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150 Cards in this Set

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What can anxiety and fear of the mom cause during l&d?
ineffective labor
What is dysfunctional labor?
abnormal uterine contractins that prevent the normal progress of cervical dilation, effacement, or descent
What are hypotonic contractions?
less than 2 contractions in a 10 minute period
When do hypotonic contractions usually occur?
active phase
What are the maternal effects of hypotonic contractions?
risk of infection if ROM
PP hemorrhage
What may be used to get hypotonic contractions back to normal?
What are the fetal effects of hypotonic contractions?
increased distress
What can cause hypotonic contractions?
bowel or bladder distention
What may be done besides administering pitocin to get hypotonic contractions to normal?
rupture membranes
When do hypertonic contractions usually occur?
latent phase
What are hypertonic contractions?
increased frequency of contractions w/o increased intensity
What are the maternal effects of hypertonic contractions?
exhausted, frustrated
What are the fetal effects of hypertonic contractions?
increased fetal distress
What meds may be given to help rest with hypertonic contractions?
stadol, epidural
What should be r/o with hypertonic contractions?
CPD and malpresentation
What nursing care should be done with hypertonic contractions?
ROM done
support and encouragement
changing positions frequently
What causes ineffective contractions?
uterus has more than 1 pacemaker
What are ineffective contractions?
may have one right after another and then nothing
What are the maternal effects of ineffective contractions?
What are the fetal effects of ineffective contractions?
stress d/t decreased O2
What would be done to help ineffective contractions?
pitocin, ROM
What is a prolonged latent phase for a primip?
What is a prolonged latent phase for a multip?
What would you give for prolonged latent phase?
What can cause prolonged active phase?
CPD, malpresentation
What may be used monitor contractions during a prolonged active phase?
intrauterine pressure cath
What would be done if there were normal contractions w/o cervical change in a prolonged active phase?
What is prolonged descent?
presenting part fails to descend into station
What would you do for a prolonged descent?
change positions, put on all fours if no epidural
What is prolonged labor?
labor that lasts more than 24 hours
What can cause prolonged labor?
dysfunctional contractions
over use of anesthesia
cervical dystosia
What are the maternal effects of prolonged labor?
risk for infection
uterus is exhaustion can result in hemorrhage after delivery
What are the fetal effects of prolonged labor?
increased fetal stress
prolapse cord
odd shaped head
If CPD is causing a prolonged labor what should be done?
What should be monitored with prolonged labor?
contraction patterns
How long should the second stage of labor take?
no more than 2.3 hr
What is arrest of descent?
the baby was descending and now it has stopped
How long must a woman push for to be considered an arrest of descent?
1 hr
What is failure of descent?
baby never descend
What do arrest descent and failure of descent result in?
What is precipitous labor?
an intense, unusually short labor (less than 3 hours)
What can cause a precipitous labor?
large pelvis
small fetus
previous hx
improper use of pitocin
What are contractions like with precipitous labor?
very strong
What may be given to manage contractions during a precipitous labor?
What are the maternal effects of precipitous labor?
risk for ruptured uterine d/t strong contractions
out of control b/c there's not enough time to get them comfortable
pp hemorrhage
lacerations of cervix and perineum
What are some fetal signs of precipitous labor?
late decelerations
deep variable decelerations
What is the fetal risk with precipitous labor?
cerebral trauma
What should the nurse not do during a precipitous labor?
leave the bedside
What is the fetal risk of a post-term pregnancy?
placental insufficiency
respiratory distress of the newborn
growth restriction of the fetus
Why might an amnioinfusion be done for a post-term pregnancy?
if there is thick meconium to prevent aspiration at birth
What would you monitor for with post-term pregnancy if the fetus passes meconium?
What are the most common causes of a uterine rupture?
mismanaged pitocin
instrumental delivery (forceps)
seperation of scar of previous classic cesarean birth
uterine trauma
congenital uterine anomaly
What do uterine ruptures usually require?
What are the s/s of uterine rupture?
extreme pain that will not go away
What is the maternal effect of uterine rupture?
What are the fetal effects of uterine rupture?
fetal death
What would the HR of the fetus do if there is uterine rupture?
continuously decrease
If you have an IUPC and there is a uterine rupture what would the IUPC show?
no measurements will be shown
What is required if there is a uterine rupture?
What is a uterine inversion?
uterus completely or partly turns inside out
When do uterine inversion usually occur?
3rd stage of labor
What can cause uterine inversion?
uterine massage after delivery
pulling on umbilical cord to deliver placenta
What is an amniotic fluid embolism?
amniotic fluid containing particles of vernix, hair, skin cells, or meconium enters maternal circulation
What does amniotic fluid embolism cause?
respiratory distress and circulatory collapse
When would amniotic fluid embolism most frequently be seen with?
after delivery of the placenta
What is a sign of amniotic fluid embolism?
What can amniotic fluid embolism cause?
DIC and hemorrhage
What can diagnose an amniotic fluid embolism?
CT scan
What would be given for an amniotic fluid embolism?
vitamin K
What labs would be checked with an amniotic fluid embolism?
What is a prolapsed cord?
when cord lies below presenting part of fetus
When does prolapsed cord usually happen?
What can contribute to prolapsed cord?
long cord
transverse lie
unengaged presenting part
What is an occult prolapse of cord?
descends with fetus but not past
What would you do for a prolapse that isn't occult?
release pressure from cord until in the OR
Which prolapse would not be felt on a vaginal exam?
What are the maternal risks for multiple gestation?
PP hemorrhage b/c the uterus doesn't want to contract after labor
more uncomfortable
gestational diabetes
What are the fetal effects of multiple gestation?
When would serial U/S start for multiple gestations?>
28 wks
What would you want to teach a multiple gestation mom?
s/s of preterm labor
Why would an U/S be kept in the room for multiple gestation?
to look at presentation during labor
How can you verify you're monitoring all fetuses in a multiple gestation?
Which breech can be delivered vaginally?
What may be used to help deliver the head in a breech presentation?
What is at an increased risk for with breech delivery?
What is a macrosomia baby?
> 9.5 lbs
Who commonly have macrosomial babies?
big people
What is used to estimate fetal weight?
What are the maternal effects of macrosomia?
dysfunctional labor patterns
pp hemorrhage
What are the fetal effects of macrosomia?
cerebral trauma
shoulder dystosia
fractured clavicle
What would you monitor for with macrosomia?
What could indicate CPD?
early decelerations
What is shoulder dystosia?
head is born, but anterior shoulder cannot pass under pubic arch
What are the maternal risks for shoulder dystosia?
excessive blood loss
extension of episiotomy
What is the fetal risk with shoulder dystosia?
What can be used to help shoulder dystosia?
suprapubic pressure
McRoberts maneuver
What is the mazzanti technique of suprapubic pressure?
pressure is applied directly posteriorly and laterally above the symphysis pubis
What is the rubin technique of suprapubic pressure?
pressure is applied obliquely posteriorly against the anterior shoulder
What is McRoberts maneuver and when would it be used?
shoulder dystosia
pull legs as far to abdomen as possible allowing the sacrum to flatten
What is pelvic dystosia?
contractures of pelvic diameter that reduce the capacity of the bony pelvis, intet, midpelvis, or outlet
What is soft-tissue dystocia?
results from obstruction of the birth passage by an anatomic abnormality other than the bony pelvis
What can cuase a soft-tissue dystocia?
placenta previa
uterine thyroid
full bladder or rectum
fatty tissue
What is used for cervical ripening?
PO or vaginally 25-50 mcg
Why is cyotec preferred to be given vaginally?
b/c it can be flushed out of the vagina
What can be used to induce labor?
What is bishops scale?
looks at components of cervix to see if its favorable
What are some reasons there would be a medical induction?
gestational diabetes
What are some contraindications for an induced labor?
active herpes virus
placenta previa
known malpresentation other than frank breech
When does labor begin after an amniotomy?
12 hrs
What do you want the fetus to be before you do an amniotomy?
What are the disadvantages of an amniotomy?
risk for infection
What is the goal of oxytocin infusion?
contractions 2-3 min apart lasting at least 60 sec
How is oxytocin given for induction?
What is oxytocin started as for indcution?
What do you increase oxytocin to for induction every 15-60 min?
What is the risk for administering oxytocin?
hyperstimulation leading to fetal distress
What would you monitor for with oxytocin administration?
fetal distress
What is oligohydraminos?
< 500 ml between 32 and 36 wks
What is thought to be the cause of oligohydraminos?
renal issues
How is amniotic fluid measured?
in pockets by U/S
What can oligohydramnios cause?
dysfunctional labor patterns
What is hydramnios?
exceeding 2 liters between 32 and 36 wks
What can hydramnios cause?
Why might have pt with hydramnios have SOB?
increased size of uterus puts pressure on diaphragm
Why would you measure fundal height with a pt with hydraminos?
determine when to withdrawal fluid
What would you monitor for with a pt with hydramnios?
Why would you want to deliver a IUFD asap?
to prevent DIC
How does DIC occur in IUFD?
thromboplasma is released after death and gets into maternal circulation and sets off DIC
How long could it take for DIC to occur after IUFD?
1 wk
How can you confirm an IUFD?
What should be documented on a forceps delivery?
when applied and when removed
When would forceps not be used?
known CPD
What is there an increased risk for with forceps delivery?
fetal bruising
What maternal indications would call for forceps delivery?
shorten second stage in even of dystocia
compensate for deficient explusive efforts
reverse a dangerous condition
What fetal indications would call for forceps delivery?
distress or certain abnormal presentations
arrest of rotation
delivery of head in a breech presentation
When would a vacuum not be used>?
preterm baby b/c of cerebral vessels
What should you document about a vacuum delivery?
applied, anytime it comes off and reapplied
When can a vacuum be used?
vertex presentation
ruptured membranes
absence of CPD
What is tachycardia of a fetus?
> 160 for 10 min
What is bradycardia of a fetus?
< 120 for 10 min
What is absent variablity?
0-3 BPM
What is minimal variablity?
< 5 BPM
What is moderate variability?
6-25 BPM
What could you do for absent variability?>
give fluids
What could cause a scheduled C/S?
previous C/S
active herpes
What should be done post op for a C/S?
lab studies
prep for surgery
preop meds
support preson
What is a classic C/S?
vertical incisions of skin and uterus
What is a low cervical C/S?
horizontal incision of skin, vertical incision of uterus or horizontal incisions of skin and uterus
Which type of C/S would be used in an emergency situation?
What type of C/S contraindicates vaginal deliveries?