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46 Cards in this Set

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How many circuits do gill breathing fish have?
single circuit in which the blood is only pumped through the heart once and travels through the ventral aorta, picks up oxygen the gills, to the dorsal aorta, then out to the body
primitively how many aortic arches did fish have through the gill chambers?
fish had a system of six aortic arches through each of the gill chambers

as do all vertebrates during development
With the advent of air breathing, a second circuit, the __________,evolved.
this required the appearance of what new vessels
the pulmonary circuit, evolved that carries blood to the lungs, then back to the heart to be pumped a second time

pulmonary artery and vein
Mechanisms are required for separating oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood and making sure it went from the heart into the correct circuit.
what complex do amphibians use?
spiral valves in the conus arteriosus that preferentially divert blood into one or the other circuit
the system of ____ and _____ in lungfish provides a highly flexible system that allows lungfish and gills as necessary to obtain oxygen.

This pattern foreshadows the pattern in tetrapods, including the beginnings of ______ of the heart in the partially divided atrium.
valves and shunts

what kind of heart do lungfish, amphibians and most non avian reptiles have?
incompletely divided heart, and this used to be considered an imperfect system on the way to the more efficient bird and mammal style heart with completely separate pulmonary and systemic circuits.
what characteristic do animals with partially divided hearts share?
of having periods of apnea (lungs are not ventilated)
what is apnea

what is the purpose of the system of shunts and valves?
animals with partially divided hearts share the characteristic of having periods of apnea in which the lungs are not ventilated and these systems of shunts and valves provide an efficient way for blood to BYPASS the lungs and SAVE THE ENERGY of pumping blood through them when they are NOT being ventilated.
the hearts of amphibians have ____ that are completely separated into two compartments by an __________.
interatrial septum
In amphibians, the right atrium receives blood from the by way of the ________ and the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the _______.
sinus venosus

pulmonary vein
is the ventricle of amphibians divided?
no, it is undivided

-but studies have shown that deoxygenated and oxygenated blood remain largely separated due to the
-timing of blood flow into and out of the ventricle & also by
-a system of valves that direct blood differently according to its oxygen content
In amphibians
A complex spiral valve in the ventral aorta directs the most oxygen rich blood to the _______.

-why is this

mixed blood goes to the ________

& oxygen poor blood to the _________.
carotid arteries, making sure that the brain gets the blood with the most oxygen

systemic circuti

pulmocutaneous circuit
t or f

reptiles develop functional gills during ontogeny

reptiles never develop functional gills during ontogeny.

-aortic arches develop in a pattern similar to adult amphibians
Which arches are entirely lost in amphibians?
1st 2nd & 5th
In amphibians

the third becomes the ______, and the sixth becomes the ______.
internal carotid

pulmonary artery
t or f (amphibians

the ductus arteriosus is present in adults

the ductus arteriosus is PRESENT in embryos, but DISAPPEARS in adults
The section of the dorsal aorta between the third and fourth arches, the ______, often persists in adults. (amphibians)
carotid duct.
Non-archosaurian reptiles

slide 8

The conus arteriosus becomes incorporated into the ___ and no longer functions as a separate chamber
non-archosaurian reptiles

Once the vental aorta becomes tripartite, going from right to left, the first branch gives off the _________(derived from the 6th arch), which crosses in front of the other two divisions becomes the left and right ____.

The next division becomes the _____(derived from the left side of the fourth arch) and crosses over to the left to form part of the _____.
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary arteries

systemic arch
dorsal aorta
Non archosaurian reptiles

slide 8

The division on the left crosses over to the right and first gives off the left and right common _____, the continues on to become the right _______, joining with one on the left to become the dorsal aorta.
carotid arteries

systemic artery
Non-archosaurian reptiles

Why is there so much crossing over?
Although these reptiles have a completely divided atrium, they still have an incompletely divided ventricle
Non archosaurian reptiles

slide 8

The interventricular septum is complete caudally, but opens cranially into an _________
interventricular canal
Non archosaurian reptiles:
slide 8
The blood left most part of the ventricle comes from the _____ and has had the _____ contact with the deoxygenated blood coming from the ____ atrium.

This arrangement ensures that the most oxygenated blood enters the carotid system and gets plenty of oxygen to the brain.

The more mixed blood in the center goes to the ____, and the oxygen depleted blood from the right atrium goes to the ___
left atrium
right atrium

systemic circuit
pulmonary circuit
what is the purpose of shunts of the circulatory system of non-archosaurian reptiles?
To divert blood away from the lungs instead of expending engergy to send blood to the lungs when they are not being ventilated
Which vertebrates have partially divided hearts?
most non avian reptiles
The ventricle of amphibians is undivided but studies have shown that oxygenated and deoxygenated remain largely separated.

How is this possible?
(2 reasons)
1) timing of blood flow into and out of the ventricle

2)by a system of valves that direct blood differently according to its oxygen content.
Which vertebrates has a complex spiral valve in the ventral aorta?

(hint: their truncus arteriosus separate betweeen carotid,systemic, and pulomonary arteries)
Non-archosaurian reptiles

In order to help direct the blood to the right place the heart of non-archosaurian reptiles have positions of the different parts of the ventral aorta (tripartite).

In addition to this, what exists to help direct blood to the right circuit?
there are also valves near the opening of the ventricle
Slide 9-10
non archosaurian reptiles

Surrounding the interventricular canal, there is an ______________.

Explain what happens when this valve has fliped down and what happens when this valve is fliped up.
atrioventricular valve


-blocks the interventricular canal
-prevents blood from moving between the left and right sides of the ventricle


-prevents blood from flowing from the atria to the ventricles
-but opening the interventricular canal allowing oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to mix.
Non archosaurian reptiles slides 9-10

When the ventricle is filling is the fliped up or down?

what is the result of this?
When the ventricle is FILLING, the valve is fliped DOWN, and deoxygenated blood fills the right side of the venticle and oxygenated blood fills the left, but the two do not mix.
Non archosaurian reptiles slide 9-10

As the ventricle starts to contract, is the valve fliped up or down?

what happens?
The valve is fliped UP, opening the interventricular canal preventing backflow into the atria
Non archosaurian reptiles
slide 11

During normal conditions where lungs are being used, which circuit has a lower resistance (pulmonary or systemic)?

Therefore, deoxygenated blood, as well as, blood from the left is pulled in what direction (which artery)?

Explain how this causes blood to become saturated with oxygen.

This is called a _to _ shunt
-transfers blood from __to__circuit.
Because resistance in the pulmonary circuit is lower that in the systemic circuit, the deoxygenated blood is drawn preferentially into the pulmonary artery, but blood from the left is also pulled in that direction. Some of the oxygenated blood from the left side of the ventricle is recycled back to the pulmonary circuit, thoroughly saturating the blood with oxygen.

This is called a left to right shunt

Transfers blood from the systemic to the pulmonary circuit.
Non archosaurian reptiles slide 11

During apnea (lungs are not being ventilated), what happens to the resistance to blood flow in the lungs?

Therefore which circuit has less resistance?

In this case where does the blood in the right side of the ventricle flow through?

This is called a ___to ___shunt, where blood is transferred from ____to ___circuit.
when the lungs are not being ventilated, the resistance to blood flow is increased in the lungs because of the constriction of the blood vessels there, so that the resistance of the systemic circuit is less than that of the pulmonary circuit.

In this case the blood in the right side of the ventricle flow preferentially through the two systemic arteries and the lungs are bypassed.

This is called a right to left shunt and transfers blood from the pulmonary to systemic circuit.
crocodilians (slide 12)

what is the major difference in the circulatory system of the crocodilians and the other reptiles?
crocodilians have a fully divided ventricle

their interventricular septum is complete
Crocodilian slide 12

venous blood comes in through the _____, into the _____where it gets pumped through the pulmonary artery out to the ____. Blood then returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins and into the ____, then finally into the ____. (hint exactly the same as in mammals)

but after this circulation is very different form mammals
right atrium
right ventricle
left atrium
left ventricle
Crocodilians slide 12

Where does the right systemic arch emerge from?

where does the left systemic arch come out of? the pulmonary artery?
right systemic arch: emerges from the left ventricle

left systemic arch & pulmonary artery come out of the right ventricle
Crocodilians slide 12

The right and left systemic arches are joined by an opening called the ______ .
Crocodilians slide 12

when a crocodilian is at rest and breathing air

which ventricle has greater pressure?

So blood is forced through the _____, and into the ____ systemic arch.

what happens next?
the pressure from the left ventricle is greater that from the right,

so blood is forced through the foramen of panizza and into the left systemic arch.

the high pressure in the left systemic arch closes off a valve at the base of the vessel, leaving the pulmonary artery as the only exit from the right ventricle.

right and left systemic arches carry highly oxygenated blood.
Crocodilians slide 12

when the animal is not breathing, the pressure in the right ventricle _____ due to the high resistance in the lungs when the vessels constrict.

In this case, the pressure in to the left systemic arch is ____than in the right systemic arch and blood is forced through the foramen of panizza from the ____systemic arch to the ___systemic arch, (hint : bypassing lungs)

this is another example of what kind of shunt?



right to left in which lungs are by passed
Bird slide 13

t or f

both birds and mammals ventilate their lungs continuously and there is no need for any sort of shunting system to bypass the lungs
Birds slide 13

Birds and mammals are both very active ____animals and they have both independently evolved circulatory systems with ______pulmonary and systemic circuits in adults
completely separate
birds only use one systemic arch, retaining only the ____arch and losing the ____entirely
retaining right

losing the left
birds have a similar pattern in the other arches to that in reptiles. The third arch gives rise to the _____system.

(hint: in birds the subclavian arteries that go out to the wings also arise from the third arch)

The right side of the ___aortic arch becomes the single aorta in birds and the sixth, as in all tetrapods, becomes the ______.

6th: pulmonary artery
slide 14

mammals have convergently lost one of the two sides of the systemic arch and a single aorta, but they retain the ___ systemic arch rather than the ____ as in birds.
retain: left

slide 14

unlike in birds, in mammals the side of the systemic arch that does not become the aorta is retained, but it loses its caudal connection to the aorta and become the ______that supplies the ____forelimb


the left subclavian branches separately from the arch of the ____. the 3rd arch becomes the ______. and the 6th the _____

carotid arteries
