Drawing Conclusion
making the consume think logically by themselves
Elaboration Likelihood model:

Central route of persuasion
when under high involvement. When the person finds it relevant he will focus on the specifics of the ad and this activates cognitive responses. this could also create counter arguments which will mae the add less effective.
Elaboration Likelihood model:

Peripheral route
low involvement; needs to use other cues (visual, shape, color) to capture attention
Steps someone takes to resolve problem
1. problem recognition
2. info search
3. evaluation
4. product choice
Habitual Decision making
Types of consumer decisions; low cost items, frequent purchasing, low involvement, little thought
Extended Problem Solving
Types of consumer decisions; straight forward decision, not too keen about info
Limited problem solving
Types of consumer decisions; high risk, high involvement, multiple resources
Internal and External information search
: internal focuses on past memories, culture and assembling of prior experience. External search is the information available to the public.
Mental accounting
when the purchase price affects the decision. You would want to go if you paid for it more than if you got it for free.
Prospect theory
utility is a function of gains and losses
The needs that need to be fullfilled when buying a product
• monetary - income affects this
• functional - practical consumers
• physical - health affects this
• social- social acceptance
• psychological- attractiveness to peers
Evaluative criteria
dimension used to judge the merits of competing options
Determinant Attributes
attributes used to differentiate among choices
1. point out significant differences amongst brands
2. supply rule:- if this than chose this brand
3. the rule should mirror past decisions of the person
Product Signal
Heuristics; visible aspects of product
Market Beliefs
Heuristics; the price-quality relationship
Country of Origin
Heuristics; where the product comes from
Non compensatory rule
if the more important aspect is not met it is completely eliminated from the list
Lexicographic rule
going down the attributes until one beats the other
Elimination by aspect rule
most important aspect is chosen
Conjuctive rule
processing by brands as long as they meet requirements
Disjunctive rule
develops acceptable standards (more relaxed)
Compensatory Decision Rules
more lenient on the criterias
Consumption situation
Situational effects on consumer behavior; when you purchase a product for specific occasions or motives
Economic time
Temporal Factors; consumers experience time poverty more and more; this varies from country to country
Psychological time
Temporal Factors; this determines how we view the time we have available and when the marketing campaigns will be receptive
Different psycological time
• flow time: the usual rushing and not a good time to advertise

• occasion time: monumental , ads relevant can get attention
• Deadline time: working against the clock; worst time to advertise
• leisure time: best time
• time to kill: best time
4 dimension of time
Social dimension
Temporal orientation
Planning orientation
Polychroinc orientation
metaphores used to describe the people in different social dimensions
Pressure Cooker
Queuing theory
Says that the consumer will wait only if the product is good and worth it.
antecedent state
tells us that the person will consume according to his/her mood prior to the purchasing
. Hedonic shopping motives
Social experience
Sharing of common interest
Interpersonal interaction
Instant status
Thrill of the chase
Shopping orientation
how people feel about shopping: are they ECONOMIC, ETHICAL or PERSONALIZED CONSUMER or APATHETIC or RECREATIONAL
• landscape themes
• marketscape
• cyberspace
• being space
Exchange of theory
exchanging value to give to people
Postpurchase satisfaction
consumer want value; theOVERALL feeling of the consumer
Stages of customer dissatisfaction
1. Voice their response by seeking refunds,
2. private response: boycotting the store
3. Third party response: take legal actions
Reference groups
a group of people someone look up to. They can be cultural and remind us of ourselves
Normative Influence
the reference group that helps to enforce standards and conducts
Comparative Influence
decision about specific brands
Brand community
set of consumers that share set of social relationships. They participate in brandfests and feel more highly about their products after. They even serve as missionaries for the product
Tribal marketing
marketing to the needs of a group of people
Aspirational reference groups
the idealized people/stars that resemble our ideals selves.
Factors determining of people fit in society
mere exposure
group cohesiveness
the different social power
-Expert power
-Legitimate power
-Information power
-Referent power
-Reward power
-Coercive power
Factors that develop conformity are
• cultural pressure
• fear of deviance
• commitment
• group unanimity
• susceptible interpersonal influence
Social Comparison theory
increase the stability of oneself. People tend to chose who to compare themselves to.
People behave differently when they are around other people in certain situations
risky shift
As a result people tend to do things that are riskier as a group
decision polarization
which is the direction the group decides to in
Social loafing
happens when you are in a bigger group and don’t do your job as seriously.
People like to be different at times and resent conformity
Opinion leaders have the power because of the following attributes!
• competent
• knowledge and power
• socially active
• similar to consumer beliefs
• opinion leaders take more risks (innovative communicators)
Product maven
likes introducing new brands to friends, provide information, has knowledge on a specific field to the point where they are experts
sociometirc method
where you evaluate the level of influence the person has with group members