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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the largest coral reef and where is it found?
Great Barrier Reef in Australia
What is the second largest coral reef and where is it found?
Coast of Belize in Central America
Two places where some other coral reefs are found
Hawaii, Red Sea
Development of coral reefs is aided by algae that are symbiotic with reef-building corals called _____.
______ produce the nutrients corals need, and corals provide them with ____ and ____.
Zooxanthellae, protection, access to light
Coral reefs grow in what direction?
Upward and seaward
Coral reefs have a great diversity of fish and invertebrates because ____.
Hint: compare to rainforest
There are alternating areas of sun and shade
Pollution damages coral reefs because ...
It causes the water to become foggy, preventing light from passing through.
Deep water corals are also called ____.
Cold water corals
_____ corals do not form reefs like those in tropical waters. Instead they form ____.
Small, spread out colonies
Deep water corals are found in waters above __ meters deep and between __ and __ degrees C.
70 m
23-29 Degrees
Deep water corals also live near the abyss where temperatures can reach __ C.
4 Degrees
Deep water corals are ____ feeders, consuming ____ and ____ carried by deep sea currents.
Organic Detritus
External factors ___ the pH of water and can harm corals
Some activities which harm coral:
-Oil, gas and mineral exploration and extraction
-Submarine cables and pipelines
Zooxanthellae help coral harvest ____, which allows the coral to meet its ____ and ____ needs.
Zooxanthellae live off the ____ that grow on the coral.
Coral have ____ capped tentacles to capture _____ organisms.
Zooxanthellae also offer the coral protection from _____ toxicity. Higher temperatures have affected _____ that allow this protection.
Types of Corals:
This coral has a lot of branches
Branching Coral
Types of Corals:
This coral has a broad horizontal surface, and therefore gets lots of sunlight
Table Corals
Types of Corals:
Look like fingers sticking upward. These do not have secondary branches.
Pillar Corals
Types of Corals:
Look like flowers or petals
Foliase (Cabbage) Coral
Types of Corals:
Resembles a crust on a rocky surface. These are strong and can withstand violent storms.
Encrusting Corals
Types of Corals:
Very large and shaped like boulders
Massive Corals
Types of Corals:
Looks like domes, free swimming and does not attach to anything.
Mushroom Corals
Types of Corals:
Contains many ridges which small animals may live between.
Brain Coral
According to the powerpoints, divers can destroy coral reefs by _____ or using ____ (kills 90% of the fish).
Blowing them up
_____ give color to coral reefs.
Causes of Bleaching of reefs include:
Freshwater runoff
High temperatures
An algae called ______ __ _______ has been found in some shallow water coral reefs, and exhibits resistance to higher temperatures.
Clyde A Symbiodinium
CRCA stands for....
Coral Reef Conservation Act
Law that recognizes the importance of coral reefs and establishes the National Program and Coral Reef Action Strategy to monitor the status of US coral reefs.
Coral Reef Conservation Act (CRCA)
The CRCA was issued in the year ____.
Provides guidelines for management of all US commercial fisheries, created eight regional fishery management councils, required foreigners to apply for permits to fish in the US.
Magnuson-Steven Fishery Conservation and Management Act. (MSA)
Prohibits any action which harasses, injures, captures or kills marine mammals. Established the marine mammal commission.
MMPA- Marine Mammal Protection Act
Enacted in 1972 with the purpose of designating important marine environments as sanctuaries. There are currently 13, six of which were created after 1990.
National Marine Sanctuary Act (NMSA)