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164 Cards in this Set

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What makes pregnancy a high risk?
concurrent d/o
pregnancy related complication or external factor jepordizes health of the mother, fetus, or both
What needs to be done if there is an active lesion at time of delivery?
What may a Dr do for the last 4 wks to prevent an active lesion from forming?
put on antibiotics
What is group B strep?
has a higher incidence with STDs
can be deadily to baby
What can happen to a baby exposed to group B strep?
develop pneumonia
How will a mother will group B strep be treated?
penicillin 5 million initially then 2.5 million q4h until delivery
When would a pregnant woman be tested for HIV?
1st visit
When would the baby of an HIV positive woman be tested?
@ birth, 3 mo & 6 mo
Why might a baby be HIV+ at birth but not at 3 or 6 mo?
b/c of maternal antibodies
What would an HIV + pregnant woman be treated with during labor?
What should a pregnant woman not do with her baby?
What is the most common type of anemia?
What would a pregnant woman need to do if she has iron deficiency anemia?
take iron supplements with her PNVs
What are the best foods to take iron with?
citrus fruits, fish, polutry
What should a pregnant woman increase if taking iron supplements to prevent constipation?
fluid and fiber
What can asymptomatic UTI lead to?
What can pyleonephritis lead to?
pre labor or ruptured membranes
When are pregnant woman tested for UTIs?;
every visit
What are the s/s of pyelonephritis?
pain in lumbar, fever
How are UTIs treated?
aggressive antibiotics
What would mom be treated with if she had TB?
What can mom not do if she and baby are treated with INH?
Why do underlying cardio problems become a problem when preg?
increased blood vol
increased HR
increased CO
When is blood vol at its peak during pregnancy?
28-32 wks
What is classification 1 of heart ds?
What is classification 2 of heart ds?
slightly compromised
What is clasification 3 of heart ds?
markedly compromised
What is classification 4 of heart ds?
severly compromised
What would a woman with classification 4 of heart ds be advised not to do?
get preg
What is peripartal cardiomyopathy?
left ventricular dysfunction
What are the s/s of peripartal cardiomyopathy?
SOB, chest pain, edema
Why are oral contraceptives are contraindicated with peripartal cardiomyopathy?
increased risk of thrombophlebitis
When does peripartal cardiomyopathy occur?
late in pregnancy or postpartum
How can you treat peripartal cardiomyopathy?
diuretics, digoxin, limited activity
How can you prevent anemia during pregnancy?
treat with PNV and additional iron supplement
What is the goal of care with cardiovascular ds?
to maximize the health of mother and baby
What should be included in intrapartum care?
vital signs *02 & breath sounds
labor in side lying position
02 administration
epidural concerns
When should the valsalva maneuver be avoided?
if there are any cardio problems
What may be used to avoid the valsalva maneuver?
foreceps or vacuum
What should be included in postpartum care?
early ambulation
prophylactic antibiotics
avoid constipation
continuation of PNVs and iron
increase fluid and fiber
Why is thromboembolytic ds more common in pregnancy?
venous stasis
impeded blood return to uterus
hypercoagulate stage of pregnancy
What can thromboembolytic ds lead to?
pulmonary embolus
What should be taught for a pt at risk for thromboembolytic ds?
don't cross legs
avoid wearing constrictive hose
ambulate frequently
How can you treat DVT during pregnancy?
Why would you discontinue anticoagulants during labor?
to prevent hemorrhage
How long after delivery would anticoagulants be given?
6 mos
What is diabetes?
an inadequate production of insulin b/c the pancreas doesn't produce enough
inadequate utilization of insulin
adequate carb metabolism doesn't occur
What are the s/s of diabetes?
increased thirst, urination, hunger
What is insulin resistance in pregnancy due to?
What are some other complications associated with diabetes during pregnancy?
congenital anomalies
What are some fetal risks with diabetes?
Why would a baby be at risk for hypoglycemia after delivery?
liver is use to mom's high levels of glucose so it over produces insulin dropping gluose levels too low
When is the screening for gestational diabetes done?
28 wks
How is the gestational diabetes screening done?
drink 50g carb drink and test w/in an hour
drink 100g carb drink and test when fasting for 6 hr, 1,2,3 hr
How do you determine if a woman has gestational diabetes?
if 2 of 4 are elevated
How can you see if a woman is maintaining her glucose levels?
How many cals are required if a woman has gestational diabetes?
What is included in the antepartum fetal surveillance of a diabetic mom?
evaluated by ultrasound, NST, biophysical profile
When is glucose checked during labor?
If mom is on insulin during labor when is glucose checked?
What should glucose levels be maintained at during delivery?
What could bleeding in the first trimester indicate?
ectopic pregnancy
What could bleeding in the second trimester indicate?
hydatiform mole
incompetent cervix
What could bleeding in the third trimester indicate?
placenta previa
abruptio placenta
What is an abortion/miscarriage?
interruption of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable (<24wks)
What would you assess for with a miscarriage?
amount of bleeding, type of bleeding, presence of tissue
What would bright bleeding during a miscarriage indicate?
currently happening
What would brown blood during a miscarriage indicate?
already happened
What are some complications of a miscarriage?
isoimmunization (rh ds)
What is the treatment for a miscarriage?
confirmation of preg
determine cause of bleeding
What should be done if the miscarriage is inevitable?
IV fluids
D&C to remove everything
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
occurs when site of implantation is anywhere but the uterus
What are the s/s of an ectopic pregnancy?
sharp, one sided pain
s/s shock
referred shoulder pain
abdominal pain
tenderness over rupture on palpation
palpation of a mass
abdominal rigidness
What is the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy?
diagnosis of pregnancy
removal of affected tube
rhogam if Rh-
What is a hydatiform mole?
trophoblastic tissue that usually grows into the placenta grows but the fetus doesn't grow
What are the s/s of a hydatiform mole?
rapid growth of uterus, absent fetal HR, HA, blurred vision, increased N/V, proteinuria, swelling, bleeding
How can you treat a molar pregnancy?
monitoring HcG levels
possible chemo
possible hysterectomy
What is a molar pregnancy a precursor for?
chorion cancer
Why would someone with a molar pregnancy be put on birth control?
to prevent preg until cancer is controlled
What is an incompetent cervix?
premature dilation of cervix and inability to hold fetus
When would the fetal typically be lost with an incompetent cervix?
16-24 wks
What would be a sign of an incompetent cervix?
painless bleeding
How could you diagnosis an incompetent cervix?
repeated 2nd trimester losses
early gestational cervical change
painless bleeding followed by quick delivery
How can you treat an incompetent cervix?
What is a cerclage?
suture placed in cervix and tied shut
When is a cerclage removed?
What is a placenta previa?
at or covering the cervical opening
How could a placenta previa be diagnosed?
What is a sign of placenta previa?
painless bleeding, small or life threatening
How can you treat a placenta previa?
depends on gestational age
bed rest
no pelvic exams
assessment for s/s of shock
bleeding assessment
possible imminent delivery if at risk for hemorrhage or fetal compromise
What can woman with placenta previa not have?
pelvic exam
What is a complete placenta previa?
If the placenta covers the cervix completely
What is a low lying placenta previa?
If the edge of the placenta is within 2 centimeters of the cervix but not bordering it
What is a marginal placenta previa?
If it's right on the border of the cervix
What is a partial placenta previa?
to a placenta that covers part of the cervical opening once the cervix starts to dilate
What is abruptio placenta?
premature separation of the placenta prior to delivery
What are some predisposing factors to an abruptio placenta?
chronic HTN
abdominal trauma
cocaine abuse
What are some s/s of an abrupito placenta?
severe abdominal pain
rigid uterus
Why does the uterus start contracting with an abruptio placenta?
trying to get the blood out
What is the treatment for an abruptio placenta?
fetal monitoring
oxygen administration
imminent delivery
What would you do if the fetus was bradycardiac and the mom had an abruptio placenta?
straight to OR
What is DIC?
disseminated intravascular coagulation
such extreme bleeding that so many platelets and fibrin rush to the site of insult that there is not enough left in circulation to provide further clotting
What is DIC usually a complication of?
What is PIH?
pregnancy induced HTN
What are the symptoms of PIH?
epigastric pain
When does PIH occur?
not until about 24 wks, last 10 wks, during labor, or 48 hrs postpartum
How can you diagnose PIH?
systolic increase of 30, diastolic increase of 15 2 readings 6 hrs apart
proteinuria 1-2+
wt gain >2lb/wk in 2nd trimester and 1lb/week in 3rd trimester
What is eclampsia?
What are some maternal risks for eclampsia?
renal failure
pulmonary embolism
ruptured liver
What are some fetal risks for ecalmpsia?
SGA- may have to dliver early d/t poor placental perfusion
intrauterine growth retardation
What should be included in antepartum management?
promote bedrest
promote good nutrition
provide emotional support
fetal surveillance
monitor maternal vitals
monitor maternal labs
antihypertensives if indicated
What would a pt lose if their Mg was 8-12mg/dl?
patellar reflexes
How would a pt feel if their Mg was 9-12mg/dl?
warm, flushing
How would a pt present with a Mg level of 10-12mg/dl?
How would a pt's speech be with a Mg level of 10-12mg/dl?
slurred speech
How would a pt's muscle be with a Mg level of 15-17mg/dl?
muscular paralysis
How would a pt's respiratory effort be with a Mg level of 15-17mg/dl?
How would a pt present with a Mg level of 30-35mg/dl?
cardiac arrest
What is the therapeutic level of Mg?
What is the cure for PIH?
What is the preferred delivery of someone with PIH?
What is HELLP syndrome?
PIH with hepatic focus
endstage of PIH
What are the s/s of HELLP?
N/V, epigastric pain, extreme RQ pain, malaise
What does HELLP stand for?
H- hemolytic RBCs
E- elevated liver enzymes
L- liver function
L- low <100,00
P- platelets
Where is there an elevated liver function in HELLP?
hemorrhage and necrosis of liver
Why should you watch for bleeding with HELLP?
low platelet count
What is Rh disease?
antigen/antibody immunologic reaction
if mom is Rh- and has a Rh+ fetus, the moms antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby's RBCs
When would an Rh- mom be treated?
28wks, after any procedure that may cause bleeding, within 72hours of delivery if baby is Rh+
What would be some signs of multiple gestation?
uterus larger than expected
AFP greater than expected
What is hydraminos?
fluid volume > 2000ml
What would be a sign of hydraminos?
larger than expected fundal height w/o multiples
What is the management for hydraminos?
bed rest
monitor for PTL
observation for PROM
cord prolapse
What is hypermesis gravidarum?
persistent vomiting beyond 12 wks
What can hyperemesis gravidarum result in?
dehydration, weight loss, ketonuria
What is post-term pregnancy?
> 42 weeks
What is the danger of post-term pregnancy?
placental insufficiency
What would be an indication of placental insufficiency?
late decceleartions
What is the management of a post-term pregnancy?
weekly surveillance beginning at 40 wks
induction with indication of stress
What are some things that could cause fetal death?
chromosomal abnormalities
maternal d/s
congenital malformations
requires delivery
What is premature labor?
labor that occurs before the end of week 37 of gestation
What are some predisoposing factors for premature labor?
advanced maternal age
previous hx
What is the management for premature labor?
tocolytic therapy
What are tocolytics?
labor inhibiting drugs
What is terbutaline?
labor inhibiting drug
usually initiated first
What is the protocol for terbutaline?
3 doses of 0.25mg SQ given 15 minutes apart
follow with 2.5-5mg PO w/in 30 minutes depending on contractions
What does a pt on terbutaline have to placed on?
When would terbutaline not be given?
if HR is > 130
What are the s/s of terbutaline?
increased HR
decreased BP
increased FHR
pulmonary edema
How is Mg sulfate given and how much?
IV only
4-6 gm load
2-4 gm/hr after first load
What should be watched for with a pt getting Mg sulfate?
What is indocin?
prostaglandin inhibitor
How and how much of indocin is given?
50mg supp
25mg PO q6h
Why is indocin only given for 72 hrs?
causes a decrease in amniotic fluid
What is procardia?
calcium channel blocker
How and how much of procardia is given?
10-30mg PO q8h
Why would betalmethazone and dexamethazone be given for PTL?
mature fetal lungs
How much and when is betalmethazone given?
12mg, 2 does 24 hrs apart
How much and when would dexamethazone be given?
6mg, 4 does 12 hrs apart
Will PTL meds work if the cervix is > 5cm?
What PROM?
ROM prior to 37 wks
What are the fetal risks of PROM?
contracture of limbs
increased risk for infection
increased for PTL/preterm birth
fetal lung immaturity
increased risk for prolapsed cord
What is the assessment for PROM?
observation for LOF
fern test
cervical observation for leakage or pooling
US to measure amnitoic fluid volume
What is an amnisure?
dip in fluid, send to lab
What is an intrazine test?
pH turns dark blue but urine can also turn it blue so not 100%