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66 Cards in this Set

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What is interdependence
The behavior of one person effecting all others "ripple effect"
Evading people
Lying or misleading people
treating people with disrespect
Person not feeling that interested in the other
Not considering what the other person has to say
Treating the other person like a stranger
Not paying attention to the other person
giving a person verbal and nonverbal clues that show uninterest
Being quiet or shy
Restrict topics
having limited conversation topic
shorten interaction
ending conversation as quickly as possible
hidden agenda
when a member's private goals conflict with the group's stated goal
Functional role
reflects behavior that are productive
dysfunctional roles
negative roles where individual needs are placed ahead of group or other member needs
all- channel network
largest number of interaction between members in a group where everyone shares
chain network
sequential flow of information & while efficient for simple message, break down when complex message are passed along
wheel network
dependent on a gatekeeper who facilitates the flow od information toward members
reward power
the authority to give group members somthing they value
the punishment resides in a job,position, assignment rather than the person
legitimate power
when power resides in job position, assignment rather than the person
expert power
those who have a specific skill or special knowledge
information power
someone can teach the group to reach a goal
referent power
role model -- gets power and respect
autocratic leaders
control of the group, they have authority
democratic leadership
practicing social equality
taking charge of group makes all decisions (BITCH)
task-motivated leadership
te job is more important then anything else
relationship- motivated leadership
friendship is more important then the work
Advantages of a working with a group
- more resources = better performance
- accuracy, challenging others, and critical thinking
-commitment and social satisfaction
disadvantages of working with a group
- time, energy, and resources
-messy work
decision making
single act of passing judgement and reaching a conclusion
problem solving
requires multiple steps and is more complex
Fisher's stages
1. orientation
2. conflict
3. emergence (fixing problems)
4.reinforcements (agreement)
mutual attraction andhas commitment to the group
Bormann and Bormann's strategies of COHESION
1.Establishing an identity & tradition
3.Rewarding work
When does groupthink happen
too much cohesion not enough critical thinking
when you strive so much that the goal is never reached and bad decisions happen
homogeneous group
everyone is the same or has a common thing
heterozygous group
diverse people in a group
Social norm
group members relate and communicate with each other
how well a group well a group will get it's work done
task/ achievement norm
groups quality and quantity of work expected
expectations for group members behavior
explicit norm
the statement of groups expectations
implicit norms
when expected group behavior is not talked about
behavior expected from group
initiator/contributor task role
contributes ideas and suggestions
information seeker
needs clarification or asks for information
information giver
gives facts that relate to group
opinion seeker
asks how everyone feels or any other inputs
opinion giver
states beliefs/opinion
elaborates ideas and other contributions or gently puts down another suggestion
clarifies relationship,info, ideas
task vs social orientation
task focuses on the job where social orientation revolves around feelings and emotions
information overload
when information gets too great to handle that its declines work
consensus (group)
when everyone agrees
majority controls (group)
majority of the group decides
expert opinion (group)
someone with knowledge about the decision
minority control (group)
subgroup makes decision

(i.e the president and the government)
authority rules
one person makes the rules

(i.e chelsea)
force field analysis
forces that benefit and hinder a group
fiedler's theory of leadership
when the participants position changes according to cirmcumstances
increases cohesiveness
(8 things)
- shared and compatible goals
- shared values/ norms
- progress in goals
- shared experiences
- mutual friendship
- threats from the group outside
- interdependence of group
-lack of threats from members
-avoid critism
- freewheeling ideas
- develop a large number of ideas
- combine ideas
graphic interpretation of the interaction group