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Johari window
1. known to others, knwon to self - area of free activity. 2. Known to others vs. not known to self - blind area, blind to self, seen by others, 3. not known to others, known to self - avoided or hidden area. 4. not known to self or others -Area of unknown activity. m

Through process want 1 to get biggest - 4 to be smallest.
Changing perceptions
people usually come to therapy as last resort. Functional Fixity is when on fixated on something and only see it from one perspective. Reframing is a process that often changes perceptions as clients are offered other viewpoints
What is leading?
certain deliberate behaviors counselors engage in for the benefits of their clients. A high degree of persuasive skill and some direction from the counsleor is needed to change clients perceptions.
2 factors that make empathy possible
1. realizing that an infinite # of feelings does not exist and 2. having personal secutiy and knowing that you can return to your own world.
Primary vs. Advanced empathy
Primary - communicating a basic understanding of what a client is feeling and the experiences and behaviors underlying those feelings.
Advanced empathy is reflective of what the client states overtly as well as what they imply or state incompletely.
Carkhuff 5 levels of empathy
1. counselor words/behavior do not attend to those of client. 2. counselor responds but has no noticable effect. 3. cousnelor expresses are interchangible with clients. 4. counselor adds too and brings clients feelings to a deeper level. 5. cousnelor responses add to the feeling and meaning of client responses and explore deeper feelings/meanings.
What is immediacy
a counselors understanding and communicating of what is going on between the counselor and client within the relationship
Overt rehearsel vs. covert rehearsel
Overt requires the client to act out or verbalize what they are going to do. Covert is imagining or reflecting on the desired goal.
Adavantages of homework
keeping clients focused, help them see progress clearly, motivate them to change behavior, help them evaluate and modify their own behaviors, making them more responsible, celebrates a breakthough achieved in counsling
Negative vs. positive transference
Negative = client accuses counslor of neglecting or acting negatively towards him or her. Postive= i.e. client has feeling towards client...may not be adressed at 1st b/c seems to add to relationship.
counselors projected emotional reaction or behavior toward the client
Most prevalant forms of countertranseference
feeling desire to please client, identify so much that lose objectivity, sexual/romantic feeling toward client, giving advice compulsively, wanting to develop a social relationship with the client.
When should termination occur?r
When clients have achieved their goals, if clients can concretely show where they have made progress in what they wanted to accomplish, if the counseling sessions are not helpful, if the context of the intial counseling relationship has changed - i.e. a move, or a terminal illness.
2 easily recognized client resistance to termination
1. client asks for more time at the end of the session, or 2. asks for more appointments after a goal has been reached.
Vickio - 5 D's for succesfully dealing with loss
DETERMINE ways to make your transition a gradual process, DISCOVER the significance that different activites have had in your life, DESCRIBE the significance to others, DELIGHT in what you have gained and in what lies ahead of you, DEFINE areas of continuity in your life
Vickios 5 D's for un-succesfully dealing with loss
DENY the loss, DISTORT the experience by overglorifying it, DENIGRATE your activities and relationships, DISTRACT yourslelf from thinking about departure,DETACH yourslef abrubtly from your activities and relationships
Goodyear's 8 conditions when termination may be particularly difficult for cousnelors
1. termination signals an end of a significant relationship. 2. termination arouses counselor's anxieties about the client's ability to function independently, when counselor has guilt about not being efdective enough, when self-concept of counselor is threatened by client leaving angry, when termination is end for counsleors learning experience, when counselor was living vicariously through the client, when termination becomes symbolic of other departures in the counselors life, when termination makes the counselor question their individuation.
Exit interview
when the clients wants to quit there are 4 good reasons to have an exit interview: 1. may help the client resolve neg. feelings from the experienec, 2. invites the client to continue in counseling if they wish, 3. another form of treatment or a different counselor could be considered, 4. may increase the chance that client will seek help next time they are feeling bad.
Two mistakes made by counslors that are usually the reason for early termination.
blame oneself or the client for what is happening. or 2. to act in a careless manner about the situation
Things that lessen chance of early termination
less time between appointments, orietnation to counseling, consistency of counselor, request follow-up contact