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38 Cards in this Set

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Article I
Legislative Branch
Article I, Section 8
Commerce Clause
Article II
Executive Branch
Article II, Section 2
Commander in Chief
Article III
Judicial Branch
Article VI, Section II
Supremacy Clause
Article IV
Relationship of States and Federal/State Relationships
What was the holding of Marbury v. Madison?
- Constitution is the supreme law of the land
- the Supreme Court decides what the law is
What was the holding of McCulloch v. Maryland?
- Congress has powers not explicitly stated in the Constitution
What does Allen v. Wright say about injury for standing?
- injury must be "distinct and palpable" and "not abstract, conjectural, or hypothetical"
What is standing?
being qualified to bring a cause of action from suffering actual legal harm
What are the requirements for standing under Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife?
- concrete and actual injury in fact
- causal connection between conduct and injury
- likelihood that injury will be redressed by favorable decision
What is the holding of Gibbons v. Ogden?
- Congressional power to regulate commerce is limited only by the Constitution
- States are generally authorized to regulate commerce dealing with Health, Safety and Welfare
What is the holding of NLRB v. J&L Steel?
- Congress can legislate intrastate commerce if "close and substantial relationship to interstate commerce" exists

- overrules E.C. Knight, Schecter
What is the holding of Wickard v. Filburn?
- Congress has power to regulate if there is substantial economic effect on interstate commerce
What is the holding of U.S v. Darby?
- Congress has power to regulate commerce that is injurious to public morals
- if there is legitimate basis for regulating, Congress may use any reasonable means

- overrules Hammer v. Dagenhart
What is the holding of Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. and Katzenbach v. U.S.?
- means chosen by Congress to regulate interstate commerce must be reasonably adapted to an end permitted by Constitution
What is the test for Commerce Clause regulation set down in U.S. v. Lopez?
the federal law must fall within 3 categories for regulating commerce:
- instrumentalities
- use of channels
- activities that substantially affect interstate commerce
What is the dormant commerce clause?
a state may regluate interstate commerce if Congress has not enacted laws regulating subject matter
What is protectionist legislation?
state legislation over interstate commerce where the benefits fall inside the state, but most costs/burdens fall outside the state
What is the holding of City of Phila. v. N.J.?
State may regulate commerce where other legislative objectives are credibly advanced, and no patent discrimination against interstate commerce
What is the test for protectionist legislation?
- protectionist legislation is per se invalid EXCEPT
- State demonstrates under rigorous scrutiny there were no reasonable alternatives
What is the market participant exception to protectionist legislation?
where the state participates in a market, it may impose protectionist burdens in that market, but the burdens may not extend outside that market
What important doctrine came from Jackson's concurring opinion in Youngstown v. Sawyer?
the 3 categories for executive action
- express or implied Congressional authorization
- "twilight zone" where Congress has neither granted nor denied authorization
- incompatible with express or implied Congressional authorization
What is the holding in U.S. v. Nixon?
- there is no absolute presidential immunity
- privilege exists in certain circumstances, but not where justice should be served in criminal case
How does the immunity affect civil suits against the President?
- immune from civil suits, but only applicable to suits while acting in official capacity as President
What was the holding of Dred Scott v. Sandford?
- interpreting a federal law as freeing slaves would violate the Constitution
- slaves are not citizens and do not have standing to bring suit in federal court
What was the importance of the Slaughterhouse cases, and other decisions of the 1870s?
the Supreme Court narrowly construes the 14th Amendment and equal protection
What was the holding of Plessy v. Ferguson?
separate but equal did not violate the equal protection clause
What did Harlan state in his dissent to Plessy v. Ferguson?
- the constitution is "colorblind"
- the government should not create impediments to people getting along
What was the holding of Brown v. Board of Education (I)?
separate educational facilities based on race are inherently unequal
What was the decision of Brown v. Board of Education (II)?
district courts and school officials should implement desegregation "with all deliberate speed"
What was the holding of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg?
- bussing is acceptable remedy for desegregation
- "unitary status" marks where desegretation has occurred and court plan no longer requires implementation
What is the difference between de facto segregation and de jure segregation?
de facto segregation: segregation by fact

de jure segregation: segregation by law (automatic violation of Constitution)
What was the holding of Milliken v. Bradley (I)?
federal courts cannot impose interdistrict remedies where interdistrict violation does not exist
What is the rational basis test where the government makes a classification in legislation?
- identify a legitimate end
- find a rational connection by the means

- the means not required to be perfect
What is the strict scrutiny test for racial classifications?
- compelling government interest
- close relationship of law and achieving the government purpose
What significant wording regarding racial classifications first stated in Korematsu v. U.S.?
classifications based on race are "immediately suspect"