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94 Cards in this Set

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Justiciability criteria (6)


Political Question

Eleventh Amendment (fed cts canNOT hear private party's or foreign govt's claims against state gov't)


What are the basic elements of standing? (3)
Injury in fact


Can Ps assert others' claims with 3rd party standing? Rule + exceptions (3)
Generally no EXCEPT

-Close relationship
-If 3rd party cannot assert his own rts
-Organization standing
What are the elements of organizational standing? (3)
Members have standing to sue

Interests are germane to org's purpose

Neither claim nor relief requires participation of individual members
Do taxpayers have standing? Rule + exception
No EXCEPT where taxpayers challenge gov't expenditures as pursuant to fed statutes as violating Establishment Clause
Ripeness: can a court grant pre-enforcement review of a law or regulation? Two factors.
Hardship suffered w/o preenforcement review

Fitness of issues and record for judicial review
What are the exceptions to mootness? (3)
Wrong capable of repetition but evading review

Voluntary cessation + ability to renew activity

Class action suits and losing the named P
What is meant by "adequate and independent state grounds"?
SCOTUS will NOT exercise jurisdiction if state court judgment is based on adequate and independent state law grounds
When should federal cts abstain from intervening in state ct proceedings? (2) What is the exception?
Unsettled question of state law

Pending state criminal proceedings EXCEPT where there is a case of proven harassment or prosecutions in bad faith
What are the four certain political questions?
"Republican form of gov't" clause

Foreign policy and executive branch

Impeachment/removal process

Partisan gerrymandering
The 11th Amendment: What does it bar? What does it not bar? (3) What is the exception?
Bars federal courts from hearing a private party's or foreign state's claims against a state gov't

Does NOT bar:
1 Actions against local gov't
2 Actions by U.S. or other states
3 Bankruptcy cts

Exception: Actions against state officers
What is the only circumstance when SCOTUS has automatic appellate jurisdiction?
Appeals from 3-judge federal district ct panels
When can state officers be sued? (2) Exception?
For injunctive relief
Money damages from their own pockets

But NOT if state treasury must pay retroactive damages
What are the exceptions to the rule that the federal gov't has no general police power? (4)
M Military
I Indian reservations
L Land and territory that is federal
D District of Columbia
To what does the Commerce Clause extend? (3)
Channels of interstate comm
Instrumentalities of interstate comm
Activities that have a substantial effect on interstate comm
The substantial effect test for interstate comm can consider aggregate effects UNLESS...
Law is non-economic in nature (e.g., domestic abuse law); then must show a substantial economic effect
What does the 10th Amendment do generally?
Limits Congressional powers, states that all powers not granted to U.S. are reserved to the states
How can Congress control state activity, despite 10th Amendment limitations? (2)
Induce by putting strings on grants

Prohibit harmful commercial activity
What is the property power of Congress?
To dispose of federal property however it wants SO LONG AS it considers taking requirements
What is the postal power of Congress?
Exclusive power; gov't monopoly
What is required to delegate legislative power?
Intelligible standards
What kinds of veto are not constitutional? (2)
Line item

What are the main areas of executive power over external affairs? (4)

Foreign relations


Exec agreements
What is the main differences btw treaties and executive agreements? (2)
Senate must ratify treaties, NOT agreements

Treaties trump all conflicting state laws and conflicting preceding federal laws; executive agreements ONLY trump conflicting state laws

* When a treaty trumps state law, that state law is both invalid AND UNconstitutional
What are the main areas of executive power over domestic affairs? (4)


Veto power

General power as Chief Executive
Where it is not enumerated, what is the test for legitimacy of executive domestic action? (3)
If President acts with authority of Congress, President's authority is at its maximum

If President acts where Congress is silent, President's authority is somewhat questionable

If President acts against Congress, President's authority is at its minimum
Whom does the President appoint? (3)

Federal judges

Officers of the U.S.
What must Congress satisfy to limit President's removal power? (2)
Must be an office where independence from President is desirable
Can only limit removal to good cause
What level of votes are required by Congress for impeachment? (2)
Majority in House

2/3 in Senate
What does and doesn't executive immunity apply to?
Absolute immunity from civil damages based on acts in office

NO immunity from acts before taking office
What are the forms of implied preemption w/re to the Supremacy Clause? (3)
If federal and state laws are mutually exclusive

If state law impedes achievement of federal objective

If Congress occupied the field
What is inter-governmental immunity?
States canNOT tax or regulate federal gov't activity
What does full faith and credit require? (3)
Court that rendered judgment had jurisdiction over parties and subject matter

Judgment was on merits

Judgment is final
What is the trigger for the Art IV Privileges and Immunities Clause?
STATE law that discriminates against nonresidents

Who is not covered by Art IV Privileges and Immunities Clause? (2)

Which rights are covered by Art IV Privileges and Immunities Clause?
Fundamental rts involving commercial activities and civil liberties
What is the test states law must meet to get around Art IV Privileges and Immunities Clause?
Substantial justification + least restrictive means
How can a state avoid a violation of the Dormant Commerce Clause? (3)
The law is necessary to achieve an important gov't purpose

Congressional approval

Market participant exception
Nondiscriminatory state taxes on interstate commerce will be valid IF... (2)

Nondiscriminatory state law that does NOT burden interst comm may still be invalid IF...test
Substantial nexus to taxing state

Fair apportionment


IF law's benefits are outweighed by burdens the law places on interst comm
What is the only area where Congress can directly regulate private conduct?
13th Amendment and racial discrimination
For protections of individual liberties, what is the threshold requirement?
State action

Non-university educ generally NOT a gov't function; mere licensure and subsidies for private school NOT enough
When must private conduct comply with the Constitution, other than the 13th Amendment? (2)
Public function where private entity takes over a previously gov't role

Entanglement where the gov't affirmatively authorizes, encourages, facilitates unconstitutional activity
Which of the Bill of Rights is NOT incorporated into the 14th Amendment due process clause?
Right to bear arms

Right to grand jury indictment

Right to jury trial in civil cases

Right against excessive fines
What does the Contract clause do?
Prohibits states from enacting any law that retroactively impairs K rts
What are the different levels of scrutiny for Contract clause issues?
Intermediate scrutiny for PRIVATE Ks

Strict scrutiny for PUBLIC Ks
What are the aspects of the levels of scrutiny? (3)
Rational basis:

Rationally related to a legitimate conceivable purpose with burden on challenger

Intermediate scrutiny: Substantially related to important actual purpose with burden on gov't

Strict scrutiny:

Necessary to achieve a compelling gov't purpose by least restrictive means with burden on gov't.
What is the threshold question to ask for procedural due process?
Has there been a deprivation of life, liberty or property?
What kind of connection to property is needed to trigger due process?
Entitlement, NOT mere need for
What is the balancing test for procedural due process? (3)
Important of interest to the individual
Ability of additional procedures to increase accuracy of fact-finding
Gov't interests
What does 5th Amendment do?
Provides that private property may not be taken for public use without compensation?
What is the public use standard (level of scrutiny) for takings?
Rational basis
What are the fundamental rts triggering strict scrutiny for purposes of substantive due process? (11)
Custody of kids
Keep family together
What is the only fundamental rt to trigger the undue burden test for purposes of substantive due process?
What are the rights for which the level of scrutiny is not known for purposes of substantive due process? (3)
Private consensual gay acts
Refuse medical treatment
Possess firearms
What are the domestic/foreign distinctions of right to travel?
Foreign travel need only meet rational basis

Domestic travel, strict scrutiny
What is the three step approach for equal protection analysis?
What is the classification?

What level of scrutiny?

Does the law meet the level of scrutiny?

How to determine existence of a classification for equal protection? (2)
Facial classification

If facially neutral, BOTH discriminatory intent AND discriminatory effect
For equal protection, what deserves strict scrutiny? (5)
--Nat'l origin
--Alienage UNLESS it's about participation in gov't or illegal alien adults
--Domestic travel
For equal protection, what deserves intermediate scrutiny? (3)
Illegitimate kids
Undocumented alien kids
For equal protection, what deserves rational basis? (6)
Alienage IF related to self-gov't and democratic process
Congressional regulation of aliens and immigration
All else
What is the main issue with interstate travel rts?
Minimum durational residency requirements
Content-based vs content-neutral and levels of scrutiny?
Content-based: strict scrutiny

Content-neutral: intermediate scrutiny
What are the categories of content-based restrictions? (2)
Subject matter

Conduct vs content regulations of speech
Content: must meet either intermediate or strict scrutiny depending on what kind

Conduct related to speech can be regulated by:
--Time, place and manner restrictions
What are the standards for measuring reasonableness of speech regulation? (3)


Unfettered discretion by state official
What kinds of speech or less or not protected by 1st Amendment? (5)
Incitement of illegal activity




Speech by gov't workers on the job in performance of their duties
Obscenity/sex three part test
Material must:

Appeal to prurient interest (local scope)

Be patently offensive

Lack serious redeeming value (nat'l scope)
What categories of places are available for speech? (3)
Public and designated public fora

Non-public fora

Private property
For public and designated public fora, gov't speech regulations must meet time, place, manner restrictions that meet this three part test?
Content neutral
Narrowly tailored to serve important gov't interest
Leave open alternative channels of communication
For non-public fora, gov't speech regulations must meet this two part test?
Viewpoint neutral
Rational basis
What are four kinds of non-public fora?
Military bases
Gov't workplace
Contribution limits
Laws may limit amount of money that a person can contribute to a candidate, but NOT to support/oppose a ballot referendum
What are the two clauses of freedom of religion?
Freedom of exercise

Establishment clause
To what does the freedom of exercise NOT apply?
Neutral law of general applicability
For establishment clause, laws that prefer one sect over another must meet what level of scrutiny?
For establishment clause, laws that do NOT prefer a sect are valid IF... (3)
S Secular purpose
E Effect canNOT advance or inhibit religion
X Excessive entanglement with religion
What kind of voting problem does equal protection protect against?
State dilution of the rt to vote by malapportionment of electoral districts
Absent fed law, when may a state regulate local aspects of interest comm?
1 NO discrim against out-of-st competition
2 NOT unduly burdensome
What must state law satisfy in order to be able to prefer state residents over out-of-state residents for employment? W/re Art IV Priv/Imm
Nonresidents are causing the problem in the state
Least restrictive means
Tests for burdening lawful and unlawful commercial speech
Unlawful comm speech: rational basis

Lawful comm speech; burden MUST:

1 Serve substantial gov't interest
2 Directly advance that interest
3 Be narrowly tailored

CanNOT COMPLETELY ban lawful comm speech b/c it's never going to meet narrow tailoring test
What are the two main 1st Amend rts?
Freedom of speech/assembly

Rt to attend crim trials for public and press
What is required to restrict 1st Amend rt to attend crim trials?
Overriding interest articulated by judge
What is prior restraint? When is it okay?
Prior restraint is when anyone says up front that no speech is allowed

Okay ONLY IF it meets strict scrutiny
Over what does SCOTUS have original jurisdiction?
Public ministers
What sort of residency requirement will likely survive constitutional challenge?
Bona find residency requirement that does NOT mess with suspect class or fundamental rts
What is required for state action?

MORE than even heavily regulating a business and financing it.

Private firm MUST be playing a public function, OR state involvement must be very very high
To defeat obscenity challenge by saying the speech has artistic value, social value, how much value is required?

Proven artistic merit; serious (not just some) social value; etc.
What role do the states have in foreign comm?

CanNOT burden foreign comm
How can prior restraints on in-court speech/press be okay?
Overriding interest
What kind of activities does the General Welfare clause NOT apply to?
NON-economic activities, like air bag regulation e.g.
What is the proper essay approach to issue of whether a state law is invalid w/re to interst comm?
FIRST, does fed law preempt?

SECOND, does the law:
--EITHER discriminate against out-of-state comm to promote local interests?
--OR unduly burden interst comm in a way that outweighs law's interests?

THIRD, is it nonetheless valid IF:
--EITHER it furthers important, noneconomic state interest
--OR state is market participant
--AND there is no better alternative
What are public fora?
Parks, streets, sidewalks, and designated public fora

OTW, assume it's non-public fora
When is bicameralism needed?
Legislative veto!! One house of Congress can't invalidate an admin/exec decision
When looking at 1st amendment speech issues, go through the following issues...
--State action

--Prior restraint
----Strict scrutiny IF content-based (if content-neutral, can be reasonable time/place/manner restriction)
----Must have reasonable procedural safeguards



--Unfettered discretion to officials

2-step process:

1 Is speech unprotected? (e.g. incitement, obscenity, commercial)

2 IF protected, then strict scrutiny