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58 Cards in this Set

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Common orbital tumor of infancy
Capillary hemangioma
Symptomatic pinguecula treatment.
(1) lubricants
(2) OTC decongestants
(3) mild steroid (lotomax)
Congenital tumor from mesoderm and ectoderm; primarily COLLAGEN; located inferior temporal
Limbal Dermoid
Dermoid in childhood; lipodermoid in adulthood (composed of lipid)
Epibulbar choristoma
Adenochrome Deposits are caused from
Flat, superficial, diffuse and may be near limbus or surrounding a penetrating BV; stable; 0 cysts
Primary aquired melanosis therapeutic options
(1) surgery
(2) topical mitomycin C
Slate gray within epidermis; seen in Asian populations
Scelral Melanocytosis
slate gray within epidermis involving eye and skin
Nevus of Ota
Raise pigmented or nonpigmented; early 50's; 2% of all ocular malig,; fixed to underlying tissue
Conjunctival Melanoma
High risk factor for blacks to develop choroidal melanoma
Nevus of Ota
Rare, unilateral premalignant condition. More common in older fair skinned. Nodular, or irregular white lesions (leukoplakia); moveable
Conj. Intraepi. Neo.
Common white, male 60s. Pink diffuse gelationous and high vascularized. Metasis rare.
Conj. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Conj. Squamous Cell Carcinoma present in younger than 50 suspect
Edema and PMN into conj. Central Vessel. response to bacterial and allergies.
Adult with follicles result of:
(1) viral
(2) chlamydial
(3) toxic rxn
Child with follicles result of:
Not a disease; underdeveloped immune system; clear up with age
Mucopurulent commonly seen in:
(1) bacterial
(2) chylamydial conj.
Another name for mucopurulent
Purulent or hyperacute dischg may be:
Membrane/Pseudomembrane caused by:
(1) adenoviral conj
(2) HSV
Common flora of conj.
(1) S. epidermis
(2) S. aureus
(3) Corynebacterium
Most common cause of primary conj. in immunocompetent childern younger 12
Most common baterial pathogens
(1) S. aureus
(2) H. influenza
(3) S. pneumoniae
Most common cause of primary conj. in immunocompetent childern over 12 and adults
Most common viral pathogens
(1) adenovirus
(2) herpes simplex
Isolate most ocular aerobic and anaerobic pathogens
Blood Agar
Blood Agar cannot isolate
(1) Haemophilus
(2) Neissera
(3) Moraxella
Chocolate Agar isolates
(1) Haemophilus
(2) Neissera
(3) Moraxella
Sabouraud's Agar isolate
Treatment of Acute Bacterial Conj.
(1)Broad spec Antibiotic
(2) Severe inflammation or pseudo/true memb- Steroids
Staph Conj. associated with
Diffuse bulbar and palpebral hyperemia, scattered petechial hem, mucopurulent dischg, and marginal corneal infiltrates
Pneumococcus Conj. or Haemophilus influenza Conj.
Concurrent URTI or otitis media in children younger than 4
Pneumococcus Conj.
May progress to preseptal or orbital cellulitis
Haemophilus influenza Conj.
Hyperacute Bacterial Conj. caused by
(1) N. gonorrhea
(2) N. meningitis
Treatment for Hyperacute Bacterial Conj.
(1) systemic and topical therapy
(2) frequent irrigation
(3) hospitalization
Untreated Hyperacute Bacterial Conj. can lead to
(1) true membrane formation
(2) symblepharon
(3) corneal perforation
Chronic Bacterial Conj., commonly seen in clinic, caused by
(1) S. aureus
(2) M. lacunata
Treatment Chronic Bacterial Conj.
(1) lid hygiene
(2) broad spec antibiotic QID flare ups
(3)topical steriod- corneal involve or phlyctenules
Conjunctivitis of newborn occuring within the first 4 weeks of life. (normally 3-5 days after delivery)
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- Gonococcal treatment
pencillin G
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- Chlamydial treatment
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- S. aureus, H. influenza, S. viridans, P.aeruginosa; treatment
erythromycin gram (+)
tobramycin gram (-)
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- Herpes simplex treatment
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- chemical silver nitrate treatment
Ophthalmia Neonatorum- marked by corneal opacities and possible micropannus
inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, good gram (+) coverage, poor gram (-)
coverage (except Neisseria
changes permeability of the bacterial cell membranes causing cell death,
fair gram (+) coverage, poor gram (-) coverage (except H. influenzae
changes permeability of the bacterial cell membranes causing cell death,
no gram (+) coverage, fair gram (-) coverage (good against P. aeruginosa), very important in CL wear, excellent when combined with an effective gram (+) agent.
Polymyxin B
prevents the conversion of dihydrofolic acid preventing cell growth,
broad spectrum (does not cover P. aeruginosa), excellent choice when combined with Polymyxin B.
inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, ung form used widely, excellent
choice for prophylactic treatment of ophthalmia neonatorum, oral use in C. trachomatis
interfere with DNA
synthesis, broad spectrum (99% of pathogens eradicated with 4th gen. FQ’s), very good drugs for initial treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis
Fluoroquinolones (nor-, cipro-, o-, moxi-, and gatifloxacin
aminoglycoside, inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, broad spectrum, risk of
contact dermatitis limits use
aminoglycoside, excellent gram (-) coverage, fair gram (+) coverage, can
cause corneal and conj toxicity.
aminoglycoside, very similar to gentamicin in efficacy, more potent
against P. aeruginosa, in combo with dexamethasone (Tobradex) is the most widely Rx’ed prescription in the U.S.
– inhibits the bacterial synthesis of folic acid, broad spectrum, resistance
and hypersensitivity are common, better options are available
inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, broad spectrum, increasing resistance,
contraindicated in pregnant or nursing women and in children younger than 8.