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57 Cards in this Set

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4 Types of relationships one might have with a product
Self-Cencept Attachment- Product relates to their identity

Nostalgic Attachment- Product reminds them of a past self

Interdependent- Product a part of their daily routine

Love- Elicits a strong and warm emotional response.
4 types of consumer activities
experience- emotional or asthetic reaction to consuming

integration- express aspects of self or society

classification- communicates ones association with an object

play- merges ones identity with that of a group
AMA Code of Ethics
1. Significant risks associated with a product should be listed
2. Added features which increase price should be noted
3. High Pressure Sales methods should be avoided
4. Dishonest advertising isn't allowed
5. Selling or fundraising under the guise of consumer research is prohibited
SOcial Marketing
Using typical methods to advertising and encourage psoitive behavior
A set of beliefs and assumptions
The dominant Paridigm at this point
----human reason and the discovery of the objective truth through science
Questions the assumptions of positivism......claims it is too emphasized on the material well being and science instead of the unique human experience
Absolute Threshold
The minimum ammount of stimuli able to be detected by an individual
DIfferential Threshold
The ability to detect changes between two different stimuli
THe miminum ammount of change that can be detected
Weber's Law
The greater the initial stimulus, the greater the degree of change necessary for it to be noticed
Selective exposure
The stimuli you choose to expose yourself to
Selective attention
What you choose to pay attention to
selective memory
What you choose to remember
perceptual vigilance
We are more likely to be aware of stimuli that relate to our needs
perceptual defense
People see what they want to see, and don't see what they don't
A set of beliefs
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts (a form of stimulus organization along with????)
Prinicple of CLosure
People tend to view incomplete pictures as complete
Principle of similarity or grouping
People tend to group items with similar characteristics together
Priniciple of figure/ground
one part of a stimulus will dominate and the others will recede into the backround
Examines the role that signs and symbols have in the assignment of meaning
3 Basic components of a message
Object- actual product that is focus of message

Sign- Sensory image that represents meaning

Interpretent- The meaning derived
Behavioral Learning Theories
Assume that learning takes places as a result of responses to external events
Events perceived from the outside world
Classical Conditioning
Pairing one stimulus that elicits a response with a stimulus that doesn't
Stimulus Generalization
Tendency of a stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke a similar reaction
stimulus discrimination
occurs when an unconditioned stimulus doesn't folow a stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus.
Operant (Instrumental Conditioning)
a person learns to perform behaviors as a result of positive and negaive outcomes
Cognitive Learning Theory
Learning occurs as a result of internal mental processes.....people are problem solvers
2 Types of Meaning
Sensory meaning-color, shape, size

semantic meaning- symbolic associations
Personally relevant meaning (2 types)
Flashbulb memories- especially vivid memories

Episodic meaning- relate to events that are personally relevant.
Memory System
Sensory memory- very short term, ability to store info from senses

Short Term memory- abillity to store info currently being used......20 seconds

Long term memory- relatively permanat memory
Combining Smaller pieces of data into larger ones
elaborative rehersal
info transfered to long term memory
spreading activation
ability to shift back and forth between levels of meaning
Factors influencing retrieval (3)
1. Physiology
2. Situational
3. State-Dependent
Prominance of a brand in memory
Retroactive interference
new responses to the same stimuli are learned
proactive interference
prior knowledge affects new learning
Needs relevant to personal behavior
The perceived relevance of an object absed on personal needs, valeus, and interests
Types of Involvement (3)
Product involvement- relative interest in a particular product

Message-response involvement- relative interest in processing marketing communciations

purchase situation involvement- differences that may occur when buying the same product for different contexts
4 components of involvement
1. Importance and Risk
2. Probablility of making a bad purchase
3. Pleaure value
4. sign value
Elements used to develop an ad strategy (4)
message elements- specific attributes to be depicted
consumer benefits- positive consequences of using product
leverage point- way message will activate terminal value by linking it with product features
driving force- end value on which message will focus.
Components of Self Concept
-Stability of attitudes over time
-Accuracy of attitudes
-positive self esteem adn negative self consciousness
-intensity of attitudes
-content of attitudes
social comparison
people evaluate themselves by comparing to artificial images
self-esteem advertising
attempts to change product additudes by equating them with positive images of ones self
symbolic interationism
relationships with others have a large effect on our self concept
4 levels of extended self
purposes for decorating the self (7)
seperate group members from non group members

establish one as an a member of a social organization

place a person in a sex category

enhance one's sex-role identification

indicate a desired social conduct

indicate a high status or rank

sense of security
Karen Horney 3 types of personalities
compliant- moving toward others

detached- moving away from others

aggressive- moving against others
need for cognition
desire to think about things
product complimentairty
when one product is related to another b/c of their symbolic meanings
consumption constelation
a group of products with the same meaning
Uses of psychographic segmentation (6)
Define a target market

Create a new view of a market

communicate product attributes

position the product

define a market strategy

market social and political issues
VALS groups:
top group-actualizers (succesful consumers with many resources)

Prinicple oriented- relievers and fulfilleds

Status oriented- achievers, strivers, and struglers

action oriented-experiencers and the makers