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74 Cards in this Set

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acostumbrarse a
to be accustomed to
alcanzar a
to succeed in, manage to
aprender a
to learn to
arriesgarse a
to risk (+ ing verb)
atreverse a
to dare to
ayudar a
to help
bajar a
to go down to
comenzar a
to start to
condenar a
to condemn to
convidar a
to invite to
correr a
to run to
decidirse a
to decide to
dedicarse a
to devote oneself to
detenerse a
to stop to
echarse a
to start to
empezar a
to start, begin to
enseñar a
to teach to
entrar a
to enter
enviar a
to send to
enviar a
to send to
incitar a
to incite to
inclinarse a
to be inclined to
invitar a
to invite to
ir a
to go to
llegar a
to succeed in
mandar a
to order to, to send to
negarse a
to refuse to
obligar a
to force to
oponerse a
to be opposed to
persuadir a
to persuade to
ponerse a
to start to
salir a
to go out to
prepararse a
to prepare to
venir a
to come to
volver a
to (do something) again
abstenerse de
to abstain from
acabar de
to finish (verb + ing) to have just
acordarse de
to remember
alegrarse de
to be glad to
arrepentirse de
to be sorry to
cansarse de
to get tired of
cesar de
to stop
cuidar de
to take care of
cuidarse de
to be careful to
deber (de)
must, probably be
dejar de
to stop
encargarse de
to take charge of
olvidarse de
to forget to
parar de
to stop (+ing)
terminar de
to stop, finish (+ing)
tratar de
to try to
tratarse de
to be about
consentir en
to consent to
consistir en
to consist of
convenir en
to agree to
demorarse en
to delay in
empeñarse en
to try hard to, to insist on
insistir en
to insist on
obstinarse en
to persist in
ocuparse en
to keep busy by
pensar en
to think of, about
persistir en
to persist in
quedar en
to agree on
tardar en
to delay in
amenazar con
to threaten to
conformarse con
to be content to, to resign onself to
contar con
to count on
contentarse con
to be satisfied to
soñar con
to dream of
acabar por
to wind up by (+ing)
empezar por
to begin by (+ing)
luchar por
to struggle to
trabajar por
to work on behalf of
terminar por
to end by (+ing)