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65 Cards in this Set

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What must a P show to have standing?
Causation and redressability
No third party standing
Close relationship
Injured 3d party unlikely to be able to represent himself
Organization, if
Members would have standing
Interests are germane to the org's purpose AND
Niether the claim nor relief requires participation of individual members
No generalized grievances (except challenging govt expenditures in violation of the establishment clause)
What does a court consider when determining ripeness?
Hardship that would be suffered without pre-enforcement review
Fitness of the issues for judicial review
What is mootness?
Requires a live controversy UNLESS
Capable of repetition but evades review b/c of its inherently limited time duration
Voluntary cessation
Class actions
When does the political question doctrine usually apply?
Foreign affairs
Political gerrymandering
Republican form of government
When is the Supreme Court obligated to hear a case?
Review of a decision of a 3 judge federal district court panel
When will the Supreme Court hear a state court decision
Only if the decision was NOT based on an independent and adequate state laww ground
When will a federal court abstain from hearing a state court decision?
Will not enjoin pending state criminal proceedings UNLESS brought in bad faith
Unsettled question of state law
What is the 11th amendment?
Bars private suits against states in federal court
Exceptions: state officers, state consents, Congress removes immunity
Can the federal government sue a state government?
What is sovereign immunity?
Bars private suits against states in state courts or federal agencies
What are Congress's 3 main powers?
What are Congress's implied police powers
Indian reservations
Lands (federal)
When may Congress tax and spend?
Anytime for the general welfare
Tax must bear some relationship to revenue production
Can't tax exports to foreign countries
When can Congress regulate commerce under the commerce clause?
Commerce with foreign nations, Indians, or among the states:
Channels of interstate commerce
Instrumentalities and persons/things on interstate commerce
Economic activities that have a "substantial effect" on interstate commerce
If it's a non-economic activity: effect can't be aggregated to find interestate commerce
What is the 10th amendment?
It says that all powers not granted to the US nor prohibited to the states are resreved to the states
Congress can't compel regulatory or legislative action by states but CAN put strings on $ if conditions are expressly stated ANd relate to purpose of the spending program
Congress can prohibit harmful commercial activity
What is the Supremacy Clause and preemption?
Valid federal law trumps an inconsistent state law
What is implied preemption?
Found where statute is silent but:
it's not possible to simultaneously comply with federal and state statutes
State law impedes achievement of a federal objective OR
Congress evidences a clear intent
What is inter-governmental immunity?
States CAN'T tax OR regulate the federal government
What is the Import-Export Clause?
States can't tax imports or exports without Congressional consent
What is the dormant commerce clause?
Where state or local law places an "undue burden" on interstate commerce
What is the privileges and immunities clause of article IV?
Prevents states from discriminating against other states or favoring their own citizens related to:
Civil liberties

WITHOUT substantial justification

NOTE: look for language expressly favoring citizens
What is the privileges and immunities clause of article of the 14th amendment?
It preserves a person's right to travel
How do you determine if the commerce clause has been violated?
Does the state law discriminate against out of staters?
If no: burden on interstate commerce violates the commerce clause if the burden outweighs the benefit
If yes: it violates the commerce clause UNLESS 1) it is necessary to achieve an important government interest AND 2) there is no less discriminatory alternative available
Ex: baitfish
Congress approves it
Market participant exception
How do you determine if the privileges and immunities clause of article IV?
Does law touch on commerce OR civil liberties?
If yes, does the state law discriminate against out of staters?
If no: no violation/doesn't apply
If yes: violates UNLESS necesary to achieve an important government purpose
Does NOT apply to aliens or corps
When does a state's tax violate the commerce clause?
States CAN'T discriminate against interstate commerce
Can ONLY tax activities if:
Substantial nexus between product and taxing state
Fairly apportioned
Fair relationship between tax and benefit the taxed party receives

NOTE: also consider limitations on state regulation of commerce
Can a state tax the federal government?
If it is indirect and nondiscriminatory
When does the full faith and credit clause apply?
Courts must give full faith and credit to judgments where

Court has PJ and SMJ
Judgment is on the merits
Judgment is final
May a state sue another state without its consent?
May a state sue the federal government?
Through what means can Congress regulate private conduct?
13th amendment prohibition on slavery
Commerce Clause
When MUST the private sector comply with the constitution?
Public function exception: private party is performing a task traditionally and exclusively done by the government
Entanglement exception: government affirmatively authorizes, encourages unconstitutional activity
What is rational basis review?
Means: rationally related
Ends: legitimate purpose
BoP: challenger
What is intermediate scrutiny?
Means: substantially related
Ends: important purpose
BoP: state
What is strict scrutiny?
Means: necessary
Ends: compelling purpose
BoP: state
What is the test for whether there's a procedural DP violation?
Has there been a deprivation of life, liberty or propery?
Government conduct must be intentional or reckless, not merely negligent
If yes, what procedures need to be in place?
Importance of the interest to the individual
Abililty of additional procedures to increase accuracy of the fact-finding
Government's interest: time, $
What does SDP protect?
Economic liberties
What level of scrutiny do economic rights receive under SDP?
Rational basis review
What test is used for the takings clause of the 5th amendment?
Government may take private property for public use if it gives just compensation.

Is it a taking?
Possessory taking: government confiscates or occupies property
Regulatory taking: government regulation leaves no economically viable use for the property

Is it for public use?
Govt has to have reasonable belief that it will benefit public use

Just compensation?
Based on loss to owner in reasonable market value terms
What is the contracts clause? How is it violated?
No state shall impair obligations of contracts

State/local govt can interfere with existing "private" contracts IF intermediate scrutiny met
It substantially interferes with a party's right under an existing contract
It is reasonably and narrowly tailored means of promoting an important and legit public interest

State or local interference with government contracts must meet SS
What is the ex post facto clause?
Criminally punishes conduct that was lawful when it was done or increases punishment after committed
Govt CAN'T adopt such laws in criminal cases
What is a bill of attainder?
Legislative act that inflicts punishment without a judicial trial
What are fundamental rights subject to SS?
Right to marry
Right to procreate
Right to custoy of children (can be terminated upon showing of abuse or neglect)
Right to keep family together
Right to control upbringing of children
Right to purchase and use contraceptives
Right to vote
Right to travel
What scrutiny applies to abortion?
Undue burden standard:
Pre-viability: state can't prohibit but can regulate so long as they don't create an undue burden
Post-viability: state can prohibit UNLESS necessary to protect woman's life/health
What is the EP clause inquiry?
What is the classification?
Is there discrimination?
Intent AND impact
What level of SS applies?
Does the law meet the level of scrutiny
What classifications receive SS under the EP clause?
National origin
Alienage (generally)
What classifications receive intermediate scrutiny under the EP clause?
Undocumented alien children
What classifications receive RB review under the EP clause?
Everything else, including:
Alienage classifications related to self-govt/democratic process
To what does the EP Clause apply?
ONLY the states
EP applies to the federal govt through the DP clause of the 5th amendment
Can peremptory challenges be based on race or gender?
What is the test for discrimination based on race?
For affirmative action, consider the following justifications:
Remedying past discrimination: ONLY if persistent AND readily identifiable
Diversity: ONLY in colleges, not elementary or high schools
Race can't be used to assign students to schools unless SS met (diversity not sufficient unless college)
Race can be considered as ONE factor among many for admissions, legislative apportionment (can't be predominant factor)
Numerical set asides NOT ok unless clear proof of past discrimination
What level of scrutiny applies to gender discrimination?
Must meet an exceedingly persuasive justification (intermediate)
Invalid justifications:
Role stereotypes
Valid justifications:
Remedying past discrimination, remedying differences in opportunities
What level of scrutiny applies to alienage?
Generally, SS
BUT RB for
Federal legislation (not state)
Jury duty
Certain professions: cop, teacher, probation officer
Undocumented aliens

Undocumented alien children denied public education: intermediate scrutiny
What is included in the fundamental right to travel
Only applies to domestic travel
Durational residency requirements must meet SS
More than 50 days for voting not ok
What is included in the fundamental right to vote?
Must meet SS
Districts have to be evenly divided
At large elections OK unless discriminatory purpose
Use of race in drawing election lines must meet SS
Property requirements invalid
Reasonable residency requirements valid
What is a prior restraint and what level of scrutiny does it get?
Stopping speech before it occurs:

Court order suppressing speech: SS
Gag orders on press to prevent prejudicial pretrial publicity: NO
Govt can require a license for speech only if
Important reason
Clear criteria leaving almost no discretion to the licensing authority AND
Procedural safeguards
When is a statute void for overbreadth or vagueness?
Overbreadth: regulates substantially more speech than constitutional
Vagueness: reasonable person can't tell what speech is prohibited
What levels of scrutiny apply to speech?
Content-based restriction: SS
Content-neutral law burdening speech: intermediate scrutiny
What level of scrutiny applies to symbolic speech?
Must have an important interest
Unrelated to the suppression of speech
Impact on the communication must be no greater than necessary to achieve the government's goal
What forms of content-based speech are unprotected or less-protected?
Incitement of illegal activity
Fighting words
Child porn
Speech by govt employees in performance of their duties
BUT profane and indecent speech ok
BUT private possession of obscene material ok
BUT defamation: malice + fault for public official/figure in issue of public concern
What is obscene speech?
Appeals to the prurient interest
Patently offensive
Lacks serious redeeming artistic, literary, political, or scientific value according to a national standard
What level of scrutiny applies to commercial speech?
Advertising for illegal activity, false and deceptive ads NOT ok
States can prevent professionals from advertising under a trade name, prohibit attorney solicitation

Other commercial speech: must meet intermediate scrutiny
How can the government regulate speech-related conduct and assembly?
Public and limited public fora:
Regs must be SM and viewpoint neutral
Reg must have a TPM restriction that is
Narrowly tailored
Serves and important govt interest
Leaves adequate alternative places for communications
Permit requirements can't give govt unfettered discretion over fee

Non-public forum:
Regs must be viewpoint neutral
And reasonably related to a legit govt purpose
Ex: military bases, outside prisons, ad space on buses, sidewalks of post office, airports

No 1st amdt right of access to private property
What is freedom of association?
Laws that prohibit or punish group membership must meet SS
CAn only punish if person is
Actively affiliated
Has knowledge of the group's illegal activities
Has specific intent to further those illegal activities

Can discriminate if:
Intimate association
Discrimination is integral to the expressive activities of the group
What does the Free Exercise Clause protect?
Reg specifically designed to interfere with regulation: SS
But a neutral law of general applicability (that may have discrim effect): OK

Government can't punish based on religious belief: no religious oath in public office
What does the Establishment Clause protect?
Law must have
Secular purpose
Primary effect is neither to enhance nor inhibit religion
No excessive govt entanglement

Govt can't discriminate against religion generally or between religions: SS applies