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21 Cards in this Set

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Binary compound

A compound that consists of two elements

Dipole atrractions

The attraction of the δ- end of one polar molecule to the δ + end ofanother polar molecule.

Dipole moment

An arrow along the line of symmetry in a polar molecule that shows the net direction that electrons are being pulled towards the partially negative end of the molecule.

Electronegativity difference

The difference in electronegativity between two elements in a bond.

Electrical conductivity (metals)

The ability of the substance to allow electrons to pass from atom to atom through itself from a source or electricity to an electrical ground.


A solution containing dissolved ions that can conduct electricity through it.

Empirical formula
The simplest whole-number mole ratio of elements in a compound, usedto write the formulas of ionic compounds.
Formula mass
The sum of the atomic masses of an element or compound, measured ingrams/mole. Reported to the nearest tenth of a gram per mole.
Hydrogen bonds
The strong attraction of the H (δ+) end of one polar molecule to the N, Oor F (δ−) end of another polar molecule. The two ends form temporarycovalent bonds.
Intermolecular AttractiveForce
The forces that hold molecules together in the solid and liquid phase.These are the forces that must be overcome to melt or boil a substance.Also called “van der Waal’s forces”.
Ionic compound
Compounds consisting of a metal and a nonmetal that are ionicallybonded in a whole-number ratio
London dispersion force
The weak attractive force caused by temporary dipoles in nonpolarmolecules.
Metallic bond
A bond formed between metal atoms as they collectively share theirconducting electrons evenly between metal kernals.
Molecular formula
The actual number of nonmetal atoms in a molecule, a whole-numbermultiple of the empirical formula.
A particle made of nonmetal atoms covalently bonded together to form adistinct particle.
Network solid
A crystal lattice formed from covalently bonded nonmetal atoms with nodistinct molecules.
Nonpolar molecule
A molecule with symmetrical electron distribution resulting in any polarbonds canceling each other out to yield no partially charged ends.
Percent composition
The formula mass of an element divided by the formula mass of thecompound that contains the element multiplied by 100.
Polar molecule
A molecule with asymmetrical electron distribution resulting in partiallycharged ends.
Polyatomic Ion
An ion formed by atoms bonding together in such a way that a net chargeis formed.
Ternary compound
A compound that consists of three or more elements, usually containing apolyatomic ion.