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69 Cards in this Set

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What are the three egg types?
Mesolethical,macrolethical, and microlethical or alethical
Development from conception to senescence; including embryology
Eggs are characterized by the amount of ______ they possess and their _____ _____ will be altered by the presence/absence of this.
Yolk; early development
What animals would have alecithal eggs?
What animals would have mesolecithal eggs?
fish and amphibians
What animals would have macrolecithal eggs?
birds, reptiles, chondrichtys, and some osteicthys
The distribution of yolk, when present, can be described as _______ (evenly distributed) or _______(yolk concentrated at one end of egg).
Isolecithal; telolecithal
Delivery of the young and reproductive strategies of vertebrates.
what two things often reflect whether it lays eggs from which the young hatch (oviparous) or delivers live young (viviparous)?
A taxons evolutionary and ecological constraints
The young hatch from an eggs instead of being delivered live
An oviparous species will be macrolecithal if the young are hatched in an _____ _____ _____ _____
Advanced state of development
An oviparous species will be microlecithal/mesolecithal if the young hatch as ______ _____ _______
feeding larval forms
Eggs are merely held inside the mother for protection until hatching
Mother actually supplies nourishment through a capillary bed.
Can an embryo begin development within the mother by living off yolk and switch to a euviviparous mode later in fetal development?
What type of hatching or conception methods are used by chondricthys?
Oviparous, ovoviviparous, and euviviparous
What type of hatching or conception methods are used by osteicthys?
Oviparity and ovoviviparity
What type of hatching methods are used by amphibians?
Oviparity and ovoviviparity
What type of hatching methods are used by Reptiles?
Oviparous and viviparous
What type of hatching method is used by Birds?
They are all oviparous
What kind of hatching methods are used for mammals: protherians?
What kind of hatching method is used for metatherians and eumetatherians?
Among osteicthys viviparity has evolved in a number of unusual ways. Highly vascular modifications of the embryos pericardium, or in some cases, gut lining extend out of the body of the embryo to contact nutritive fluids within the body of the mother. Secretions of these fluids is known as ___________ ___________
histiotrophic nutrition
Patterns of cleavage, and blastula formation vary slightly depnding on ...
The degree to which the egg is invested with yolk
What is gastrulation?
formation of the archenteron
This starts the process of germ layer formation and morphogenesis
The blastomeres lose their ________ and their fates and destinies become confirmed in the formation of the triploblastic gastrula
Patterns of gastrulation depends on ...
patterns of yok distribution
Blastula undergoes involution to from the _______ during gastrulation.
In a blastula, The dorsal wall of the archenteron forms ________ _______
notochordal tissue
As the mesodermal coelomic pouches increase in size to form the _________
Taken together the somatic mesoderm and the ectoderm constitue the ______
Splanchic mesoderm and the endoderm constitute the _______
Why is involution and the formation of a gastrula complicated in telolecithal eggs?
Because of large amounts of yolk
In alecithal eggs, The dorsal wall of the archenteron gorm notochordal tissue. Lateral to this are two bands of tissue which become _______ _______
Mesodermal tissue
The bands of tissue which become mesodermal tissue, invaginate from the archenteron to form the _____ _______ and bands form segments which constitute the ________ ________ of the mesoderm
coelemic pouches, and metameric structure
MESOLECITHAL EGG: In _______ eggs, involution and formation of the gastrula is complicated by the presence of large amounts of yolk
Telolecithal eggs
MESOLECITHAL EGGS: In the case of telolecithal eggs, many small blastomeres form at this location and involution is a consequence of rapid mitosis
animal pole
MESOLECITHAL EGGS: In the case of ______ eggs, many small blastomeres form at the animal pole and involution is a consequence of rapid mitosis
Many small blastomeres form at the animal pole and involution is a consequence of rapid mitosis at the animal pole.
In macrolecithal eggs, the embro forms as a flattened blastula which lies on top of the egg's yolk and consist of two layers. What are these two layers?
Epiblast and hypoblast
In macrolecithal eggs an area of small densely packed cells called ______ ________ produces the mesodermal tissue which flows between the two layers to form the notochord, the metameric mesodermal somites, and the lateral plate mesoderm which becomes the somatopleure and splanchnopleure
Henson's node
In ______, the blastula is evident as a dense aggregation of cells (the blastocyst and the animal pole (inner cell mass) becomes an embryonic disc. The vegetal pole contains the blastocoel which becomes the yolk sac at gastrulation
The formation of the mesoderm and the appearance of teh embryo will depend on the ______ ___ _______
amount of yolk
The blastomeres which make up the vegetal pole. This is known as the
The blastomeres which make up the vegetal pole come into contact with the uterine lining of the mother and takes up _______ & ________
oxygen and nutrients
The animal pole is a flattened disc (embryonic disc or blastodisc) which appears very much like that of an embryo from _______ & _______
reptiles and birds
The differentiation of ectoderm over the notochord into a dorsal nerve cord is called ______
These are ________ of the ectoderm: Nervous system, retina and lense of the eye and other sensory epithelia of exteroreceptors, epidermis and associated epidermal derivatives, lining of the stomodeum and proctodeum, cartilage, bone and connective tissues of the head and pharynx
______ ______ contribute to ganglia, sensory, and glandular structures throughout the body
neural crests
_____ ______ give rise to specific sensory structures such as olfactory epithelia, the membranous labyrinth of the ear, sensory ganglia of cranial nerves, the lateral line system, and the lense of the eyes
Ectodermal placodes (thickenings)
The lining of the alimentary canal is derived from ______
All organs which form as diverticula of the gut are lined or composed of _______
Derivatives of the ____ also include things such as parathyroid, thymus, auditory tube and middle ear cavit. Also, crop sacs, liver, gall bladder, and pacreas, appendix
Each metameric mesodermal somite is composed of _____ parts
What are the three parts that compose each metameric mesodermal somite
dermatome---> gives rise to dermis
Myotome---->gives rise to skeletal muscle and branchiomeric muscles.
Sclerotome---> vertebral bones and ribs
The somatic mesoderm of the _______ ______ ______ gives rise to connective tissue and blood vessels of the body wall as well as the skeleton of the appendages and girdles
lateral plate mesoderm
_____ ____ contributes to the smooth muscle and connective tissue of the viscera.
The splanchic mesoderm
As the embryo becomes an organized, ___ _____ ____ occurs because notochordal cells secrete inductor substances
triploblastic form neurilization
In tripoblastic form neuralation, notochordal cells secrete inductor substances which cause only ectodermal cells( those cells which overlie the notochordal mesoderm) to begin differentiating into ___ _____ ____
primitive nervous tissue.
Most _______ and _______ occurs as a result of the secretion of _______ ______ from adjacent cells.
Histogenesis/ organogenesis; inductor substances
The destiny of any cell in an embryo is determined by its _______ ________ _______
local cellular environment
The chemical environment produced by surrounding cells determines the fate and development of any given cell by directing its _______ ______
gene expression
An invagination of the ectoderm anterior to the anterior end of the archenteron is the ______
This will form the mouth cavity and the entrance to the gut when the oral plate ruptures
An evagination of the roof of the stomodeum, known as ______ _______, will become the _____________. Because of its position, it is known to be of _______ origin
rathke's pouch; adenohypophesis; ectodermal
The ________ is an invagination, like the stomodeum, adjacent to the anus and it gives rise to the cloaca
This is one of the four extra-embryonic membranes. The most primitive
the yolk sac
The yolk sac is Most primitive of the four extra-embryonic membranes. Lined with ________ and supplied with blood vessels