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37 Cards in this Set

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What does our profession value?
community responsibility, public health and the public good
What are the components of health care?
disease care, preventive care, health promotion, research and an interdisciplinary approach
What criteria identify PH problems?
a condition exists that is a wide-spread cause of morbidity and mortality, knowledge and technology exist to deal with the situation, and is not being applied in sufficient amounts to resolve
What org. offers loan repayment programs to get dentists to locate in underserved communities?
Oral and pharyngeal cancers have __ new cases, __ deaths per year and __ 5yr survival.
30,000; 8,000; 52%
What does POME stand for?
problems, objectives, methods, and evaluation
List criteria for an Objective in POME?
restatement of a health problem in terms of a desired outcome, measurable, specific as to a time of accomplishment, and it should be clearly targeted (outcome, measure, time, target)
Name 2 tools used for examination and diagnosis of a community?
epidemiology and demography and survey
Name 3 community dentistry skills needed by GPs?
calibrated exam skills, understanding of public health programs, and a high level of people skills
___ are the 1st step in developing public programs and policy that result in plans like the National OH Strategy.
National documents and statistics
The ___ identifies the most significant preventable threats to health and targets them and states the National Health Objective to be obtained to reduce the threats after __ years.
National prevention agenda; 10 years
What is the target for reducing the proportion of children who have dental caries experience in their primary or perm teeth?
3-5 yo: 30% from 33%
6-9 yo: 49% from 54%
13-15 yo: 48% from 54%
What is the target for reducing the proportion of adults with untreated dental decay?
Coronal caries: 15% from 17%
Root decay: 34% from 38%
Target for decreasing the proportion of adults who have had a perm tooth extracted because of dental caries or perio disease?
69% from 76%
Target for reducing the proportion of older adults who have had all their natural teeth extracted?
22% from 24%
Target for increasing the proportion of patients 2 yrs and up who report having a dental visit in the last year?
49% from 45%
Target for increasing the proportion of low income children who have received a dental prevention service in the past year?
29% from 27%
Target for increasing the proportion of children who have received 1 or more sealants on primary molars and perm molars?
Age 3-5: 1.5% from 1.4%
6-9: 28% from 26%
13-15: 22% from 20%
What are the 2 developmental objective?
increase the proportion of adults who receive prevention interventions in dental offices and increase the number of states that have a system fro recording cleft palate anomalies and system fro referring children with cleft palates to a rehab team
What is the target for increasing the number of states and DC that have an oral and craniofacial health surveillance team?
51 from 32
Target for increasing the proportion of states with health agencies serving more than 250K people with a dental public health trained dental professional?
26% from 23%
What is the largest dental national data base in the world?
Distribution of oral disease in the world
How much more common is caries that bronchitis, hay fever, or asthma?
Caries is greatest for what poor races? Non-poor?
Poor Hispanic and whites; Non-poor hispanic and blacks
Severe perio is greater in which races?
hispanics and blacks
Edentulism is highest in __.
Poor whites but higher in poor in all categories except Hispanics; greater in whites and blacks
Who has the highest rates of oral cancer?
males esp. black males
Tobacco use accounts for what % of oral cancers?
What percent of males and females schoolchildren use spit tobacco? What race is highest?
6.1% male and 0.1% female; Navajo
What % of snuf users and chewing tobacco users have lesions?
snuf: 34.9%
chewing tobacco: 19.6%
Commonness of dentures stomatitis?
25% for upper and lower CD and also for RPDs; 33% for single denture
List in order reasons for not coming to the dentist?
no perceived problem, i have no teeth, cost of care, and fear
What % of population wants care and can't get it?
What % of dentists are PP?
What part of the govt oversees dental public health?
What is the world's premier medical/dental research organization?
What % of Americans have medical insurance? Dental? % of govt involvement in medical expenditures? Dental?
85% medical; 56% dental; 43%; 6%