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41 Cards in this Set

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Is species conservation enough?

focuses on single threatened species

crisis approach to conservation

should be complemented by bigger-picture approaches

Primary IUCN criteria for listing

range size (small is worse)

population abundance (small is worse)

population trend (declining is worse)

ongoing conservation efforts

used to determine extinction risk

Population density affected by

immigration and emigration

births and deaths

What is a model?

a simplified and abstracted representation of a system

allows hypothesis testing and generalization

GEP box on models --->

all models are wrong but some are useful

Exponential growth model

N(t+1) = N(t) + N(t)*r

N(t) = N(0) * lambda(t)

Geometric rate of increase

fundamental parameter in population ecology is the finite rate of increase of lambda

lambda (in the exponential growth model)

describes the proportional increase (or decrease) in a population per time step

Did lambda apply to humans?


lambda < 1 means

decline and eventual extinction

lambda = 1 means

stable population

lambda > 1 means

the population is growing

Why models are important for conservation

assessment of extinction risk

summarizes what is known about a population

allows projections into the future

assumptions are made explicit

model can be refined as amore data become available

model parameters can be compared among species and populations

Example of rates of decline

Northwest Atlantic sharks

example of re-introduction


reintroduced to Nunivak Island, AK

Census data collected to build a model in order to manage the population

growth rates averages at lambda = 1.148

Next step for the models?

include real-world variability and uncertainty

So far models have assumed what?

that species grow in a simple, predictable fashion

assumed that growth parameters are fixed

deterministic model

N(t+1) = N(t) * lambda

when growth parameters are fixed

stochastic model

N(t+1) = N(t) * lambda(t)

takes into account that parameters vary widely

more realistic

Causes of variability

1. natural - population variability and environmental variability

2. sources of uncertainty - parameter uncertainty

- model uncertainty

- ignorance and surprises

What does stochastic models include

both variability and uncertainty

Persistence vs. initial population

can calculate probability of extinction (using same model) within 100 time steps

Environmental variability

sources of environmental variation




temporal variation

light, temperature, rainfall, predation, food supply, etc.

spatial variation

along depth gradients, across continents

extreme variation

events or catastrophes - can harm or benefit

How do we incorporate environmental stochasticity

assume that lambda caries over time through a statistical distribution

Muskox model

where lambda = 1.148 and k = 500

density dependence: Ricker

type: deterministic

probability of extinction = 0

Muskox model

lambda = 1.148 and k = 500

type: stochastic (N=25) using demographic stochasticity

N is how many many times the model is run

the line is the mean and the data includes error as well as the highest and lowest value

same model but adding a standard deviation in lambda of 10%

adds a lot of variability to the data

add a standard deviation in lambda of 30%

trajectory summary means that the probability of extinction within 50 years is about 10%

Problem: parameters are always estimated, never known

solution: use larger sample size, get additional information to reduce uncertainty

problem: models are a simplification of the real world

solution: compare different models and see how their behaviour varies

Overall solution to redce uncertainty

find a good compromise between simplification and realism

Allee effects

correlation between population size or density and the mean individual fitness of a population or species

allee effects in great auk

overhunting by museum collectors

allee effects in Napolean wrasse

overfishing increased price

allee effects in passenger pigeon

failure of large breeding colonies


critical density needed for urchin fertilization succes

populations of most concern

populations in rapid decline

stochastic models are used for....

to assess population variability and uncertainty