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40 Cards in this Set

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the process of acting on information
humans are the only animals that can rationalize
human communication
the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating verbal and non verbal messages
a word, sound, gesture or visual image that represents a thought, concept, object or experience
the beliefs, values and moral principles by which we determine; what is right or wrong
the originator of a thought or emotion, who puts it in a code that can be understood by a receiver
the process of translating ideas, feelings, and thoughts into code
the process of interpreting ideas, feelings, and thoughts that have been translated into a code
the person who decode a message and attempts to make sense of what the source has encoded
written, spoken, and unspoken elements of communication to which people assign meaning
the pathway through which the messages are sent
the interference, either literal or psychological, that hinders he accurate encoding or decoding of a message
psychological noise
thinking about other things
physiological noise
how our body is working
physical noise
external noise in the environment
the response to a message
feedback can be
verbal,nonverbal,or written
synchronous or asynchronous
intentional or unintentional
the physical historical and psychological communication environment
physical context
where you are
social context
who is there
chronological context
the time(of day, week, month, year)
communication as transaction
when we communicate with each other we are constantly reacting to what our partner is saying and expressing
communication as an action
communication is linear, with meaning sent from source to receiver
communication as interaction
receiver of the message responds through feedback
mediated communication
any communication carried out using a channel other than face to face communication
asynchronous communication
communication in which timing is out of sync; there is a time delay between when the message is sent and when it is received
synchronous communication
communication in which messages occur in real time
characteristics of communication
emphasized content and relationships
governed by rules
not a panacea(cure all)
to adjust both what is communicated and how a message is communicated
interpersonal communication
communication that occurs simultaneously between two people who attempt to mutually influence each other
impersonal communication
communication that treats people as objects, or that responds only to their roles rather than who they are as unique people
a collection of people who have a common goal, feel a sense of belonging, and influence each other
small group communication
the transactive process of creating meaning among three to about fifteen people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging, and exert influence on one another
two interacting people
a coordinated group of people intentionally organized to work together to achieve a common goal
presentational communication
communication that occurs when a speaker addresses a gathering of people in order to inform, persuade, or entertain them
the process of using symbols to influence or persuade others
mass communication
communication accomplished through a mediated message that is sent to many people at one time
organizational communication
the study of communication as it occurs within organizations
heatlh communication
the study of communication that has an impact on health