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78 Cards in this Set

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what test would you order for a man presenting with purulent urethral discharge
1st = Gram stain of discharge = Dx
2nd = culture for sensitivity

if no discharge do first catch urine

In a woman you would do an endocervical swab.
Rx = ceftriaxone (gonorrhoea) doxycycline (chlamydia)
which STDs are a concern with pregnancy
Syphilis and HIV can cross placenta
Gonnorhea, Chlamydia, HBV, HSV, HIV cross at birth

HIV crosses whilst breast feeding
what are the lab tests for HIV
2. Confirm with a western Blot
3. Viral load and CD4 count
what are the yellow flags of back pain
belief that pain is severely debilitating
fear avoidance/ inactivity
low mood
social withdrawal
what are the red flags of back pain
>50 or <20
Hx of cancer
fever, chills, weight loss (B Sx)
pain worse at night
Neuro involvement
recent bacterial infection
what is an appropriate management plan for someone presenting for the first time with low back pain
1. patient education and self care (ice, heat, encourage early return to activity)
2. trial NSAIDs, short course of tramadol or opiod if severe
3. refer to physio if > 4/52

NB. there is no evidence for steroid injections.
what is phantom pain and how is it treated?
pain in a limb that isn't actually there
Rx = gabapentin, amytriptaline etc.
What is stump pain and how is it treated?
Pain in the stump - caused by neuromas - bundles of nerves at the end of stump
Sx - sharp, burning, electric

Rx = Nerve blocks, surgery
what is the DDx of genital lumps if a woman?
condylomalata from 2ndary syphilis
Molluscum contagiosum
When is Gardasil recommended
women aged 9-26
1st vaccine at 11 or 12 then at 2 and 6 months.
what organism is most commonly involved in 'onychocryptosis'? (ingrown toe)
Staph aureus
when is antibiotic Rx required for an ingrown toe (onychocryptosis)
cellulitis or frank suppuration

Rx = flucloxacillin or cephalexin
+ topical antiseptic
how can onychocryptosis be prevented?
foot baths
avoid nylon socks
change cotton or wool socks
square cut of nail and corners project beyond skin fold
what are the red iron tablets?
ferrograd C - 105mg tablet
30 tablets in a bottle
what are signs of Iron overdose?
GI signs (N/V, pain, diarrhea) - after 20mg/kg

Moderate intox - 40mg/kg

Severe Intox >60mg/kg
what is the dosing of activated charcoal?
what drugs are not absorbed well by activated charcoal?
Acids, alcohols, bromides, cyanides, Iron, Lithium
what is the antidote for iron overdose (>60mg/kg)
desferrioxamine (15mg/kg/hr) - chelating agent forms water soluble compounds that are excreted in the urine
when is ipecac indicated
remote areas
never in <6 month olds
when ingestion is witnessed and it is within 30 minutes
what are the treatment options for poisoning
dilution with cup of water or milk
gastric lavage within 60 minutes
whole bowel irrigation with polyethylene glycol (if severe)
what vaccinations are given at birth?
what vaccinations are given at 2 months
what is the infanrix vaccine and when is it given
given at 2, 4, 6 months
when is measles mumps rubella vaccine given
12 months
when is chicken pox vaccine given
18 months
If a child is exposed to VZV and has not been vaccinated should they be offered vaccination
yes - Varicella vaccine is effective at preventing varicella within 3 days of exposure and may have some success up to 5 days
what is acamprostate?
used to treat alcohol dependence
- decreases NMDA activity and increases GABA A activity

Requires ETOH abstinence
when a child presents with a sore throat what are the likely DDx
1. Viral URTI (65-85%)
2. Bacterial (group A beta haemolytic strep) - 15-30%
what is the centor criteria for Dx of GABS
- fever >38*
- tonsil exudate
- no cough
- tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
what investigations should be ordered on a child with persisting sore throat
- strep Ag testing
- throat culture
- BGL for DM
> raised WBC with neutrophilia = Bacterial
> raised WBC with lymphocytosis = infective mononucleosis/EBV

- reactive heterophile Ab for EBV
what is the treatment for first presentation of child with sore throat, cough and runny nose
analgesia - 2 soluble aspirin or paracetamol
rest and adequate fluids

Only Abx if
- severe tonsilitis with features of GABS
- existing RHD
- scarlet fever
- Peritonsillar cellulitis or quinsy

use penicillin V - amoxicillin and ampicillin should be avoided in tonsillitis as they may induce rash
can a medical certificate be backdated
what are the requirements of a medical certificate
name and address of MD
name of patient
date of examination, date of issue
Dates unfit for school/work
when should a knee be XRayed
isolated patella tenderness
tenderness at head of fibula
inability to flex 90*
inability to weight bear
How should osgood schlatters syndrome be managed?
- activity modification, RICE, NSAIDs if needed - works in 90%

- long term - strengthening of quads and hamstrings and increase knee flex

- if severe may benefit from 7 days in a brace

- surgery rare - sometimes if there are bony changes causing disability.
what are the 3 principles of management for acne?
1. unblock follicular ducts - salicylic acid with benzoyl peroxide or retinoic acid

2. decrease bacterial infection in the sebum - tetracyclins or ezythromicin (systemic or topical)

3. decrease sebaceous gland activity - oestrogens, spironolactone, isotretinoin (roaccutane)
what drugs can aggrevate acne
anti epileptics
what is a good Rx for mild-moderate acne
tretinoin at night (makes you photosensitive)

Benzoyl peroxide in the morning

Review at 3/52
what should be added to benoyl peroxide and nightly tretinoin for moderate to severe papulopustular acne
oral Abx
- tetracycline or doxycycline
Trial for 3-6 months
what should be added if acne has not responded to Benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin, and Abx
- spironolactone (anti androgen)
- Isotretinoin (roaccutane) - women must be on contraception!!!!
- OCP - diane = antiandrogen + oestrogen.
what is the most common ankle injury
sprain of the lateral ligaments - from plantar flexion and inversion- 90%
girl 'rolls' her ankle playing hockey. Examination shows swelling in front of lateral malleolus
sprained lateral ankle ligament

Do anterior draw and talar tilt test
rule out need for Xray

- bone tenderness on distal 6cm of fibula or tibula
- inability to weight bear

Check foot
- bone tenderness at 5th metatarsal
- bone tenderness at navicular.
what is appropriate management of ankle sprain
Rest - 48 hrs
Ice - 20 min every 3-4 hrs for 48 hrs
Compression crepe bandage
Elevate to level of hip

Analgesia - paracetamol
Review at 48 hrs then 7 days
special strapping if unstable
what is the major cause of back pain that presents to GP
mechanical back pain- 70%
spondylosis and disc prolapse (6-8%) are next
what screening tests may be appropriate in Back pain for a man >50
Xray, PSA, urine dipstick.
what organism causes Q-fever
coxiella burnetti
what does every abattoir worker have
Q fever
How is Q fever diagnosed
blood test - IgM titres peak at 4-6 weeks
Do LFTs and TOUS if endocarditis is suspected
id Q fever notifiable
- in certain settings (abatoir) workers should be offered Qvax.
management of BCC
<1cm = electrodessication and curretage
>1cm = surgical excision with 1mm margin
which form of melanoma has least favourable prognosis
what is the margin needed for melanoma excision
1cm margin if <1mm Breslow depth
2cm margin if >1mm Breslow depth
what is the most common form of melanoma
superficial spreading
- torso in men
- legs in women
Dx - usually 30-50yo
where are BCCs most commonly found
75-80% head and neck
remainder on limbs and trunk (areas of UVB exposure)
How is SCC treated
surgical excision with 5mm margin (can be less if frozen section clears margins)
first line test for male with urethral discharge
gram stain
first line test for female if suspect gonorrhea
endocervical swab for culture and sensitivity
men without discharge, suspected gonorrhea
urinalysis of first catch urine - if poitive for leukocytes treat.
what vaccinations are given at 2, 4 and 6 months
Hep B
when is MMR vaccine given
12 months and 4 years
when is varicella vaccine given
18 months and 12 years
when is DTP given
2, 4, 6 months
4 years
15 years
what are the old person immunisations?
influenza and pneumococcal (from 65 if white, from 50 if ATSI)
what is the window of cover for varicella vaccine
effective within 3 days of exposure
when should you report a death to the coroner
haven't attended GP for 3/12 prior
within 24 hours of anaesthetic
held in care
in custody
accident or injury

If you're not confident on cause of death need to report to coroner
what is the most common cause of tonsilitis in kids 5-15
viral (65-85%)
what should be ordered if glandular fever is suspected
rapid heterophile Ab testing
how should viral tonsilitis be treated
adequate fluid +/- analgesia (soluble aspirin, paracetamol)

if suspect bacterial - rapid strep Ag testing and throat culture.
Rx - penicillin V
what law states that a person >16 can consent to their own treatment
guardianship act
what is the HEADSS screen
home, hapits
education, employment, exercise
accidents, abuse, ambition, activities
Drugs, diet depression
what % of amputees experience phantom limb pain
pain that is shooting stabbing, boring - in an amputee
phantom = amytriptaline or gabapentin
burning, sharp, electric pain at stump of amputee
stump pain - nerve blocks/ surgery for treatment
at what level of spinal cord injury are you at risk of autonomic dysreflexia
how is autonomic dysreflexia managed
remove stimulus, control blood pressure
what components are included in the CVD risk calculator
age, gender, smoking status, total cholesterol/HDL ratio, systolic blood pressure.
what is 'normal' blood pressure

high normal = 120/80 -140/90
grade 2 = 160/100 - 180/110
grade 3 = >180/110
what is the initial management of HTN
weight reduction
diet and exercise
- at least 30 minutes at least 5 days/week
- smoking cessation
- male waist <94cm; female waist <80cm
- salt restriction <4g/day.