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70 Cards in this Set

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This is the "Book of Law" in Judaism, sometimes called the books of Moses.
Rosh Hashannah
This Holiday in Judaism is the "Jewish New Year". It is one of the 2 high holy days of the year.
During the Babylonian Exile, the Jews turned to this as a community meeting place of worship.
This mutually beneficial, two-sided agreement is the foundation of Judaism.
He is said to be the father (patriarch) of Judaism and Monotheism. He agreed to have no other Gods.
He is responsible for building the first temple. He was the king of the "Golden Age" of Jerusalem, the son of David.
Hostility or prejudice towards anything Jewish.
One of the greatest personalities of Judaism, led the Jews out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God.
This was the Jewish community who were more traditional during the messainic period and were expecting a Law-Giver as a messiah.
This is the "Hebrew Bible", consisting of the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
This is the ceremony that happens to a boy when he turns 13 (or when a girl turns 12) the title means 'son of the commandment" it is an adult making ceremony.
Yom Kippur
One of the most important Jewish holidays, this is the Day of Atonement. It is the other High Holy Day of the Year.
This Jewish holy text contains the oral law and what ties the oral law to the revealed law, it is comprised of Mishnah and Gemara.
Four Important developments from the Babylonian Period.
1. text is written down
2. concept of a messiah is developed
3. synagogue is established
4. Office of Rabbi is developed.
This word means "devotion"
Bhagavad Gita
Some people call this book the most important in Hinduism. It is a part of the Mahabharata. Krishna is said to have spoken before a battle. Means "Song of the Lord".
This is the Vedic fire god and messenger of the gods.
This is the term that refers to the "self" in the Upanishads.
This epic contains within it the ideal forms for people to emulate. Deals very heavily with Dharma.
The sacred language of Hinduism, brought to India by the Aryans.
The Upanishads say that the universe is this, the word means "illusion"
Karma (Hinduism)
This is action or result of action Very important concept in Hinduism states that all actions have results. (Hinduism)
These people are responsible for bringing Vedic religion (and ultimately Hinduism) to India. Name means "noble".
The Upanishads introduced the concept that people are ultimately a part of this "ultimate power" in the universe.
He is viewed as one of the most important forms of Vishnu, he was Arjuna's charioteer and responsible for the Bhagavad Gita.
Dharma (Hinduism)
This term means "duty, right, order, law, truth" SUPER important for the understanding of Hinduism.
These are the oldest religious texts of India, there are 4 books, and the word means knowledge or wisdom.
Four Goals in life (Upanishads)
1. Kama- which means pleasure
2. Artha - Regards wealth and stability
3. Dharma - Establishing law, order, and duty
4. Mosksha - obtain liberation
This is the Bodhisattva of compassion. His name means "Hearer of the Cries of the World"
A Japanese Zen Buddhist sect which focuses on using "answerless riddles.
The term means "enlightened one" or "awakened one" he is responsible for the religion referred to as "the middle way".
This traditional and conservative branch of Buddhism focuses on merit accumulation and sharing. The name means "way of the elders".
In Mahayana, this is the being who is "not yet" a Buddha. "One whose essence is enlightenment". A Buddha to be.
The "Great Vehicle" of Buddhism. Most popular (and most widely practiced) branch of Buddhism.
This is the collection of Therevada Buddhist texts, which were carried in 3 large baskets.
Karma (Buddhism)
In Buddhism this is action, or the results of action. Its what effects you reincarnation.
Dharma (Buddhism)
This is the Buddha's teaching. One of the 3 Jewels. (Buddhism)
These are the answer-less riddles in Zen Buddhism. What is the sound of one hand clapping and that fun stuff, The word means "public notice".
In the Lotus Sutra, this means "skillful means". Shaping the teaching of the Dharma to the audience.
This is the Buddha of the Western Paradise or Pure Land.
This is the goal of Buddhism, it means "cessation" or "extinction".
Four Noble Truths
1) Life is suffering
2) Suffering comes from desire
3) There is a way out - get rid of desire
4) 8 Fold Path
This movement was started by Martin Luther in the middle ages. It resulted in the splintering of Christianity into Catholic and Protestant denominations.
Martin Luther
He is generally accepted as the father of the reformation. Was very displeased with the sale of indulgences and the state of the Catholic Church.
Anglican Reformation
This was started by Henry V111 for mainly political reasons. It resulted in the formation of the Church of England and a split from Rome.
The head of the Catholic Church, the title means "papa" or "father".
Lay Investiture
The practice of secular rulers (kings,etc.) conferring or installing an individual in a church office.
This term means "anointed one", in Christianity, Jesus is believed to be this. He was considered a spiritual redeemer.
The founder of Christianity: believed by his followers to be the messiah, was crucified, and is believed to have come back from the dead.
The practice of paying to be forgiven your sins, popular in the middle ages.
Vatican 11
This was the first Main Catholic council since the council of Trent. It sought to update and modernize the Catholic church. It happened in the 1960s.
This term means "Good News". Refers to either the teachings of Jesus or the New Testament.
Edict of Milan
This official Roman decree, made by Constantine in 313, extended toleration to Christians and other groups.
This is the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity, but wasn't baptized until he was on his deathbed. He's responsible for the Edict of Milan.
These are the groups who broke away from the Catholic church during the Reformation, they believed that the Gospel should be spread by the individual. Eventually they would be called Protestants.
What does the Priesthood of Believers state?
1) Faith and scripture alone are necessary for salvation

2) Nobody stands between you (the believer) and God.
-"One who submits"
-Practitioner of Islam
"submission" (name of the religion)
-2nd most popular religion.
"The God"
"The Prophet" Receives final reservation from God. Referred to as "The Seal of the Prophets".
-Holy text of Islam "recitation"
-Believed to be the direct word of Allah
-Collections of sayings and actions contributed to/or about the prophet.
-guidelines for behavior
-Beginning of Islamic calendar
-Muhammad and his followers flea from Mecca to Medina.
-Essential holy city in Islam
-Muhammad's hometown
-First Muslim City
-"City of the Prophets"
-One of the major sects of Islam containing about 20% of the population.
-Believe authority should be passed down through the family.
-One of the major sects of Islam containing about 80% of the population.
-Believe authority should be passed through community.
Pronouncement or legal opinion of Islamic law.
Archangel of Gabriel
5 Pillars
1) Creed (shahada)
-statement of faith
2) Prayer (Salot)
-acted 5 times daily
3) Charity (Zakat)
-2.5% of income used for maintenance of community
4) Fasting (Sawn)
-Taken under month of Ramadan
5) Pilgrimage (Hajj)
-Go to the holy city of Mecca